• Member Since 12th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


A Twilight Sparkle fanboy who also likes to write. The author of the Change series.


New War Does Change Reading! · 9:36pm April 8th

Hey! *poke*

Skijarama is starting a War Does Change reading. Go give it some love, and maybe revisit an old post-apocalyptic favourite...


Final Fantasy: Chronicles of Eno UPDATED · 12:10am May 30th, 2022

Hey all! It's yet another shameless plug time!

Still (loosely) related to Soaring on Little Wings, still counts. :twilightsmile:

To catch those of you up who missed what me and Skijarama have been up to in the previous post...

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Change - The Next Chapter is Written! · 5:34pm Nov 28th, 2021

Hi all! Unless you happened to have been following Twilight Over Thanalan, it's been a while since you have seen an update from me!

It's been... a long year. A long couple years, really. And yes, I kinda fell off the internet with the exception of collabs with Skijarama, and I can't honestly say my motivation is 100% returned. But, said collaborator has kindly been pointing a metaphorical gun to my head until I actually wrote something. So I did!

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The One Where Gummy and Boulder 'Win' · 7:35pm Sep 30th, 2021



Hey you!

No, not that guy. You!

So, uh, ya know how My Little Pony: A New Generation has just dropped, yes? And you know how the Idiocyverse has been devoid of updates for a while, yes? Well, we decided to combine both those points into a brain-melting story of 'what?' in the honour of G5's beginning! It's now up over on Skijarama's page, go give it a look if you want one or two less braincells and maybe a laugh along the way.

Enjoy! :pinkiehappy:

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Final Fantasy: Chronicles of Eno · 9:04pm Mar 26th, 2021

Hey all! It's shameless plug time!

And it is 'technically' related to Twilight Over Thanalan AND Soaring on Little Wings, so it counts, dammit!


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New Collaboration with Skijarama! · 10:03pm Feb 24th, 2021

Hey look! A new thing!

Skijarama and I are doing another collaboration, as we have before for those familiar with Little Changes likewise published on my page. I know my general motivation to update has been rather... bleh of late, but I'm hoping between this co-effort and the upcoming gen 5 reveal I can get my mojo back.

So until then, enjoy some Twilight/cat mum yes that means Y'shtola adventures!

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Merry Christmas! · 4:51pm Dec 24th, 2020

Merry Christmas to you all!

It's been... a hell of a year hasn't it? With an emphasis on one particular word in that sentence. But we pushed through it, even if events have caused updates to become more sporadic as time went along. Between work and the world falling apart eating away at my drive to write, I guess I've fallen behind a tad.

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Blizzard Filly - A one-shot by a friend of mine. · 5:52pm Aug 26th, 2020


Hey you!


Yeah, you! Are you feeling as if your feels have not been sucker-punched enough today? Well, too bad! For you are now subjected to the Blizzard Filly! It's a one-shot fic created by a good friend of mine, Hades Shadow, and it's a nice mix of adorable and... absolutely tragic oh Celestia help me. Skijarama and I might have corrupted him a bit...

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Change Lives! · 12:01am May 16th, 2020

Hey all, update time!

Fans of the Change series will be happy to know that I have just finished the next chapter of The New Kingdom and sent it off to my editor, it will being going up next week after it's been looked over. The Perfect Rose will also be coming up as well, university is finished and I have a bit more free time in lockdown, so I think it's finally time to get this thing moving again.

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Update and Final Fantasy Game Project! · 12:49am Mar 19th, 2020

Hey all!

This blog post is primarily a general update on what's been going on, seeing as New Kingdom and Perfect Rose have ground to a bit of a halt. The main reason for that is still as outlined in the 'Sporadic Updates' blog post last month, university work.

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