Sunset had finally made her decision. She was making a new life. Whether it was in this world or the next. This family or none at all. Regardless, she will leave her past behind her. No matter the cost.
At the moment, however, she was in the mall, shopping for 'standard items', since she appeared to have none in her possession.
"Here you go Sunset. Five hundred dollars to spend. I'll pay for your clothes, since you clearly need them." Velvet had a wad of small papers in her hand. She handed them to Sunset, who stared at the huge sum in her palm in complete and utter shock.
"A-are you sure? I mean, I- I don't want to be a burden to you or anything..."
"Sunset honey, let's recap. You've been living in a hand made shelter for the last, what four years? You need this shopping trip more than anyone else. You also should be able to spend as much as you want. So let's not argue okay?" Velvet put a quite stern starem making sure Sunset understood what she meant.
Sighing in defeat, Sunsets simply tucked away the newfound funds, and started to list off things she would need. And, before she knew it, Velvet was carrying about eight bags worth of various clothes, food, and a few other necessities. She had resisted going into the music store, since to how one of her previous friends, but the shop with her she decided that she did definitely want to play guitar again, once she could of course. After a few quick promises that she wouldn't play too loudly, and not at night, Sunset entered the shop with her new, albeit temporary guardian. Seeing that the DJ was working the cash register, tried to think positive. 'Vinyl hasn't given you any bad looks, Sunset. You mostly left her alone before the fall formal too. It'll be okay.' Regardless of her self encouragement, Sunset had hoped to avoid the employee as much as possible. However...
"Sunset, I don't exactly know what you're looking for. Perhaps you could give me an idea?"
"Don't worry too much Ms. Velvet. I'll look myself."
Vinyl had evidently been listening out for news about Sunset, as her head snapped up to attention at the mention of her name, causing Sunset to flinch. Mind you, at least she couldn't get shouted at, with Vinyl being mute and all. Still, Sunset was fairly afraid for the worst. Apparantly, she need not have worried, since the mute girl shot Sunset a concerned glance, then pulling out her phone, before being stopped by Sunset.
"Phone got smashed." Sunset stated, reminding her of a student's 'attempt to stop the monster'. "Here's the new number."
Sunset wasn't quite sure why she decided to trust her DJ friend with her new number already, but somehow she did. Just did. Nothing more, nothing less. She simply did.
'u ok? been worried bout u grl!'
"Heh, at least someone cares."
'dont say that! still wat happened?'
"Long story. But seriously, I've been avoiding CHS like the plague. They figured out who the poster is yet?"
'ppl still think its u. i dont believe them'
"Well, thanks I guess. Any others believe it's not me? And any who I should avoid at all costs?"
'me, tavi, bon bon, lyra and i think maybe fluttershy. shes been real antisocial when she realised u were missing. avoid the usuals - trixie, dumbbell, gilda, lightning dust. hate to say it, maybe rd.'
"A-again thanks."
'anytime. tho srsly? tell us when ur happy to say whats been goin on. Those who actually care, really are scared for you. Can I tell the ones I mentioned?'
Frowning at Vinyl's sudden use of proper punctuation and grammar, nodded in confirmation adding "Can you keep this number between us for the time being though? And maybe try and keep this secret outside of those people. And do not tell Fluttershy."
'Yes, sure and yikes okay.'
"Appreciate it." Seeing Velvet waving her over near the exit, Sunset purchased the guitar she had hastily decided on. And started to head out. "Catch you later." Seeing Vinyl wave in acknoledgement, she exited the store.
"Who was that Sunset?"
"An old friend. I hope." Seeing Velvet's slightly confused expression, Sunset decided to move on. "Let's go home Mrs. Velvet."
Sunset really had a good look at the house, now that she had a chance. It was rather large - the family must've been well funded from their jobs. It had a garage, part of the original structure, on top of which sat an extension, which was most likely built for the children of the family, since she could see Twilight peering out the window, waving enthusiastically. Giving a simple nod of her own, Sunset continued to examine her current shelter. It was rather plain on the outside, having a faded grey colour, not unlike Velvet's own skin. The doors and windows were painted blue or and sort of purple, very reminiscent of the other family member's colours.
The garden was fairly small compared to the house, being dominated by a shed with all sorts of technology impaled within it. She had been told that it was Twilight's lab, her becoming a sort of a mad scientist while being inside of it.
