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Lulu Black Friday/Cyber Monday Coupon and Ponyfeather Publishing Release: The Last Enemy that Shall Be Destroyed · 3:51am Nov 25th, 2023

Lulu has announced this year's Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal -- use coupon code TWINKLE30 to save 30% on print orders through Tuesday, November 28th. This includes all Ponyfeather Publishing releases, as well as many Friends of PFP releases.

Cynewulf's The Night Is Passing was one of Ponyfeather Publishing's initial dozen releases for BronyCon 2019, but it is a doorstopper -- three volumes, over 1300 pages, over half a million words -- and I've always liked the idea of doing a single volume that collects some of the rest of her prodigious output.

Happily, we were able to do just that. The Last Enemy that Shall Be Destroyed debuted last weekend at Ponyville Ciderfest's bookstore, and is now available for direct online ordering just in time to take advantage of Lulu's coupon.

Cynewulf wrote a foreword for the collection, and selected these stories:

Shoutout to Maxiima for their lovely cover art as well!

Comments ( 4 )

Yo, I picked this bad boy up at Ciderfest, and it was sick. I'm so happy with the selection and presentation this book had. Top notch stuff yet again, Mr. Dash.

Site Blogger

It is my pleasure! Glad you grabbed one. :twilightsmile:

Tysm for your work with PFP! On the subject of Cynewulf, I was wondering about the status of the Night is Passing ebook? I’d love an updated copy of the text! It’s one of my favourite pieces of fiction ever, full stop, so I’m thrilled to have my physical copy of it 💞

Site Blogger

The status is


(I swear to god I will get to the ebooks eventually, IRL responsibilities and other things keep taking up my time, but I have every intention of getting to that when I can; will do a blog post when they're available. Sorry!)

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