• Member Since 9th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 18 minutes ago


Pineapple Love. Beloved Mare. Follow me on Discord: Godfrog#4197 Support me on: My patreon https://ko-fi.com/nailah


A vicious thunderstorm wracks a desert in Equestria. Torch is flying in said storm and is struck, holding a precious gem that mattered the most. Meanwhile Thunderhooves and his wife are dealing with a pregnancy while the world around them is storming. This is how they meet, in a show of strength where none was thought to be found.

A strength that Little Strongheart knew all too well, a strength that bore fruit from something so fragile and so small, yet it was the strongest one of them all.

Written as a Gift for TCC56

Prereader: Soaring

Editor: Dreams of Ponies

Art credit: https://www.deviantart.com/huussii

Chapters (1)

Originally I wanted to write this for the 1000 words contest but I just had no motivation to work on it at that time.

Description: Chitter needs a date to understand the meaning of real love, but they have no idea how any of these apps are supposed to help them!

Please note: Chitter is Non-binary please if you see any mistakes, I or my pre-readers missed let us know!

Pre-readers: Queen Chryssy , Applezombi

Editor: Dreams

Cover art by: daOtterGuy

Chapters (1)

Gallus has to attend a dinner with the other guards in the mess hall, there's just one problem, he forgot to get a date!

Breezie story for: Athlon2736
for Jinglemas 2023

Pre-read by: Shakes

Art credit by: Darksly-z

Chapters (1)

 It’s Hearth’s warming eve, and the Cutie mark crusaders had a big holiday party for all of their fellow classmates. Pipsqueak talks to Dinky about what she’s doing for the holidays.

He also tells her how much he wants to make a name for himself, be some pony someday, like how the Crusaders inspire so many ponies.

Pre-reader: Chryssy

This is a Breezie gift for: The Iguana Man for Jinglemas 2023

Art by: skyheavens

Chapters (1)

This story was inspired by the Poem
"Twas the Night" before Christmas.
I felt inspired to try my hand/hoof at this, I hope you all enjoy!

Pre-reader: Calypso

This was a BREEZIE assignment for Unity Bringer for Jinglemas 2023

Art credit: Elsia-pony

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wants to get Pinkie Pie a very special hearth's warming gift, but is unaware of the surprise Pinkie has for her.

Pre-read by: Greatazuredragon

Edited by: Dreams of Ponies

Written for [SuperWriter2329] for Jinglemas 2023

Chapters (1)

Gabby goes to the CMC in a time of need, wanting to spread cheer through Griffonstone for Hearth's Warming.

Pre-reader: QueenChrysalisForever
Editor: Dreams of Ponies
Art: Source

Breezie Written for Hammerhead for Jinglemas 2022

Chapters (1)

Gallus and Silverstream have been dating awhile, so that makes finding just the right gift all that much harder. Because what do you get for that special some creature in your life that truly captures the way you feel?

Pre-read by: Short-Tale and Queen Chryssy

Editor: Dreams of Ponies

art source: artz

Written for Athlon2736 for Jinglemas 2022

Chapters (1)

It hasn't been easy for Sprout. Alone, and forgotten, he wonders if any creature cares, and then He shows up at his door.

Prereaders: Bike, QueenChrysalisforever, and Applezombi

No editor at this time.

Art byChocchipPon

Chapters (1)

Starlight debates through a series of moments if she's good enough for Trixie.

An In-Direct Sequel to Bag of Tricks
Knowledge of the prequel is not required to enjoy this story, but recommended for full enjoyment.

Pre-Readers- Sleepless Beholder, Apple,
Queen Chryssy

Editor: LysandorsD

Chapters (1)