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Coyote de La Mancha

YouTuber, with a tip jar and a Patreon!


This tale is a sequel to If You Would Friend a Tiger. However, it also leans on the lore of its timeline more than most of my stories. I therefore recommend that readers at least be familiar with Cadence of the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle Was Shot, and When All Your Wishes are Granted. The story also refers to A Canterlot Wedding from the television series.

Years ago, she was defeated at a royal wedding by the ponies of Equestria.

Before that, she was both destroyed and brought into being by a young pegasus named Cadence.

And centuries before her birth, the Two Sisters and their precious Elements...


Princesses. Bearers of Elements. Nobility, all. And all of them so secure in their pathetic, sadistic victories over her.

Over. And over. And over again.

But this time, things will be different.

This time, behold her greatest plan. Her final ambition. Her most magnificent failure. Victory is irrelevant; her enemies’ deaths are all she requires, broken and in agony.

With her madness fully unleashed, Queen Chrysalis begins The Last Changeling War.

Cover art by Zig-Word on DeviantArt.

And, of course, the seminal story that starts it all begins here.

Part of the Sunset Rising Continuity.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Back To School. It draws most upon the events of Twilight Sparkle Was Shot, When All Your Wishes Are Granted, and Reunions and Laments.

A few months ago, at the beginning of summer, Twilight Sparkle was shot in a mall. She survived. Now, the authorities have captured the perpetrator. Twilight is quite surprised to hear this. But then, so is the young lady who shot her.

The only way to prevent an innocent girl from being punished in her stead is for Sunrise Shimmer to return to the human world and confess. But she has made friends and family since that fateful day. Princesses, teenage musicians, ponies, and even Twilight Sparkle herself.

Both of them.

And they’re not letting her go without a fight.

Content note: suicide / self harm is briefly discussed but is not shown in this tale, nor does it occur within this story.

Chronology note: this story takes place towards the beginning of Season Six. In this timeline, Starlight is not Twilight’s apprentice.

This continuity continues in If You Would Friend a Tiger.

And, of course, the seminal story that starts it all begins here.

Part of the Sunset Rising Continuity.

Special thanks to Dave Bryant for the creation of Lectern’s New and Used Books, and of Mr. Lectern himself.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to The Black Rainbow Concert

After having most of the summer to gain her bearings, Sunrise settles down to explore her new life in Equestria. New friends, a new marefriend, even magic lessons (as frustrating as those continue to be)... all under the tutelage of the Princess of Friendship. Life is good.

Plus, much to Twilight Sparkle’s delight, Sunrise Shimmer has become Ms. Cheerilee's teaching assistant. At least, assuming her first day goes well.

Of course, the first day is often the most challenging.

Chronology note: this story takes place towards the beginning of Season Six. In this timeline, Starlight is not Twilight’s apprentice.

This continuity continues in No One for the Gallows But Me.

Part of the Sunset Rising Continuity.

Chapters (8)

In the twining of divergent universes, this tale is a point where the two
Sister Timelines share a common fanfic.
In the Elsequestria timeline, this story follows In Vino Veritas.
In Sunset Rising, this story follows Moon Childe.
However, it also stands alone quite nicely.

Celestia is well aware that her treatment of Twilight Sparkle at the royal wedding left something to be desired.

The Sun Princess has therefore determined that an apology is the very least of what she owes. It is certainly a place to start. But... how does she even begin? For the first time in untold ages, she finds that she doesn’t know what to say.

Luna has a suggestion. And, dubiously at first, Celestia begins to put pen to parchment.

This story takes place a few days after A Canterlot Wedding, between Seasons Two and Three.

The Elsequestria timeline continues from here with Equestria Mares: Princess Celestia’s Secret Apprentice.

The Sunset Rising timeline continues from here with Twilight Sparkle Was Shot.

And, of course, the seminal story that starts it all begins here.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Black Rainbow Concert

Wait... who did open for Black Rainbow, anyway?

What happened after they left the stage?

Yes, this is canon. But it’s also just for fun. :twilightsmile:

This continuity continues in Back to School.

Part of the Sunset Rising Continuity.

Chapters (1)

In their youth, Mr. and Mrs. Cake traveled from one end of Equus to the other, and they saw a lot of strange things. Now they’ve settled down in Ponyville, and the strangeness comes to them.

