• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Gaze within the Holocron, and see what stories it has to tell. For every fable is but a thread in the weave of tales.

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Found 21 stories in 23ms

Total Words: 62,168
Estimated Reading: 4 hours

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Fluttershy is considered one of, if not the, nicest women in town. After graduating from Canterlot High, she had underwent a painful breakup. Now sitting on a bench, lamenting her choices, a man happens to notice her. It was her former classmate, Soarin, and he could tell she needed someone to talk to.

This is part of my 1K Challenge.
Everyone is 18+ years old.

Chapters (1)

Since graduating from Canterlot High, Twilight Sparkle has started dating her formed vice-principal, Luna. Though they've been close now, they want to eventually take things to the next level. But for now, a lovely date at the beach will be fun for the two.

This is part of my 1K Challenge
Everyone is 18+ years old.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to All they can do is Blame

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow have all been defeated, and are frozen in stone. Realization that they may never be free, or worse, may even die while sealed in stone, the three are nothing short of depressed and panicking. But this is not the end for them yet, as year later, a force has freed them from their prison. But is this new savor a friend or foe?

This is part of my 1K Challenge.

Chapters (1)

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow have all been defeated, and worse yet, imprisoned in stone by the combined powers of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Discord. Now that they are frozen in stone, they only have themselves. And the three are very quick to tell the other two as to why this is all their fault.

This is part of my 1K Challenge.

Chapters (1)

Prince Comet and Archex have been together for years now, their love growing over each passing day. It was on this special night that the two decide to watch the annual Meteor Showers.

This story is a Tribute to a dear friend's beloved partner, may they be reunited in the Heavens.
This is part of my 1K Challenge.

Chapters (1)

After so long of thinking, planning, and worrying, Rumble has finally worked up the courage to ask out his crush Flitter out on a date. While thinking about what could happen, worrying about being rejected, Rumble tries to think of the positive. He thinks of Flitter's lovely smile, gentle eyes, lovely body, and above all else, her beautiful hooves.

Contains: Hoof worship
The requester of this commission wishes to remain Anonymous.

Chapters (2)

Prince Blueblood has reached the age where he is to be married. But unfortunately, he is terribly picky about his bride. His Aunt, Princess Celestia has determined to find a suitable bride for Blueblood. She even goes so far as to set forth a challenge to any mare willing to try and court the young stallion.

This is part of my 1K Challenge, and the April 2017 Short fic contest: Fairy Tale hosted by SPark.

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are hanging out at the Carousel Boutique while Sweetie Bell is experimenting with opening magic portals. Surprisingly, she accidentally opens a portal to another dimension, releasing a swarm of tickle bugs. The Crusaders are then attacked by the bugs and can't stop them. Now, they have to figure out how to sent the tickle bugs back to their dimension while being tickled out of their minds.

This is a commission for MikeBrony

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's marriage was thought to be the happiest in Equestria, one that would last forever. But sadly it will not. Shining Armor lays dying in his bed. A strange illness has afflicted him and he does not have long. Despite warnings by the royal physicians, Cadance must go to see her beloved husband one more time.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor would not call his current life too complicated or stressful. But during one of Cadance and Chrysalis' arguments, the question "who has the sexiest rear?" was brought into question. Both mares, unwilling to let the other lose, it now falls to Armor to decide who has the most attractive rear. Hopefully Armor can find a way to get out of this with his own parts still intact.

This story was inspired by a comic found online. PLEASE SUPPORT THE OFFICIAL RELEASE AND CONTENT! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)