The MaretianMark Watney is stranded- the only human on Mars. But he's not alone- five astronauts from a magical kingdom are shipwrecked with Kris Overstreet
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Earth & SkySequel to Windfall, set three years after. Twilight & Rarity invent artificial wings!by Warren Hutch
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TriptychWhen a new mission for the Element-Bearers (from an unexpected source) arrives three weeks after Twilight's ascension, she finds herself forced to confront a pair of questions: what truly makes an alicorn? And what happens if it goes wrong?by Estee
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The Lunar RebellionOne hundred years after Luna’s banishment, unrest among the three pony tribes threatens to plunge Equestria into civil Chengar Qordath
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Naked LunchDo you know what Canterlot really needs to make the city complete? A big, bright, well-lit butcher Estee
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On a Cross and ArrowTwilight and her five friends are transported across dimensions to... Ponyville, Equestria? But not the same one they Conner Cogwork
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The Moonstone CupTwilight is invited to Canterlot to compete with some of the greatest unicorns in Equestria!by Cyanide
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InternAnt Mill is a college student, stuck in a dead-end internship she took just to fulfill her requirements. All she does is wish she was somewhere else, but when she has a chance encounter with the Princess of Friendship herself, all that GaPJaxie
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The New CropWith the Apple family deep in debt, Big Mac climbs into the ring once again to save the farm. Now all that’s between him and the two-thousand-bit winner’s purse is some unicorn named Blueblood. Things are about to get xjuggernaughtx
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History RepeatsThe return of an ancient threat spurs the Ponies to seek out an ancient ally... but is she still the heroine she once was?by SaddlesoapOpera
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