The interior of the house was very spacious, since having few rooms for a building of its size. With three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, dining and living room, they family had all they needed, and only a little bit more. Any unsed spaces appeared to be used for Twilight's and Night Light's various instruments, since they were both being avid scientists. Sunset had never asked what Velvet did for a living, but since there were several books around the house with her name imprinted onto it, she assumed the elder Twilight was an accomplished author, despite never having heard of her before meeting her in person.
Now, Sunset sat in her room, fast becoming filled with various items, as Velvet unpacked everything for her.
"Yes, Mrs. Velvet?"
"Have you thought about if you'll stay at Canterlot High?" Sunset had indeed thought about, but was unsure yet. If she found a way to salvage her reputation there...
"I have, but I'm honestly not quite sure yet." It was the simplest answer she could give. And it was also the truth. Sunset had noticed she was feeling... free around this woman. Not only did she not feel like she had to lie to protect herself, Sunset also had started to revert her language. Just during their shopping, she had to stop herself from saying "somepony" at least a dozen times. This, however, presented another problem. She figured they may find out about her being an ex-unicorn at one point, so should she tell them before that? 'Just remember, you won't be living with these people for too much longer.'
"Well, I'd like to take you to see Principal Celestia at some point. We need to sort this out. It doesn't have to be at CHS though. I knew Celestia Ra before she became a teacher, let alone a principal."
Seeing little point in avoiding the confrontation, she accepted the proposition, but not before adding the condition that they should not meet when students could see her.
Before she even knew it, Sunset was in the car again, on the way to Canterlot High, just as classes would be finishing. Soon, the hallways would be near empty, and Sunset would feel relatively safe, at least for someone in her situation. So, Sunset entered the school at the allocated time, all the while in the company of Twilight Velvet. Fearing someone would decide to come into the school corridor at just the wrong moment, Sunset picked up the pace towards the principal's office. Reaching the office, she almost slammed the door behind Velvet, before turning to see the woman in question sat at her desk, with a concerned glint in her eye. As Sunset and Velvet made their way into seats, their appeared to be a cold silence running between all in the room. Before entering into a full conversation, Celestia leaned across the table and whispered something so quite only Sunset could hear it, only for Sunset to shake her head, which even that was quite subtle.
"So, have you decided about your current status in terms of academics yet. I would ask you if you're alright, but suspect I know exactly what you'll tell me."
"I have not made my mind up, mainly because I am not entirely sure what the situation here is. And before you tell me, I'd rather hear it from one of the students, no offense."
"Well, when you do, be sure to come to use. If you do end up transferring, and rightfully so, you need to be here in person, no matter how much I'm sure you don't want to come back here."
"I understand. But is is really that bad here? As far as I know, only around four students don't think it's me."
"I honestly wish I could give you a honest answer on that. But as far as I know, most students just blame you, and put no thought into it. And I must say..." Celestia trailed off, her face suddenly becoming a storm of emotion, mostly directed at herself. "That I'm sorry."
"What for? You didn't cause this. You-" A strike of realisation lit up Sunset's face, as Velvet solemnly nodded in the corner of her eye. "You thought it was me too didn't you?"
Sighing and laying back in submission, the typically grand Celestia ground her head into her hands. "I was rash. I already was sick of stuff like demons and bullies and even an emotionally abusive family, and then this gets dumped on my desk. I wanted a scapegoat, just like most of the students. But now, I swear, I am going to see this through and find out who it was." She was near in tears by the end, clearly filling up with regret and rage, while Sunset was staring at her in confusion, before switching to a more concerned face, leaning forward towards the teacher.
"You don't need to do this. I frankly do not care, as long as the culprits accept what they've done. Besides, whether I stay here or not, I'm renewing my life here. If not, I guess I'll go..." Sunset paused, glancing at Velvet with some suspicion. "somewhere else."
Before Velvet could question what they were doing, her phone buzzed, and when she checked it, it caused her to cry out in frustration. "Oh for- sorry, it appears a supposedly urgent matter has arisen and I am needed immediately. Can I trust you to take Sunset back home, Celestia?" Seeing a sharp nod from the principal, Velvet swiftly exited, leaving Sunset and Celestia to conclude their conversation.
"Just let me know when you're ready to make a decision, I'll be waiting." Just talking to Celestia reminded her how much she had abandoned back in- 'This is not the time to think about that. Compose yourself, Sunset, damn it.'
"I know this meeting didn't exactly accomplise much, but I suppose we know we can talk to each other comfortably if we need to." Standing up, they prepared to leave. "But before I go, could you help me get my stuff from my locker? I can't with my current condition."
"Oh, of course. Mind telling me what your... aftereffects are?"
