• Member Since 16th Jul, 2023
  • offline last seen November 22nd

13 Potatoes

A badly written published story is better than a perfect unpublished one.

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  • 38 weeks
    Update. Arc 3 in Progress

    Hello there Hi.

    I have been busy with exams, and homework, and more exams. I am also working on my original piece, which I intend to publish one day. However, I have gotten a good portion of the third arc written down. After some thinking, I decided this arc should be a slower arc, a way for me to pace myself. I also think it is a good practice for my future writing projects, to know when to slow down. I am making good progress on it, and am still alive.

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    0 comments · 75 views
  • 49 weeks
    Wish I had an Editor Lol

    Hello there Hi.
    If you haven't noticed, I have released the first two parts of the Ninkasi arc.
    However, after reading through the second part, I realized there were some discrepancies, like how Bon Bon overhead them literally mention the Witchblade and then have no recollection of it later. I had to go back and change it and also fix some other issues with the other chapters.

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  • 53 weeks
    Update. Exams and Homework are Killing me

    Just wanted to give a quick update. As you know, it's nearly December, which means that it is nearly Christmas. However, as you might also know, this is also exam month for everyone. Studying for the friggin exams is breaking my spine, and it doesn't help that TWO projects have been added to it, furthering my descent into madness. There is also a homework assignment that I am stuck on.
    Don't worry! I am still alive and breathing. I shall release the second arc soon^tm.

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  • 55 weeks
    Arc 2 In Progress

    Hello there Hi.
    Just giving a brief status update.
    I am now working on the second arc of the story!!!
    I'm super excited and have finished one chapter already. However, I am holding onto it in case I need to edit some parts out or change specific plot points.
    Just wished to give a brief heads-up because it's always annoyed me when other fanfic authors would go completely radio silent. I'm on the journey, too, when writing this story, with only a very slim outline to work with.

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Update. Arc 3 in Progress · 4:31am March 19th

Hello there Hi.

I have been busy with exams, and homework, and more exams. I am also working on my original piece, which I intend to publish one day. However, I have gotten a good portion of the third arc written down. After some thinking, I decided this arc should be a slower arc, a way for me to pace myself. I also think it is a good practice for my future writing projects, to know when to slow down. I am making good progress on it, and am still alive.

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Report 13 Potatoes · 75 views · Story: The Witchblade: Origins ·
Comments ( 1 )
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Hey! Thank you for the Favourite on The Phoenix and the Headstone :twilightsmile: If you'd like something lighter why not try The Infinite Office Of Destiny :pinkiesmile:

PS: Welcome to FimFic!

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