
Viewing 1 - 20 of 443 results

Sweetie Belle Sucks at Video Games · 4:35am May 21st, 2017

Okay, so I realize that it needs no help, partially because it's a story written by a better author than me, but I was perusing through my good friend Chillbook1's stories when I came across this little gem. I started reading it, then got sucked into its witty banter and familiar Chillbook flair. It's on hiatus right now, so it's not finished, but after reading it, the hype train has returned to seek vengeance on my mind for having once let it run out of fuel.

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Report RhetCon · 297 views · #Promotion

A Couple Things · 9:13pm Nov 2nd, 2015

Just a couple things to blog about. First off, a little promotion for this dude, DragonShadow, who doesn't get nearly enough attention for the quality of work he does. He pre-reads my stories, I pre-read his, and his are pretty awesome. If you like my style, you'll probably like his stories too, so go check them out. He's got a cool series of fics centered around the

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Report Bootsy Slickmane · 388 views · #promotion

Promoting A Story · 2:55am Oct 3rd, 2017

Hey, I've been asked to promote a story in exchange for getting the same for one of mine. The story in question is called "Fallout Equestria: The Walking Shadow". Here's the summary:

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Report Eddy13 · 340 views · #Promotion

I got promoted! · 2:43am Sep 27th, 2016

Yo, I got some new bling, BOY!

No longer a Cadet Airman Basic. I am now a Cadet Airman!

I'm so happy...

Semper Fi, Thunder Bolt

Report Thunder-Bolt · 279 views · #promotion

Twitter and Pateron · 4:41am Dec 4th, 2019

Yes! By the title up here ^^ I have both a Pateron and a Twitter account.

Now, I had this twitter account for several years now but I finally decided to not leave it dead and promote my both Twitter and Pateron.

Twitter is both for brony and also promoting my up and coming non-pony fics, Pateron is just for my up and coming projects as comics called Unleashed the Magic and my newest project called Hell Fae.

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Report CrimsonRose97 · 200 views · #PROMOTIONS

This time on Dragon Ball Z · 9:40pm Jan 13th, 2022

TThe 500,000th story on Fimfiction
Twilight eats a pineapple, Applejack goes berserk, and Rainbow Dash falls in love with a box of tissues while we celebrate a milestone in Fimfiction's history!
The 500000th Account · 12k words  ·  166  27 · 2.3k views

Twilight eats a pineapple under the sea, Shining and Cadance get sued by James Cameron, Pinkie and Discord get drunk on frosting, Shaggy spawns a million goats, and a changeling opens a Starbucks in Ponyville.

It must be Wednesday.

In all seriousness, we got together and wrote a second chapter to this, please read.

Report BezierBallad · 122 views · #Promotion

Promo for a friend · 6:50am Feb 10th, 2017

New group. Looks like fun. Swing by and take a look.


Report LightningSword · 438 views · #promotion

Phantom Strider's Top Six Best Kid's Cartoons · 3:04am Feb 19th, 2017

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

I'm usually not into YouTube reviewers, but the one I give the most of my time to is PhantomStrider. He has a pleasant voice, good non-biased judgments, and a delightful review style. He also partially influenced me to start watching "Steven Universe" (he absolutely adores it).

And he's Australian. Which is always a plus.

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Report LightningSword · 523 views · #promotion

Promoting a channel · 2:34am Dec 6th, 2016

So, you know Queen of Fools? A.K.A. Squirrel Girl, A.K.A. Pink Mask, A.K.A. a really good friend of mine?

She has a YouTube channel dedicated to Super Sentai (the stuff that Power Rangers is based on, so you know it's good :pinkiehappy:), as well as Kamen Rider and all that other awesome Japanese Tokusatsu goodness, and I thought it needed a little extra attention. Give her some love, if you have time!

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Report LightningSword · 416 views · #promotion

Lavender Citadel Syndrome · 2:13pm Mar 28th, 2022

Hello! I am a young writer who is currently working on a project called Lavender Citadel Syndrome.

