This was the day. Sunset hadn't been to sure if she wanted to go with this woman, but it must be better than this hospital. Now, she was getting prepared for this new experience. However, her own dignity was in doubt. While she had insisted she was able to dress herself, one of the nurses rightfully pointed out that her hands were still wrapped in layers and layers of thick bandages. So, to her reluctance, Sunset allowed the nurse to put on her boots, skirt and jacket, while keeping a hospital top on to replace her previous top, now shredded. The leather jacket that she had spawned with into this world was now heavily bloodied, only kept with strong insistance on her part. Sunset set a mental reminder to get a new one at some point.
One last time, she remembered what she had been told about her current condition...
"Okay Sunset, listen up. This is what we've been able to determine so far. You will not be able to use any muscles below the elbow due to severence of the nerves. When you can use your hands, you may or may not feel pain, we cannot be sure just from observence. On the positive side, these effects won't be permament, it will only last two to four weeks. By that time, your bandages should be taken off, or reduced at the very least. Your cuts were also very deep, and there will be heavy scarring all over the offending area." Sunset heard whoever was speaking take a deep breath, mostly likely through a sad smile. "Here's the bad news. Because of certain nerves you managed to dissect so badly, you will never be able to feel anything in your hands and lower arms again. We will be able to do tests to see what we can do for the future, and we would heavily recommend physical therapy. Regardless, it is highly unlikely we can do anything about this. I'm sorry."
'Just another thing I deserve for my past.' Now, she was in the waiting room, letting time tick by for a while, expecting her new guardian's arrival any time soon. Jerked out her thoughts by a new voice calling out her name, she shakily stood up.
"Sunset Shimmer?" This person was not Velvet. The man had a slightly faded blue tone for his skin, and a half-grey half-blue carpet of hair, clearly rigorously combed and cared for. He wore a very dark blue suit, with a card strapped to his lapel, giving him access to whatever the already blurry writing said on it.
"That's me." Turning the man's eyes widened at the sight of a young girl with flowing red-and-yellow hair, wearing a knee-length skirt and boots. She also sported a beaten and bloodied leather jacket, something that looked like it was out of a motor cycle shop, which also helped cover the thick bandages on her arms a substantial bit, but the coverings on her hands were still exposed, clearly earning a concerned look from the man. "Who are you?"
Snapping back to attention, the man met Sunset's eyes. "Oh yes, sorry. I'm Night Light, Twilight Velvet's husband. I'm here to take you home to live with our family. She couldn't be here because of her sudden increase in work today. She'll be taking the rest of the holdiays off though."
Night Light walked out of the entrance of the hosiptal, walking to a dull sedan parked near the entrance. He opened the passenger car door then bowed as if he was a chaffuer. "After you..."
Nodding in appreciation, Sunset carefully entered the seat, attempting to put on her seatbelt before giving up and just letting Night Light do it. "Just ask if you need anything Sunset. We live not too far away from here, shouldn't be too long."
"So what's going to happen to me at your home?"
"Well, due to legal reasons, we have to have someone with you at all time, at least until we decided you can be trusted not to try to... well, you know. So really, nothing, but someone had to be in the room with you most of the time. Obviously we can give you privacy but..."
"Yeah, I get it. It's not like I can at the moment." While Sunset did understand what they were doing, she couldn't make her mind up whether she liked Velvet and Night Light or not. Maybe it was because they were related to Princess Twilight, or she thought they were doing something kind to someone who didn't deserve it. The rest of the ride was spent in relative silence, as they both thought about their future together, however temporary it may be.
In the Twilight household, the three people prepared for the newcomers arrival. They had decided to do throw a party or anything similar, but they also wanted to make the place look nice, even if only one of them would be living with her.
"Hey Shiny, you think we should cook anything in advance?"
"We don't know what she likes yet, so lets not be hasty with anything. Just let her know she's welcome here over the holdiays. After all, Christmas is only in four days, so lets make it nice for her, okay?"
"By the way dear, you never told me what her name was."
"Oh, sorry! I think it was... Sunrise Sparkle?"
"Twilight has a sister?!"
"Shiiinny! It's Sunset Shimmer! And you knew that. Don't mess with Cadance like that. You know what happens."
"Do I eve- oof!"
