• Member Since 24th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen Jan 12th, 2023


Blog Posts

  • 122 weeks
    Age Of The Main 6 During Pilot

    I saw an episode of Cutie Mark Laboratories that covered this & was inspired to go into my thoughts on the matter.

    The episode Point Of No Return established that all months are 28 days. 13 x 28 = 364. If you assume that ponies have an intercalary day (perhaps the Summer Sun Celebration) then their year is 365 days.

    IMO, either is close enough to an Earth year to use to measure lifespans.

    I think the first 3 show seasons cover 1 year because

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    1 comments · 101 views
  • 128 weeks

    ...that turned down roles that brought fame to others. The internet had a list but IMO they left out a few.
    The Wizard Of Oz
    It was originally supposed to star W C Fields and Shirley Temple. Shirley's mother didn't want her around Fields (a drunk). Then Fields' health didn't permit him to make the movie.

    It was Judy Garland's most famous role. The movie was nominated for 5 Oscars including Best Picture. (Lost to Gone With The Wind)

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Age Of The Main 6 During Pilot · 2:35am Mar 24th, 2022

I saw an episode of Cutie Mark Laboratories that covered this & was inspired to go into my thoughts on the matter.

The episode Point Of No Return established that all months are 28 days. 13 x 28 = 364. If you assume that ponies have an intercalary day (perhaps the Summer Sun Celebration) then their year is 365 days.

IMO, either is close enough to an Earth year to use to measure lifespans.

I think the first 3 show seasons cover 1 year because

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Report Sweetolebob16 · 101 views ·
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Thank you for adding Fallout Equestria: Songs of Hope! I can't wait to show you where the story goes next :D

Thank you for adding Trixie and Prince Charming. It's an honor. :twilightblush:

Thanks for the follow!

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