When two different supernaturals come together, they are both becoming desperate. One needs food, the other needs power.
How badly does a sister crave the ability to conquer?
How immoral can one get for survival?
Different powers will be traded, different abilities will be gained. This is what happens when two immortals make deals.
No idea what I was doing with that description....
Anyway, this was a direct ripoff (with permission, of course) to The Exchange, by Daniel-Gleebits. It is a direct continuation from the first part of the story, so read it first. It's also done as a short writing exercise in the darker side of fiction, so if I'm honest, it's gonna be completely dogshite. (Update: it is and I hate it but I am strongly against deletion of things so here it remains.)
This fic involves slavery. If you really don't like that, don't read this. You have been warned.
There are also vampires and a fair amount of violence and blood spilling.