Sunset had been listening to the voices through the door in the garage, as Night Light help her out of the car, even offering to carry her before Sunset refused with some venom. Sunset could guess the young girl as being Twilight Sparkle, and the man being Shining Armor, captain of the Royal Guard in Equestria, now married to 'Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess of Love', as Princess Twilight had informed her. 'Wait, what was it Velvet had said about Armor's wife?'
Night Light gently knocked on the door, before backing away, as if expecting an ambush to erupt from the entrance. Instead, and woman in a light blue suit with a crystal heart emblem on her collar. 'Hang on... pink skin, pink, purple, yellow and red hair...' "Pri- Cadance?!"
Quickly clamping her houth shut, waited for the envitable question - "You know Cadance?" A pale, stern looking man appeared behind the doorway, Sunset assumed this was Shining Armor, Prince-Consort in her world of origin.
Just the sudden realisation of who Cadance was made her instantly nervous. Back in Equestria, she was her first target as a bully. The weak princess who never spoke out against anyone, all too humble. The alicorn who could hardly use her magic. 'Just another pony I need to apologise to.' Now, Sunset had to make up an excuse. A good one. So she did the only thing she could. Lying. "T-that's.. uh- that's a long story. M-maybe... t-tell you later?"
"Uh, okaaay?"
Night Light got Sunset's attention once more, directing her towards a shy, albeit quite confused girl in the corner, giving a nervous wave. Between Princess Twilight and this other girl, there certianly was alot of resemblance. The same lavander skin, the same coloured streaks in her hair. The only clear differences were the glasses perched upon her nose, and her hair was in a slighty messy bun, and opposed to the straight and free hair that Princess Twilight had.
"T-twilight Sparkle, r-right?"
"Y-yes, t-that's me."
"Twily dear, could you show Sunset to her room? Your mother will be home soon."
"Okay Dad. Come on, this way."
Sunset had concluded that things were clearly going to be awkward around her and Sparkle, at least for the time being. Still, it was good that she was with someone she sort of knew, even if it was her magical pony princess counterpart from another world which was only accessable by stepping into a statue and/or mirror.
The room she had been introduced into was rather bland, clearly been looted of items not too long ago. While Twilight explained this had been Shining's room before he moved in with Cadance, who happened to live just a half a mile away. Leaving Twilight to ramble on about the position of houses in their family, the bed in middle of the room found itself being unexpectantly used by one Sunset Shimmer, somehow exhausted by the journey of sitting in a car then walking ten meters. Not bothering to ask for help about getting changed, she simply laid onto the luxury she had been deprived of for years, and slowly but surely drifted off into a deep, dark slumber.
"Well, she's asleep already Dad. Laid on the bed the moment she saw it." Twilight had been curious as to why Sunset seem so entranced by the piece of funiture. "Where did she come from? What happened to her?"
"Well, we don't know much, but I can tell you what we do know." A new voice had entered the room, one belonging to a grey woman, with half grey and half blue/purple hair, causing everyone present to rotate towards it, ears snapping to attention. "Sunset Shimmer, a girl who is believed to be homeless, was returning from school to her.... home, before finding it collapsed. Figuring she would not be able to last the night with the state of the current weather, she..." Velvet paused, not sure how she could say this next part. So, she went for being as blunt as possible. "She attempted suicide, figuring it would be a better death than one from starvation and the cold."
Several horrified gasps emmited from her audience, who had gathered around her as if she was telling a campfire story. "And please, don't ask her about her past. She's made it very clear that's a very sensitive subject." Lowering her voice, she leaned into the group. "I honestly suspect there's more to her reasoning than that, but she's clearly reluctant to say. So for the time being, leave her alone on that sort of stuff, alright?" Seeing saddened nods from the group, Velvet started to move past them, excusing herself to put Sunset's things in her room, since she left them at the hospital. The elder Twilight then called for her son to help move the recliner into the room too, so she would have somewhere to sleep with the girl, as per the legal requirements. Deciding to call it an early night after the never ending events at her job, she grabbed a blanket, and snuggled into the chair, adjusting it so she could almost fully lie down, helping her join Sunset in the unconscious state she was in.
The father in the family called to the remaining awake people in the building, including the family dog, who had just given up trying to get into the locked guest bedroom to register the new scent.
"Well, what do we think of her?"
"I don't know Dad. She's kind of hard to understand in her current state." Twilight had been trying to get some sort of a read on the new girl, despite never trying to know anyone before.
