Ghosts Cover Art etc change · 2:20am Dec 13th, 2020
So I also completely changed the cover art for the story and the description etc. because I thought that the original art was, well, complete shit.
The new cover art (probably temporary) features Quickdraw with his flight suit on, so you can all see what the suit looks like now (barring some of the patterns on the leg parts), and a little of Quickdraw's appearance. It's not the best art, but I think it's much better than the ripoff Ghost Recon icon I lazily used at first (first story, so I guess I should cut myself at least some slack, huh).
it was still shit shut up Boonicorn
As for the description, I only tweaked it a tiny bit, not much difference there.
I hope you guys find this cover art better than the last, and I will most likely make a new one again thats much better than both other arts, but that will be some time in the distant future, since I have a lot on my plate right now. But, if you guys actually prefer the old cover art, then let me know and I guess I'll put it back on