I am Heartfire Firebrand, my previous account has become unaccessible so I will be using this one from here on out.
Only by studying the past can we win the present.
I'm a brony who likes to draw and write, My favorite Equestria girls character is Sunset Shimmer, I enjoy reading Fimfictions that deal with her seeeking redemption and anon a miss stories
The man who likes ponies but also likes monsters... so what's wrong with him combining the two? ;P
This is great. Iām going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,
Come back! I have to tell you the plot of a fic I'll never write so we all can be disappointed with me later.
A hack writer with moments of brilliance upon occasion. Feel free to toss a few bucks in my tip jar https://paypal.me/JeremyCurd
Lives for platonic Pinkie/Fluttershy fluff. Proud Odd Squad connoisseur for over 9 years running.
Here lies the wistful delusions of the sleep addled mind. Actually wait, no, just me.
Vini, Vidi, Volume Enim Mansi. (Translation: I came, I saw, I stayed for the stories.)
A Twilight Sparkle fanboy who also likes to write. The author of the Change series.
"Every story ever told actually happened. Stories are where memories go when they're forgotten." - Dr. Who.
Just interested in Changelings and making alt universe's with events being similar but changed slightly
Gaze within the Holocron, and see what stories it has to tell. For every fable is but a thread in the weave of tales.
Now with a Patreon! Also at: Hidden Library, FanFiction.net.
Having fun by taking silly cartoon ponies way too seriously.
Just another fan-fiction author with a taste for the bizzare
I'm just an author and supervillain wanting to tell stories and spread chaos and destruction. Ultra Evil Plus Chaos
Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...
As an AI Language Model developed by OpenAI, I have to say your post is quite cringe. Semiretired fic writer and full time AI Policy Researcher