• Member Since 20th Sep, 2011
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I used to be relevant!


Twilight's Book Nook Registration Open! · 6:05am June 23rd

Okay, folks, it’s that time again — Everfree Northwest 2024 is fast approaching, and Twilight’s Book Nook is opening registration. Last year’s was a blast and we’d love to do it again. If you’d like to make paperback or hardback prints of your ponyfic available at the best MLP convention for authors, this is the place to do it!

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Lulu Black Friday/Cyber Monday Coupon and Ponyfeather Publishing Release: The Last Enemy that Shall Be Destroyed · 3:51am Nov 25th, 2023

Lulu has announced this year's Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal -- use coupon code TWINKLE30 to save 30% on print orders through Tuesday, November 28th. This includes all Ponyfeather Publishing releases, as well as many Friends of PFP releases.

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Ponyfeather Publishing Releases: Everfree Northwest Titles, and other book news · 2:30am Sep 11th, 2023

The following titles are now available for direct online ordering via PFP's website:

  • For the Love of Faust
  • The Vault Interviews
  • The Enchanted Kingdom by Monochromatic
  • Gods of Old and New by Daetrin
  • Yours Truly and Other Stories by Thanqol
  • Mendacity by Dromicosuchus

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Ponyfeather Publishing Release: For the Love of Faust · 8:15pm Aug 27th, 2023

I announced this book last month in my Everfree Northwest 2023 release round-up, but I felt it deserved a standalone post announcing its online availability.

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Ponyfeather Publishing Releases: Everfree Northwest 2023 · 2:20am Jul 25th, 2023

I've had a busy year preparing for Twilight's Book Nook at Everfree Northwest, and a big part of that has been finalizing new Ponyfeather titles to debut there. The Book Nook's inventory is winding its way through Fedex's network as we speak, and with just a couple weeks to go it seemed like an appropriate time to announce what you can look forward to in August.

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PONY Legacy Print Update · 10:13pm Jun 30th, 2023

Was pleasantly surprised that more than a handful of folks were interested in a print!

I've gone ahead and set the edition size at 50, which I think should be more than enough to cover everyone who expressed interest, any stragglers who show up later, plus anyone who's interested in it at Everfree.

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Any interest in a print of PONY Legacy? · 4:00am May 30th, 2023

I've been kicking this idea around for a while and decided to actually pull the trigger on it.

I'd like to do a print of PONY Legacy. Unlike most Ponyfeather Publishing titles, this will be a limited run -- each book will be signed by me, hand-numbered, and made out to you specifically if you like. As a limited, personalized book, each copy will be $40 plus shipping. I'm also hoping it can include a soft enamel pin, because I love pins (more on that in a bit).

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Bookstore Signup Final Reminder · 8:15pm Apr 30th, 2023

If you've been putting it off for whatever reason, now's the time! We'll be closing registration for the Book Nook whenever I remember to shut the form off tomorrow within 24 hours! So if you're thinking about making ponyfic prints available at Everfree this August, make sure you sign up today:

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Bookstore Signup Reminder · 6:39pm Apr 10th, 2023

Hey folks, just wanted to remind you that if you'd like to offer your ponyfic prints at Twilight's Book Nook in August, you've got three weeks left to sign up!

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A Bookstore Booth at EFNW 2023 · 2:08pm Mar 12th, 2023

This is something I've been thinking about for the past couple years, and while chatting with Wanderer D and Corejo at the con last year, I found out they'd been thinking about it too -- so we decided to make it happen.

This year at Everfree Northwest, we'll be running a bookstore booth: Twilight's Book Nook!

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