• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2022
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Joined after being a Brony since at least 2013. I want to write stories about lesbians and odd off ideas I have, proven I ever got around to that.

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Blog Posts

  • 58 weeks
    Original image used for Yandere Pinkamena

    So the image I used to have for this story was pretty scary. I don't think the site's moderators would have liked it. Probably would have only been allowed on a M rated fic or not at all. In fact I'm not even sure if they'll like this blog post about it. Now I did put it in under a spoiler, but, that arguably makes it even scarier since you only need to mouse over to see it.

    Actually, never mind, I'll just make it a link only so you can't accidently see it nearly as easily.

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    0 comments · 168 views
  • 82 weeks
    Regarding Hogwarts Legacy and the transgender community part 2

    I'll just drop this here:

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    1 comments · 340 views
  • 83 weeks
    Regarding Hogwarts Legacy and the transgender community

    So, here I am, with a tiny platform and someone who's hardly made themselves that known at all for about the year I've had an account on this website. As people are aware, Hogwarts Legacy is a hot button topic. I'm a transwoman so this puts me right into the heart of the issue. For several years I've felt like I have little to no place in the transgender community because quite frankly, they have been far left and I don't like extremisms.

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    4 comments · 391 views
  • 91 weeks
    Dealing with a massive creep

    All this time and my first blog post. I rather not do these as of now because I feel like no one would notice and I would just be writing into the void. Well, here goes anyway.

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    0 comments · 203 views

About Me

I suppose this is the best place, other than a 1st blog post, to explain at least somewhat who I am. Several years ago, I gotten into MLP after seeing it around the Internet so much back when it took things by storm. And here I am, in 2022, seemingly after the hay day of the fandom is over. The 5th gen is already underway and I don't think it'll be nearly the same unexpected bloom that FiM was.

I'm heavily into gaming, with PC games being my primary platform. Wouldn't surprise me if the majority of this fandom are gamers. I rather keep stuff like my Steam account separated from this website, mostly for my own protection. I don't need trouble because someone didn't like what kind of horse words I've written, especially with specific fetishes.

I'm a 35-year-old autistic black translesbian. I know that's a lot, but, things happen. I know a lot of assumptions will be made about me based on those details. I also know the whole "love and tolerance" thing is not exactly what it appears at first glance. I'm not here to make enemies, but I feel when I get opinionated enough, I might not exactly be the most likeable person. I lean more toward the center-left than plain left or further. I don't have the patience for any extremists, regardless of what side they're on. Which ends up making me quite an outcast. On one side, I get told I'm lying about who I am, that I must "really" be white, because the so-called "good" guys won't accept a minority can have a differing opinion from the norm. On the other side, I'm told I'm delusion for being transgender, that it's all made up and I can just simply not be transgender. Being transgender is not who I want to be. I would take it back if it were that easy, but it's just one of my greatest burdens to deal with. And I don't exactly find comfort or belonging in the transgender community since I have so many disagreements with them on things like clothes, biology, and what's considered transphobic or not, just to name a few.

I feel very conflicted and worried. I haven't had IRL friends since 2010. People online seem to be becoming much more divided than ever. People will become targeted for the most stupidest of reasons by so-called "good" guys on social media. It seems people are easily offended over the smallest things. I'll do my best not to turn my stories into soapboxes, but I might soapbox in blogs, although this part is already a soapbox. And it's probably not the most effective way to introduce myself, but hey, you get my imperfections despite my attempts at perfectionism.


Original image used for Yandere Pinkamena · 5:31am Aug 4th, 2023

So the image I used to have for this story was pretty scary. I don't think the site's moderators would have liked it. Probably would have only been allowed on a M rated fic or not at all. In fact I'm not even sure if they'll like this blog post about it. Now I did put it in under a spoiler, but, that arguably makes it even scarier since you only need to mouse over to see it.

Actually, never mind, I'll just make it a link only so you can't accidently see it nearly as easily.

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Report Goldstar · 168 views · Story: Yandere Pinkamena ·
Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
Comment posted by SLASH AN ASSASSIN deleted February 21st

The mid 30s club. It's supposed to be another 4 years before my mid life crisis, but I'm sure it's happening already so I can only wonder what it'll actually be like in my 40s.

Oh shit! You're as old as me as of today :yay:
Welcome to 36

So, I was wondering, since you had mentioned wanting to see more Egyptian mlp stories, I was wondering if there were any cultural elements you would like to see in a story? :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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