The story is set in a post-apocalyptic Equestria where famine and disease plague its inhabitants. The citadel in this story is a sort of hospital, where many mares and their children seek a cure for their illnesses. The protagonist, a pegasus mare named Flipbit, is helping her partner Cheerilee after the sudden suicide of one of her students.

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Report forestt · 123 views · #promotion

A New Discord Sever! · 1:29am Apr 16th, 2017


Brony Retweets 2.0 · 8:54pm Nov 15th, 2023

Up until last year, there used to be a special account on Twitter that retweeted tweets by pony artists and other pony creators and tweets about ponies and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in general. This account was known as Brony Retweets, a bot account with the goal to promote smaller pony creators on Twitter and to make pony tweets easier to discover.

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A small promotion / In support of an aspiring artist · 10:39pm Apr 1st, 2017

I'm usually not the type of person to advertise or promote another person's works (mainly because I'm not exactly skilled in the ways of public relations).

Yet, for those of you who love animation (or are of the voice acting community or both), I thought that I'd show you something:

In case you're wondering what this is all about, here is the description:

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Rarity's fighting the invasion of wild burritos, and losing… · 11:04pm Nov 24th, 2019

(Inspired by a true story)

Rarity planned this day to be perfect. A ladies-only, Christmas shopping, no guys, no rush, no muss, no fuss. What she didn't plan for was a rebellion of wild burritos in her gut, threatening to exterminate everyone in the shopping mall.

Now, instead of rest and relaxation, she's forced to fighting off the invasion, but it's a losing battle…

Interested? Check out this one-shot:

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Report Huk · 240 views · #rarity #promotion

Story Promotion · 10:27pm Jun 6th, 2015

By Rumble

[Everyone] [Romance] [Slice of Life]

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I uploaded a new story on my SoFurry account. · 9:09am Aug 17th, 2018

Now, since this site has issues with publishing NSFW links with blog posts, all I can say is that you can find it on my public profile, named Troius Clawston. The story itself is a TMNT-themed smutfic titled Never Let Bebop Create Smoke Bombs, and contains very strong sexual content involving seven different characters. I technically wrote it last year (and is hands-down the longest oneshot I ever wrote at a whopping 18 thousand

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Report TheVClaw · 325 views · #SoFury #Promotion

Commission Sponsorship: Friend Need Muns to Pay For Cool Leg! · 8:34am Nov 16th, 2018

Hey there everybody! So, if you've been following me for very long, you know I almost never do this. I'll help someone who's in trouble, but I don't normally sponsor other people's commissions or artwork in my Blog. However, this person is a great artist and an awesome person. They're working for a great cause -- even if it's not some horrible emergency. So, here's some art and commissions for HoodwinkedTales and their awesome

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Some news · 12:10pm Aug 1st, 2018

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating that much. I've actually been busy with both work stuff, and helping a friend make herself her newest fic: Size Doesn't Matter. Be sure to check it out, it's pretty fun for the both of us and I hope you enjoy it as well.

And tomorrow is my birthday, so while it sucks that I have to go to work that day, I'm also going to spend the other half with my brother.

Report MrAquino · 400 views · #Promotion #Birthday

Ever wondered why Celestia, a being powerful enough to move the sun, never helps mane six to fight the bad guys? · 12:00am Feb 3rd, 2020

That question was nagging Rainbow Dash for a while now, and after gulping down a few mugs of cider, she finally asks it. Instead of a lame excuse she had expected, she gets a dark history lesson involving Daybreaker.

Wanna learn more? Go read the new one-shot:

TWhy Celestia Never Helps…
During the celebration of another victory for Equestria, Rainbow Dash asks Celestia why she never helps them fight the bad guys. She never thought the answer involves ancient history and Daybreaker...
Huk · 3.3k words  ·  354  22 · 5k views

Please, remember to leave a comment :twilightsmile:

Report Huk · 286 views · #Celestia #Promotion

New Story Up · 8:35pm Mar 25th, 2021

My work here is done. Imma go play video games now.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 443 results