"Can't use lower arms and hands properly for a while, lost all feelings in the same areas permamently." Swiveling her head to face the principal on the way to her locker, she was surprised when she didn't appear shocked in the slightest. "I'm surprised you aren't more concerned."
"I try to look for the positives. You're alive and aren't missing any limbs. I think that's good enough, don't you?" Celestia gave a sympathic smile, and was met by a sort of shy grinfrom Sunset, thankfully for being reminded how lucky she was.
"Yeah, it's kind of incredible. I would comment on not getting hypothermia or frostbite, but I suspect that's due to me being magical." Almost becoming smug in tone at the last part, it quickly faded, knowing the principal's response.
"Have you thought about going back then?"
"I mean, I have, but I-" Sighing, Sunset struggled for a coherent response. "I just don't feel ready yet. In the future sure, and if any chance of a life here gets ruined, it'll porbably be sooner than later."
"Okay, it's your choice. I just need to know in case you suddenly go missing and everyone panics over it."
"By the way, how did you find out Mrs. Velvet took me in?"
"The hospital called us. After you told them you went here, they simply told us you won't be in for a while due to an... incident, and you would be in the care of Twilight Velvet, who I knew from before my days teaching."
Suddenly, Celestia's bowed looked up to gaze sternly, opening her mouth to speak, before being cut off by Sunset motioning to a nearby locker. "Combinaton's 247." Nodding, Celestia scooped up all the belongings in the metal container in one swift motion, closed, at then went back the way they came, to the car park.
"I must ask - why haven't you told those people about yourself yet?" Celestia wondered, cocking her head to the side in curiousity.
"Well, for one, two of them are avid scientist, and the truth may or may not blow their minds. Also, I do want to earn their trust first. I doubt they'll kick me out if I say something like that, but I want them to trust me." The rest of their journey was spent in relative silence, until they were interrupted yet again, by a text message, this time the ring tone emitting from Sunset's new phone. Deciding it can wait for when they were on the journey home, she left it to vibrate.
And, before long, they were on the way home, with Sunset expertly using her phone with nothing but her teeth and nose, earning an odd look from Celestia, before she made a quite 'oh' in unsderstanding. 'Suppose they don't have hands back where she's from.'
Letting curiousity get the better of her, Celestia spoke up. "Who is it?"
Caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the voice, Sunset sharply turned to the woman. "Huh? Oh, it's Vinyl Stratch, one of the few who don't think this whole MyStable mess is my fault."
"Good to see there's at least one of your friends who stuck by you."
Flinching at the word 'friends', Sunset nodded solemnly. "Yeah, I guess that's another positive, I just wish it wasn't needed in the first place..."
Understanding where Sunset was ultimately going with this, Celestia didn't comment further, to avoid any futher grief, allowing Sunset to see what the message was.
'Remember, if you want to restart your life, we'll be right behind you, because it's never this easy.'
Once again Sunset was confused at the strangeness of Vinyl actually typing properly, since she usually shortened everything for quick communication. Also wondering what 'this' meant, her curiousity was swiftly answered, as Vinyl sent a link to a song. Sunset linked the chorus with what Vinyl must have meant:
Runnin' out of lives so we hit the Reset like...
Dark thoughts, Grey Skies...
Hit a little button everything will be alright like...
Smiling at Vinyl's sympathy and understanding, Sunset tucked the phone away in her pocket, flicking it from her teeth, letting the rest of the car ride pass in relative peace.
Arriving at the house, Celestia quickly left claiming responsibility for her duties. Pressing the doorbell with what can only be described as her face, Sunset waited for someone to answer the door.
"Sunset?" Night Light appeared round the door, peering at her in confusion. "Why didn't you use the key we ga- oohh. Sorry."
"It's fine Mr. Light. I can't do much in this state. I can get by with my mouth if I have to." Ignoring the slightly confused look the scientist was giving Sunset, she brushed past him to get to her room, where she slowly slipped off the bag that was perched on her shoulder, carefully avoiding her bandages as she did so. Eventually, she managed to fish out her journal out of her belongings, since it was the true reason for wanting to empty her locker. That and she didn't trust the rest of the students would leave it alone much longer. Checking no one was at the door or in the room, Sunset realised something - 'I'm supposed to have someone with me at all times, aren't I? Does that mean they trust me already or... nonono, think about what Celestia said. Positives.'
To take her mind off of the worst possibilities, Sunset started to write.
