• Member Since 5th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen October 7th


Aspiring fanfic writer with several dozen fics currently being written. All at once. In a horrible, inefficient mess.


Not-New fics, if anyone cares. · 5:41pm Jun 13th, 2020

Got a bunch of unfinished fics saved. I'm probably gonna publish them just so they're out there soon. Most of Sunset centric, none are of that high quality. They'll probably be out in a month or so, I want to clean them up first. If any of them get enough interest I might try to finish it.
Just if anyone's interested. Friend prompted me into doing this so I myself am not that invested, but just as a fyi.

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Report kitkataddel · 194 views ·

End of MLP:FiM, and do I care? Not a bit. Also a small update + idea · 11:37pm Oct 15th, 2019

(Thought I'd share this, I absolutely love it. Check out Anontheanon, he is amazing.)

Okay, I haven't watched the show seriously since Season 4. The only episodes I've seen after that is when I really need to understand a fic, and I've no option but the skim through an episode.
I really don't have much to say about the end of Season 9. I'd just thought I'd share my thoughts.

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Hey look... · 8:00pm Aug 1st, 2019

...BronyCon blogs. I haven't gone to BronyCon. I didn't even know it was on now. Nor do I care too much for it.

I'm really just remarking on it because my blog feed is just "BronyCon BronyCon BronyCon Golden Oaks Brony Con!" I feel like I'm missing out, even if, as I've already said, I don't care for it.

Report kitkataddel · 223 views ·

Question to anyone who'll respond: · 3:46pm Jun 23rd, 2019

Am I the only one who thinks Fanfiction.net's system is horrendously flawed and/or outdated?
I wouldn't really think much of it, but I've been using AO3 a lot more recently, and when compared to that, it's utter shit. And then Fimfic is even better - all hail to our lord and saviour knighty, never seen a better system for a website like this, even if it is not perfect.

No, but seriously, why is Fanfiction so awkward to use? It feels like it's from 2006!


I think I'm almost done with MLP fanfiction. · 10:26pm Apr 17th, 2019

I just realised I haven't really touched this site for a while. I still check on updates now and again, but I haven't actually looked for any stories for about a month now. So, I think when season 9's influence starts to die out, I might just quit MLP. I've just lost enthusiasm. I honestly don't know why I'm sharing this, but I felt the need to do so anyway.

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As a sort of follow up for the previous blog... · 10:33pm Mar 25th, 2019

About a week after my last post, everyone updated. I think there was eleven chapter updates over night at one point.

And now? I got one. Over a course of two days. One story update. Two, if you count the author of Scars of the Past announcing the first chapter of the audio book, but I don't.

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Report kitkataddel · 184 views · #update

Anyone there? · 5:32pm Mar 8th, 2019

Or some other clever blog title.

Anyway, is it me or is Fimfiction sort of... subdued, recently? I feel a lot of the stories are starting to just... slow, in both updates and good stories getting out there. I have a tracking bookmark for stories I consider dead, cancelled or on hiatus - there are currently 348 stories in there, and I'm sure I'll have to update it again soon, considering how many good stories seem to have just... died.

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Notification about some stories I've been helping with. · 12:28am Jan 8th, 2019

Just realised I haven't promoted this yet - I've been helping co-write and edit an Anon-a-miss crossover story. It's actually a rewrite of a story that I liked, and offered to help with it. It's called Born Again, by a guy called Darkiplier1383, and now me too! It's not the best story around, but it's something I'm enjoying. The basic premise is basically Sunset

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Why is there a low character tag limit? Seriously. · 5:24pm Dec 1st, 2018

I'm not saying there shouldn't be a limit - people would just add every single tag for the views. But five character tags just seems low on occasion. If you're doing a short story, it's fine. But take my story for example. I put down Sunset, Sci-Twi, Night Light, Velvet, and the main 7. And out of those, Sunset by far plays the biggest role. Here's every character that plays a part that's roughly of the same importance as Velvet:

  • Vinyl
  • Octavia
  • Bon Bon (debatable)

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New story! · 10:48pm Oct 21st, 2018

A short piece. I've never felt so motivated to write, however. I usually complete 5000 words over the course of a month, but recently I've been able to do 12000 per month.
But enough of that! I have done a new story of 5000 words, but you shall have to go to the story itself to see it. Obviously.
Like my Anon-a-miss story, I have a follow up planned. this one is definitely coming out. When? Dunno.

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Report kitkataddel · 171 views ·