• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 12 minutes ago

Comma Typer

Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?


Signal Boost: Lucky Seven Needs Our Luck · 1:45pm July 18th

Lucky Seven got hit by COVID and may be unable to pay this month's bills without additional help. For those who want to and are able to help, here's the Ko-Fi link. The goal is $500. Yes, it has surpassed that as of writing this, but every little bit still helps, and I admit, I am very late to signal-boosting this.

Report Comma Typer · 17 views · #SignalBoost

Signal Boost: SilverNotes in Need · 1:23am July 4th

Long story short, SilverNotes may not be able to pay the 400 CAD on credit card payments before July 8 without help from friends. Here is the Ko-Fi link,; if you want to commission a story from Silver or get editing services from them, you can over here; and over

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Mid-June 2024 Update · 1:39pm June 20th

The Trixie-focused [MANTUA] continues at a somewhat reasonable pace of one and a half pages edited per day. Out of fifty-three (so Libreoffice Writer reports), though of course, this is just the beginning... I can (and should) speed up as I pick up the pace once more.

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Signal Boost 2: Estee's Medical Bell Continues · 1:59am June 18th

Estee has posted a follow-up blog to the announcement that they're in the ER with kidney stones. While Estee has gotten treatment, the bill is still up in the air, and it might get lower or higher, so quick one: here's Estee's Patreon link and then on the other side,

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Report Comma Typer · 27 views · #SignalBoost

Signal Boost: Estee Ringing the (Medical) Bell · 3:14pm June 16th

Estee is in the ER with a kidney stone per the blog post, and here's Estee's Ko-Fi link to pay for the medical bills. It should go without saying that having a kidney stone isn't an easy experience, so if you can, let's help a friend out in easing at least the financial pressure!

Report Comma Typer · 44 views · #SignalBoost

Early June 2024 Update · 2:51pm June 13th

The first draft of the Trixie-focused [MANTUA] is complete. I've started revisions, but given that it appears as over fifty pages long on LibreOffice, I do hope that I can get this done as soon as possible without a loss of quality.

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Late May (and a bit of June) 2024 Update · 2:44pm June 4th

Writing continues to be slow but at least consistent. I've charted out all the scenes for the Trixie-focused [MANTUA], and what's left before the first draft can be finished is to actually flesh out everything. There are still gaps but that's where... slightly less story-important stuff is.

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Signal Boost: Muggony's Sister in Need of Emergency Rent/Savings Help · 4:06pm May 25th


Mid-May 2024 Update: Test Drive · 2:10pm May 21st

Writing has gone a bit slower than usual as I am taking up some driving lessons. Reading hasn't gone down yet, as I am going through MagicS's Applejack at the Edge of the World.

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Signal Boost: SilverNotes's Help (both "in need of" and "a fellow Discord stream") · 12:59pm May 13th

SilverNotes's financial situation for May isn't looking good, but while I can share both Notes' Ko-Fi and Patreon links so that help can be sent their way, they've explicitly said they want to give back.

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Report Comma Typer · 70 views · #SignalBoost