Changing username... · 12:37pm Oct 14th, 2021
I’m trying to decide on a username but I might go back to being “Diamond Pony”, I might stay with an entirely new name...
But... I’ll figure something out, I hope
I’m trying to decide on a username but I might go back to being “Diamond Pony”, I might stay with an entirely new name...
But... I’ll figure something out, I hope
So, as you know if you have read the recent chapters, the focus of my story has shifted greatly in terms of the powers and characters that it focuses on. I wanted to explain my idea here.
1) I wanted to have an arc where we see the impact that our main character has had on others from the main cast, especially Twilight. This is mostly going to be from the perspective of her and the companions she has made upon her journey.
Alright, I keep looking back at chapter nine and thinking, 'I can do better than this. I SHOULD have done better than this. I'm glad a lot of you like it, but I shouldn't have rushed to post it like I did. I told Cyberfire I was going to spend a couple days going over it, and then I promptly ignored my promise and posted it anyways.
latitude is wild. Baghdad is further north than San Diego, Tunis (northern most large city in Africa) is parallel to Fresno, Alaska is parallel to the UK (and parts of it are south of London) which itself has a southern point almost 300 miles north of the northernmost point of Japan, and Toronto and Portland Maine are both hundreds of miles south of Portland, Oregon.
So, I have news to give. Do you know the story I published yesterday? So, I changed the title, name of the first chapter, cover image and the short description. Before you come and ask me why, I will answer: This alternative universe will not be the same as the original series. That is, some things that happened at Canon will not happen in this universe, and some of the stories that I have in mind will be one-shots. I am really sorry if you were confused by some parts of this universe, it was
Gonna miss my old one but it was uh... I was growing to dislike it as I noted something similar to it and a username on another site where i didn’t really have much fun...
Pretty similar, just not exactly Trixie’s last name anymore. I’ll keep it for a week until I fully decide if I want it or not. If I turn out to not like it then I’ll change it!
Swapped out the quoted recipes for images so that word positions remain intact for all screen sizes.
In doing so, the cipher needed changing to reflect the new font spacing, so that has also been updated.
Now there should be far less confusion, for those of you who attempt to decipher it, as to what the cipher is trying to say.
You can view all four of the recipe cards here:
Guys, I can't take it anymore. I just can't.
I thought the first-person narrative would be good, but... It was not. The Chosen One should be a long time ago complete. But... I'm just sick of it. I don't wanna write it because of the first-person narrative.
Fast as lighting, sharp as a sword
I submitted "Consideration" to Equestria Daily, and (big surprise, he said ironically), they turned it down. But whereas my other submissions had vague reasons for refusal, this time I was given a bulleted list of flaws. It was pretty harsh.
Hey everybody! Just here to let you know that the second chapter of 'The Guardian of Guardians' will be out shortly again, I made some changes to it. The story will take a different path than what I first put out.
So I also completely changed the cover art for the story and the description etc. because I thought that the original art was, well, complete shit.
For the longest time, I tried to keep my screenname as "IHateBronyFandom." But as expected, I this game me some difficult challenges. When I first started, people automatically dislike me because of my username. I try to make clear that it's certain parts of the fandom that I dislike, but I can understand that it gives a bad first impressions.
Some of you might have already noticed the changes.
For example, that the story isn't on hiatus anymore.
Yes, some chapters are done!
Another thing is the 'Mature' tag now.
Please, fret not! You can still enjoy the story on a 'Teen' base.
All chapters containing clop will be marked and can be skipped!
As soon as the edits are done I'll publish the new chapters, so see ya!
Hey everypony
I wanted to ask everyone who has enjoyed my most popular fic; The Cutie Mark Crusade: Warm Beginnings, whether or not I should end the story soon.
so the way things are in my life right now I won't be able to post chapters like I did for a while. can't afford the internet costs and my life is a disorganized cluster duck right now. I would right these at home and get them polished when I came here to use McDonalds internet, but as a closet brony that lives in the living room with my vulgar and rude brother and more his than my friend that is a thousand times worse, both of which would never let me hear the end of me being a brony and would
That's right peepz, I ain't LoneWolf2018 no more! Though I am still a crazy critter of darkness!...Just now I am a beautiful, yet still DANGEROUS bat from hell itself. Born from the night air and breed from moonlight, I rule over all who deem me worthy of praise. Prepare yourselves for.....SavageBat2018!!! *lightning crackle and thunder roar*
I normally don't do stuff like this, but for the last few months I've been attempting to make the same chapter over and over, it's just not turning out as I wanted as some of the lines I made didn't feel right, or a action was weird and so forth, it's been some serious writers block yet I didn't want to put it on hold because I didn't want to stop it.
Got a new avatar! (its long over due)
I loved the new Changeling designs and Changelings in general so making one my avatar was a no brainier to me.
I have no amazing talent in art what so ever and no money for a person of actual talent to draw me anything at the moment, so we have this guy.
It's very blue, I know - mainly because Inkscape takes a book to know what the heck you are doing.