• Member Since 29th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


has opinions about tiaras. And diadems. Not coronets, though. Man, those things aren't even trying.


Welcome to Cloudsdale Masterpost · 2:55am February 6th

A friendly city in the sky where the sun is a pony, the moon is also a pony, and mysterious piezoelectric golems pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep.

Welcome... to Cloudsdale.


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Report Murcushio · 129 views ·
Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11

Happenstance led me back to this comment you left once, and it occurred to me to let you know--the distinction you made about when coalition-building happens crystallized the concept in a way that has stuck with me ever since, and has seriously influenced how I think about political reform concepts.

So thanks for leaving such thoughtful comments lying around. I continue to appreciate it.

2249486 Eh, we're active in enough of the same threads I feel like it is warranted. Us non-story-writing loudmouths need to stick together.

2252643 You've got a real talent for comedic timing and naturalistic dialogue you ought to be proud of, and I love, and I do mean love, a good farce. You remind me of a less over-the-top Aragon.

Good afternoon. Thanks for having a look at my story! I always appreciate attention.

Well, I wasn't expecting reciprocation. Cheers.

Now we'll both stay up-to-date on our no content. :pinkiecrazy:

We'll see about that once some output is provoked. :raritywink: But thank you, and I do hope to see (more) words from you!

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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