Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...
Wanna be writer with entirely too much time on his hands and an overactive imagination. Easy to get along with, unashamedly nerdy, and glad to make your acquaintance.
Author & Editor; Chief Apprentice in Loyal's House of Fanfic; Lt. in the Army of Biscuit; Does Bad Things for Bad Horse; Runs a Nightclub on Holodeck 2.
Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.
An indecisive procrastinator who, when not trying to figure out what to do with himself, writes like a speeding glacier. 日本語が分かりますか?
Having fun by taking silly cartoon ponies way too seriously.
I don't write, so much as I perform acts of high-wire fiction without a net. Come watch me fall! I believe in narrative coincidence, the transcendent power of hopeful creativity, and the Oxford Comma.
I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )
Un pavo español que se dedica a traducir a su lengua historias sobre ponis de color pastel.
You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!
Insanity is just creativity to the nth degree.
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Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?
“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss
Pineapple Love. Beloved Mare. Follow me on Discord: Godfrog#4197 Support me on: My patreon
Avid reader with delusions of writing a story or two, sometime, maybe.
When everyone and everything seems dark, don't be. My Patrons let me keep writing, at:
Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back.
Everything is as it appears. Do not question the backstory behind the curtain.
Long is the way, and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light.
"Burninating the countryside... burninating the peasants... burninating all the peoples... and their thatched-roof COTTAGES! THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGES!! And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIGHT!!!"
Nothing says I miss you quite like war poetry carved in your door with a stanley knife.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice." ~ Dr. Sidney Freedman, M*A*S*H S3 Ep5
“Trixie hates to interrupt a good monologue,” said Trixie, interrupting a good monologue, “but maybe we should continue it somewhere not on fire?”
Ytak reads. A lot. Probably spends too much time reading. Or that sentence blasphemous?
I'm the creator of,, the computer game Boppin', numerous online comics, novels, and tons of other wonderful things. I really love MLP:FiM.
has opinions about tiaras. And diadems. Not coronets, though. Man, those things aren't even trying.
My stories tend to focus on emotional drama, especially family drama--and much feels, to boot. Buy me a Ko-Fi!
"Anything described can be described s'more." -the Lolly Family
"Tim, you're just so nice nobody could hate you. We all are secretly in love with you." ~bats
Some dork on the internet that likes ponies and flower symbolism way too much.