• Member Since 17th Jan, 2018
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Coyote de La Mancha

YouTuber, with a tip jar and a Patreon!


Latest TBC Chapter · 7:17am Last Wednesday

Up until this point of Taking Back Canterlot, we’ve seen the perspective of the Rainbooms, and some of the people who care about them.

But now, it’s time for a small peek - just a small one - into the point of view of Trixie, the Great and Powerful. And a few hints as to just how, exactly, she came to be who she is today.

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Pondering Story Length: Opinions, Please. · 4:52am Last Wednesday

So, Taking Back Canterlot is approaching 50K words, and I am beginning to contemplate splitting the story into multiple published thingies.

(Pardon my technical terminology. :derpytongue2: )

A length of 50K words is usually considered a good length for a novel. I’m looking at this beast being well over 100K words by the time I am done.

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New Taking Back Canterlot Chapter · 3:03pm Last Monday

New chapter for Taking Back Canterlot is now available for your enjoyment!


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Castle Aargh. · 11:23pm Last Sunday

So, due to technical difficulties, today's stream started out late and a little rough. :facehoof:

But we got it out there, dammit, and if you can give it a listen (or a watch) that would be awesome. :fluttershysad:


If you can, please help out Lucky Seven. · 7:40pm Last Sunday


The Key Is a Lie: Godrick the Golden and the Search for Endless Prawn · 3:22am July 20th

Greetings, gentle viewers and listeners! :moustache:

This Sunday, Godrick will continue his explorations of the... swamp? ...of Liurnia. :rainbowderp:

There is a lot on his plate now. The academy, the key, the thing below his castle... :facehoof:

But first, he has to be strong enough. :rainbowdetermined2:

In any case, the stream starts at about 4 PM CST, and can of course be watched anytime after that as a video. :twilightblush:

See you then! :twilightsmile:

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Semi-Random Thoughts · 7:28pm July 14th

So, what if Equestria Girls was an isekai? Or, I guess, a kind of reverse isekai, since the pony would die and find herself as a human.

Then again, I think I saw something like that go by, only with Sunset Shimmer. At least, judging by its title. I should probably read that. I have it marked, I just haven’t been able to do much reading of late. (Curses.)

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Raiders of the Lost Turtle and the Sorceress Sellen · 5:42am July 14th

Greetings, gentle viewers and listeners! :coolphoto:

It is time to locate the Talisman of Turtles Or Whatever. :moustache:

I don't know exactly where it is; it's been a long time, and in my previous life I was only distantly interested in such matters. But I do know that it's secreted in a set of ruins, somewhere south of my castle. :rainbowdetermined2:

(looks at map filled with ruins) :rainbowhuh:

Oh. Oh, dear. :rainbowderp:

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Chapters Divide Like Single-Celled Organisms. · 11:14am July 13th

It just keeps happening. :facehoof:

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BROYOTE · 12:45am July 7th

So, this Sunday, in response to recent US Supreme Court madness, there will be a period of catharsis. :rainbowwild:

And following that catharsis, there shall be a sincere and mature assessment of recent events. An in-depth analysis, if you will, of the contemptable greedheads who have, once again, just in time for the Fourth of July, crapped all over the idea of maintaining a democratic society. And so, in quiet dignity and grace... :rainbowderp:

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