"Yeah, sis is right on this one Dad. She needs time to recover." Shining had resigned himself to think about the newcomer, only speaking when she was concerned in the converstation.
Cadance then spoke up, having been thinking about the possible emotional state of everyone after the reveal of what Sunset had done. "What are the possible effects of Sunset's... actions? Or do we not know?"
"Well, from what Velvet told me when I called her, she won't be able to use her arms properly for a while, anywhere from two weeks to an entire month. She also no longer has any feeling below her elbows. Mind you, she was apparantly very lucky she didn't have any hypothermia or frostbite, despite it being predicted, so it isn't all bad I suppose. Either, keep it in mind she will most likely need help with a great many things."
Strangely, everyone acted rather neutrally towards this news, since the after effects of the revelation of the attempted suicide were still stinging in their brains.
Then, everyone opted to slowly made their way either home or to their beds, with nothing else really left to say.
"Scootaloo, I'm home!"
"Great! How was work?"
"It was..." Frowning, Scootaloo's mother wan't sure how much to say. "different. Are you going to tell me what you were doing out so late?"
Suddenly slightly panicing, Scootaloo made several quick excuses, all the while making her way up the staircase. "Can I tell you in the morning? I'm kinda tired."
Sighing, the doctor gave in. "Fine, but I want to know first thing." She left the girl to scramble up the remaining stairs, allowing her attention to turn else where. "Now, where is my son..."
Sunset awoke in an unfamiliar place. She was in room, for starters. She was also in a bed. As she noticed the stained bandages wrapped a dozen times over her wrists, she remembered the previous nights, and what had happened. Dozing in laid back recliner across the room was Twilight Velvet, the one woman who had shown at least a little bit of care recently. Getting up to find the bathroom, she noticed a light coming from the living room. Entering the spacious room, she found Night Light Working on a computer, jotting down a extremely long equation on the spread out sheet pinned to the wall next to him.
Coming up behind the man, Sunset, focused on the screen, flicked her eyes through the lines that were being typed up. Stopping at a certain part, she noticed an error.
"31π is wrong on this. It's 97.3893722613, not 97.6523748821. That'll throw the rest of your sums off."
Clearly surprised, Night Light turned to her, as if in a horror movie, since he attempted subtly to hold back a scream. "Lord above, you scared the absolute hell out of me Sunset!"
"Sorry Mr. Light. But I'm pretty sure that is wrong."
Checking over his notes, the scientist gave quite a frustrated sigh, before admitting defeat. "Dammit, you're right. How the hell did you work that out in your head? I can hardly do that, let alone a senior in high school."
"Sunset?" Turning, the girl saw Velvet standing in the doorway, with a relieved look on her face. "Don't just run off like that."
"Sorry, Mrs. Velvet. But it's not like I can open the front door to get out." Sunset, sadly smiled, nodding at her bandages.
"Still, just wake me up next time okay?" Seeing a confirmation from Sunset, Velvet realised Sunset had just addressed her by name. 'Hmm. Maybe we're getting somewhere.'
"So she helped you with with your science, dear?" Velvet noted what she had heard from the corridor.
"No, she corrected an equation that enabled me the calculate the exact mass and volume of EBLM J0555-57Ab." Night Light exclaimed, still slightly in shock. "I didn't think I could do it, and then you come along and help me complete it entirely!"
"Erm..." Now, Sunset had another mess to get out of. The equation Night Light had been working on was taught in Equestria to calculate an unicorn's magical aura's added mass. The 31π was an integral part of it. "I'm just smart...?"
"Clearly. I don't think even Twilight could work it out that fast." Noticing Sunset was now blushing quite hard, Night Light restrained himself from anymore compliments.
Interrupting the discovery was Velvets phone, which started buzzing with a number she hadn't seen before. Answering it, Velvet was greeted with a near regal voice.
"Twilight Velvet?"
"Speaking. Who is this?" Velvet walked out of the room leaving Night Light to interrogate Sunset for her academic background, and Sunset to awkwardly answer him, or attempt to avoid the question.
"Luna Khonsu, Vice-Principal of Canterlot High. You recently registered as Sunset Shimmer's legal guardian, right?"
"That is correct, though it might only be temporary."
"Regardless, my sister, Principal Celestia Ra, wishes to speak with you."
