• Member Since 17th Jan, 2018
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Coyote de La Mancha

YouTuber, with a tip jar and a Patreon!


So, we're not alone here, is what I'm sayin'. · 3:27am July 4th

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Not quite a new chapter yet. · 3:05am July 3rd

So, I just split the last chapter I published into two smaller ones. I just felt it was a bit bloated the way it was, and I wanted the pacing offered by dividing it.

So if you get a notice that I’ve dropped a new chapter... not yet, gentle readers! Not quite yet! :twilightsmile:

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New Taking Back Canterlot Chapter! · 3:02am July 1st

Salutations, all!

A new chapter of Taking Back Canterlot has now been published.

Also... you know how, before, I was talking about how I had a chapter divide into two?

Yeah. I was so innocent in my far-off youth.

This time it split into something like... four.

I obviously need help. Please send cookies and cake immediately.


Wolfriders Are Awesome and Sir Gideon Is Still an Evil Twit · 11:59pm June 29th

Greetings, all you gentle viewers and listeners! :raritystarry:

In this Sunday's episode, I shall boldly make my way through the treacherous sinking swamp of Liurnia, now more formally called "Liurnia of the Lakes.":raritywink:

I shall cast down every foe, and I shall brave every obstacle in my path. I shall take every stronghold in my path. :rainbowdetermined2:

Very, very carefully. :rainbowlaugh:

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Honest Question, Honest. · 5:11pm June 27th

Hey, all...

If you set fire to a poppy field, are you releasing narcotics into the air?

Put another way, how much processing is needed to make poppy juice into opium?

Also, how ripe do the poppies need to be?

Asking due to an upcoming chapter that I’d like to avoid having completely inaccurate information.

Thank you.


The Sorcerer Rogier · 11:17am June 22nd

Greetings, gentle viewers and listeners! :trollestia:

In this Sunday's episode, Godrick will finally introduce himself properly to the mage who helped him against Margit the Fell Omen, back just before Our Hero entered Stormveil Castle. :pinkiesmile:

His name is Rogier, and he's pretty cool. :pinkiehappy:

There's also going to be other adventuring, as I seek greater strength to eventually overcome the Thing beneath my castle, and unravel its secrets. :raritywink:

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Hah! Kinda. · 8:40pm June 16th

Welp, the last chapter of Taking Back Canterlot if finished. Likewise the next-to-last.

Now for the forty or so chapters in-between. :rainbowlaugh:


This Is a Bucket. · 12:16pm June 15th

Greetings, gentle viewers and listeners! :yay:

In this Sunday's episode, we return to the life of Stanley, and the Narrator who tries to dominate his life. :fluttershysad:

Maybe I should just do what I'm told this time. Give the poor guy a break. :fluttercry:

. . . :facehoof:

Naaaaahhhhh! :twilightsheepish:

In any case, the stream starts at about 4 PM CST, and can of course be watched anytime after that as a video. :moustache:

See you then! :twilightsmile:

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, · 12:02pm June 15th

You need little teeny eyes for reading little teeny print like you need little teeny banjos for bluegrass bluetail skinks.

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The End is Never the End · 7:03am June 9th

So, apparently, I'm going in blind once again. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm not sure what this Sunday portends. Probably the rest of you know more about this game than I do. I understand that it's relatively short and well-known, but I've never played it, so NO SPOILERS PLEASE! :raritywink:

Anyway, the stream starts at about 4 PM CST, and can of course be watched anytime after that as a video. :twilightblush:

See you then! :twilightsmile:

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