So, welcome to a place where other dimensions not only touch, but know each other’s safety words. Where pastry magic is as powerful as the magic of friendship, the stars are merely raindrops looking for a place to fall, and “canon” is just what you do in the daylight.

Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s Crosstime Bakery.

Here. Have a pastry.


Inspired by Spider Robinson’s Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon and an offhand comment by FanOfMostEverything.

This anthology is not part of my other continuities. That being said, it touches on a variety of verses, and guest spots are possible. As is usual with my stories, all episodes (aside from most of Season 8) are part of this canon unless directly contradicted.

Finally, I have no plans for this collection of little tales to be finished, so there’s no sense in waiting for it to be “complete” before reading.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Reunions and Laments

Black Rainbow is a unicorn shock rocker with a tempestuous reputation. So, when the CMC wanted to attend one of his concerts, Sunrise volunteered to chaperone. Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight all thought this was an excellent idea.

They had all forgotten that, even for someone from another world, Sunrise has an unusual perspective on things.

When the concert ends, the discussions begin. Suddenly, the jury is out on just how excellent that idea was. Sunrise’s explanations may or may not be helping her case.

(Content note: narcotics, or “bad alchemy,” are discussed by the main characters but not used by any characters directly depicted.)

Artwork by Sixes_and_Sevens. Please check out their excellent artwork and stories.

This continuity continues in Back to School.

Chronology Note: This story takes place at the beginning of Season Six. In this timeline, Starlight is not Twilight’s apprentice.

Part of the Sunset Rising Continuity.

Chapters (1)

This story follows How About Because I Love You, but also stands on its own.

It was hardly a mystery that Rarity was innocent of murder. And, for Prince Blueblood, the true identity of the culprit was also easily surmised.

But the evidence against Rarity was compelling. Compelling enough, in fact, that a case would have to be built against the true murderer for Rarity to go free. The problem was that Blueblood had no idea how they’d done it, or even why.

With time running out, and both their lives on the line, Blueblood must find the true solution to the murder of Filthy Rich. For if he fails, his aunts will have no choice but to pass sentence upon one of their dearest friends… and upon him, as well.

Chronological note: this story takes place towards the end of Season Five, a bit over two years after Rarity and Prince Blueblood first met at the Grand Galloping Gala.

Comments note: by the very nature of the story, a lot of the comments discussing its unfolding plot contain potential spoilers. Some have been masked, some have not. Please be advised.

(This timeline continues in The Apple Jamboree.)

Part of the Elsequestria Continuity.

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Doesn’t, In Vino Veritas, Equestria Mares, and The Real Question, in that order.
The stories of this timeline are linked together for convenience.

Twilight and Applejack have been together, more or less, since shortly after their first Grand Galloping Gala. It was a slow and careful process, but as they grew closer together they were able to make it work.

Then, Twilight became an alicorn. She journeyed to an alien world, met Princess Celestia’s first apprentice, and saved the world. And through it all, Twilight has been becoming more distant, more withdrawn. And recently, more defensive.

Whatever the reason, Applejack can feel their relationship crumbling around them. But she is determined to not let it go without a fight... or at least without knowing why.

Chronology Note: This story takes place about halfway through Season Four.

This timeline continues in Murder at the Rarity Boutique.

Part of the Elsequestria Continuity.

Chapters (1)

This story follows No One for the Gallows But Me, but also stands alone.

Long ago, Princess Luna formed a son from her own mystical essence, named Jack. She also, in what was to become the custom of new Equestrian parents, made him a tiny stuffed animal.

Since then, Equestrians have made a wide variety of stuffed toys for their children. Being ponies, very few have ever made toy predators.

Which is ironic, since Princess Luna made for her son... a tiger.

This is his story. Or at least, a story about a few of the lives he touched. And yes, some of the chapters are quite small. But then, he was a very small tiger.

Artwork by Sixes_and_Sevens. Please check out their excellent artwork and stories.

Jack also has his own story, Moon Childe.

(Chronology Note: Chapter Seven takes place at the end of Season Six, between the stories to either side of this one. The epilogue takes place, well, quite some time after that.)

This continuity continues in The Last Changeling War.

And, of course, the seminal story that starts it all begins here.

Part of the Sunset Rising Continuity.

Chapters (8)