"Very well. Me and Celestia are old friends."
"I'll put you through."
Waiting a moment, a click and then a new, lighter voice was heard.
"Hello Celestia, it is good to hear your voice again. How are you?"
"I honestly wish I had time for pleasantries Velvet. But I'm more concerned with one Sunset Shimmer at the moment."
"What do you wish to know?"
"You may have heard that she used by essentially be a bully, ruling this entire school. Well now she's returned to her old ways. Recently a MyStable account called Anon-A-Miss has been posting over people secrets, and we have good reason to believe she is responsible."
"Hmm. I see. I shall help with this by reading one sheet of paper that is currently sitting in front of me." Velvet's voice had turned stern, as if calculating a strike, causing Celestia to simply listen. "The title is very interesting. It is Sunset Shimmer's latest medical record, from the hospital." And then, she proceded to read the text imprinted upon the paper, listening carefully for Celestia's reaction.
Sunset Shimmer
Held 19/12/14 to 21/12/14
Residence: None. Found next to a collapsed hand made shelter.
Reason for admittance: Left in snow and injuries on arms.Summary of events:
Ms. Shimmer is believed to have been homeless, and upon finding her shelter broken, she attempted suicide using a knife. She was found by a passerby, who did not identify themselves, and was brought here. Due to the weather conditions, she may be suffering several cold related illnesses. Her arms were operated on by Dr. Turret, saving her life. Other injuries and illness are unknown as of 19:50, 20/12/14Extent of injuries:
Somehow, Ms. Shimmer was able to avoid any major arteries, preventing major blood loss. She cut several nerves instead, leaving her lower arms and hands temporarily without an ability to properly function. Ms. Shimmer has also lost all feelings anywhere below the elbow permamently. It is considered a miracle Ms. Shimmer did not suffer from any form of frostbite or hypothermia.Course of action taken after operations:
Held for two nights for observation. Ms. Shimmer will be called back every few days to determine her current status. Mrs. Twilight Velvet has become her legal guardian until a proper foster family can be found. She is ommited from school until it is determined she is of fit mind and body.Report by Dr. Microscope Turret.
Waiting for a response, Velvet had assumed Celestia had begun panicking the moment Velvet read the word "suicide". Eventually, the Principal uttered her response.
"Is this a joke Velvet? Because it's sure as hell not funny."
"No it is not. I also thank you for informing me of why Sunset had been driven to do what she did. Have a good day, Celestia."
"No Velvet! Wai-"
"So you know now?" Sunset Shimmer stood in the doorway from which she came. "Though I would appreciate if you kept this between us for the time being."
"Yes and of course. Though I never believed something like that would go so far."
Shrugging, Sunset gave her far too casual repsonse. "I got abandoned by people who claimed they needed me. I'm over it. Been through it before. It's just..." Trailing off, Sunset muttered something about betrayal and being deceived, before Twilight Sparkle entered the conversation.
"Hi, Sunset."
"Oh hello, Twilight."
Velvet had already concluded that most converstations between these two would be among those which were the most generic conversations known to mankind. At least they didn't stutter around each other anymore. Looking back at the pair, they were examining an equation. 'I suppose that's one thing that they are similar in. Both insanely smart. Not quite sure how I feel about two potentially evil geniuses.' Starting to prioritsing her thoughts, she called out to Sunset.
"Sorry to interrupt, but we need to go shopping for you Sunset. Somehow, I don't think you can always go around in a bloodied leather jacket."
Looking down at her current attire, Sunset started to slowly nod. "Yeah, that'll be good. Can I eat first though? Haven't had any proper food for a long time."
"Of course dear. Any particular preference?"
"Uh, I'm a vegan."
Night Light stood up from his seat, a determined expression in his eye. "I'll see what we have."
However, he was almost instantly cut off by his wife. "No you absolutely won't. Last time you tried to cook a meal, you made a hole in the ceiling. With pancakes."
"But that was-"
"No, you are not going in the kitchen to create anything that is meant to be edible."
Hanging his head in defeat, the would be chef sat back down, slumping in his chair, as if he was very slightly depressed over the matter.
Rolling her eyes, Velvet turned back into the kitchen, muttering something about gunpowder and pancake mix under her breath.
"Twilight, could I borrow some of your clothes for the shopping trip. I really don't want to have to wear this hospital top."
Tugged away from her state of amusement at the scene that just unfolded, Twilight registered what Sunset had said to her, and chose a response. "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. Need any help?"
"No, I'll be fine." Seeing the unimpressed look leveled at her, her confidence caved in almost instantly. "O-okay, fine. I could use some help."
With that, the two young girls made their way back to where they had come from, discussing what else they may have in common for their time togther.
"SCOOTALOO! Are you going to come down or not?" The concerned mother went up to her daughter's room, only to find it empty, and the window fully open. "Oh dear. What on Earth are you hiding?"
'I'm sorry. But I'm just not ready to tell anyone quite yet.' thought a mind, just underneath a bedroom window where a mother stood...
"Look Sister, if you don't stop-"
"I could name about a thousand ponies that you may be talking about, and about 95 of them are alive."
"-cutting me off then I'll-"
"Seriously! And I'm not even counting any of me guards"
"-never be able to tell you-"
"My dear Sister, of course I know who you're talking about. I'm only jesting."
"YOU DO?!"
Why was "A Second Chance to Find Home" cancelled?
the author disappeared
Dammit, Celestia. Being immortal won’t do anything if you won’t own up to any of your mistakes.
This is a good start, and I'm looking forward to where this will go. That said, if you wanna damn names and spellings, You had a couple of times where you typoed Sunset's name as 'Susnet" in both this chapter, and the previous one.
8830869 8831008
Yeah, the author hasn't been online in nearly two years.
Trust me, I know. In the next chapter, I started to count how many times I've done that so far, and I think it's up to around 26.
And I will damn the names for all time. I endlessly mess up the names, and because they're capitalised, the spellchecker I use registers them as valid names.
EDIT: fixed, thanks!
I. Glad ur doing this case i liked that story
This entire thing killed me especially the last part when he’s like she won’t be able to feel anything below her elbow
Damn us Americans? Well damn you Englanders cause Im not about to spell the correct thing to call you...
Huh? Their joking?
*more whispers*
So I should put my music away before Fuck You England plays?
*more whispering*
I would read that story.
I like you profile pic it suits sunset
Unicorns need to be really smart magic is very complicated
The one stupid Celestia that actually believes this nonsense
Wait, have Princesses Luna and Celestia been doing that routine at the end of the chapters for three days straight? You'd think they'd break to raise and lower the moon and sun, but they have proven to be very efficient multi-taskers. Or it's just been early morning for three days.
The comedic undertones of the scenes with the two Princesses detracts from the more gloomy setting of the rest of the drama IMO
As an American I take great exception! Our fine nation has a long and honorable history of great political philosophers like our current president, Donald...uh, Trump...ummm, never mind. Well, anyway, we're a nation of forward-thinking progressive people as proven by our complete refusal to adopt the metric system of measurem--oh, dammit! Okay, moving on, we've shown the world how deeply we care for the well-being of our fellow humans by keeping gun laws so loose that ten year olds can lay their hands on a military rifle even as mass murders become commonplace...hey, wait...fine, FINE! Yeah, well, at least our health care system--
Oh, screw it, I want off this sinking ship. Time to Google "Applying for Canadian citizenship".
That is a brilliant idea!
Isn't Ra the Egyptian Sun god?
I don't think you would be able to pick a more ironic last name for Celestia and Luna if you tried Ra is the Egyptian god of the sun and Luna's last name is the name of the Egyptian god of the Moon
Question answered, she doesn't have a spare shirt, at least she got to keep the one she wore at the hospital but will also need to get a new jacket which I agree she does.
Damn, that's horrible. Kinda reminds me of what happened to doctor strange prior to him getting his powers. Still this sure is tragic and sad alright.
You'll get used to it sunset, and things will likely get better once you meet sci twi.
She's definitely hiding something alright and it's obviously bad alright.
That explains how she knew it.
She's innocent celestia. She didn't do it. 😡
Did she just hang up on here! 😦
Yep, she's definitely hiding something serious and something tells she she is one of the 3 people who are anonymous, the other two being apple bloom and sweetie belle.
im pretty sure alumni is just a graduated student that went their
Night Lights precision on pi isn’t really necessary, since it only needs to be as accurate as the precision on the rest of his data, which for astronomers isn’t that much.
Ha. Khonsu and Ra as the second half of Luna and Celestia’s names. Nice.