Dear Princess Twilight,
Sorry for not writing for a few days things have been hectic recently. I would explain what has happened, but I'd rather tell you in person so you can see. But before you jump through the mirror, let me tell you a couple of things - my writing might seem worse, and that's because I can't use my hands, so I'm using my mouth instead. And I'd rather not see you now because I'm currently staying with a family. That family so happens to be one that includes the human Twilight Sparkle, and since they currently don't know that I'm actually from any universe, I'd rather avoid them meeting you. And I can't meet you elsewhere due to various... restrictions.
Regardless, what I'm trying to say is that alot has happened recently, and while I'd appreciate your help, it most likely will make things even more confusing.
Your friend,
Sunset Shimmer.
"You keep a diary?" A bespectacled Twilight Sparkle was poking her head through the door.
Sunset, suddenly on the alert, quickly put the book back in her bag and stood to face the girl. "It's more of a journal, but yeah. I guess I do."
Smirking, Twilight beckoned Sunset over. "Nothing to be ashamed of. I was simply wondering. Anyway, my mother's back and starting dinner, so be sure to come out in a few minutes."
Nodding, Sunset turned her attention back to the book, awaiting the response. It came sooner than expected, but it was also not what she expected at the same time.
Hey Sunset, this is Spike. (The dog remember?)
Twilight's away right now to sort out yet another friendship porblem, this time in Trottingham. I'll be sure to tell her when she gets back okay?
Ok, that's great, thanks. Be sure to stop her from going through the portal before finishing the first sentence!
Already boarding it up!
Smiling at the response, Sunset closed the book, knowing that Spike knew Twilight much better that she did, and would probably be blocking the portal at this very moment. She was snapped out of her thoughts by a bark at her door. Turning to entrance way, found a small, purple and green dog, strangely similar to the one she was just communicating with. Smacking herself on the forehead, she realised that the family dog was Spike counterpart. 'I can't believe I only just realised that. Mind you, he was usually in Twilight's lab, for one reason or another. Maybe one day I'll be allowed into it!'
It was almost sad at that last thought, since Sunset knew she would not be staying with this family forever. She was only with them until someone would be happy to take her in on a longer term. Making her way to the dining room, since Spike was most probably alerting Sunset to the presence of food, shr made a decision. She would be much more open with the family from now on. Starting with who she was.
"Why, of course I know it's Starswirl! He went to another universe and I had to teach him who he was all over again! Of course he's stil alive. Let me guess?"
"Neigh! 'Tis not-"
"Well I'm going to guess anyway!"
"He's in limbo stuck fighting a huge shadow-y pony for all time! And we have to rescue him! Come sister, we shall save our teacher when you are ready!"
"Bu- tha- wh- ju- no-....... ARGGGH!"
Will Sunset's arms stay as they are for good, or can they be healed.
Two who attacked Scoota and is she part of Anon A Miss or not?
Sunset had lost feeling in her arms forever, but I have an plan for how Sunset regains use of her arms.
And I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about Scootaloo being attacked. If it's about how Scootaloo can't run, I can't say without serious spoilers.
That what i meant sorry. Anyways it sound liked Scoota had been attacked. Or her mother thinks Sunset is responsible.
Turret did originally think Sunset's responsible, but isn't too sure currently, and is leaving the matter for now. And if I'm honest, I haven't decided if Scootaloo did actually get attacked or not. I'll probably come back to it in a few chapters time.
It would be pretty cool if Sunset can express her rage by playing guitar.
You know, if I had any sort of idea where I could take that, I would proably do it. But it is an idea I shall note down, and maybe take somewhere!
If you're interested, there are people around who were corresponding with the author behind the scenes who are still around. I don't think they had anything too surprising to reveal. The only thing I remember coming out of learning this was the completely predictable fact that the planned ending included the Sunset eventually being able to forgive Fluttershy, and the two of them starting a relationship.
Since you're not planning on making a copy I don't know how much any of that would matter to you.
I would be interested, but frankly, it would just end up majorly messing up this story as I try to do parodies of those ideas, so it's best for my own sanity I don't find out. As for the ending, I kind of guessed that's where it would lead at the end and I honestly don't like it. Too generic.
Plus I don't want to involve Fluttershy in a full on relationship with Sunset. Forgive her sure, but I don't know how I feel about going futher.
But thanks for letting me know anyway.
8832322 It’s a win-win. Sunset improves her hands AND gets to express her rage at whoever ruined her life in a healthy manner.
Sunset will have to journey to find the Ancient One and restore her hands...
Doesn't that sound a little... Strange?
That actually sounds like an awesome idea for a crossover.
As long as Sunset doesn't get wiped from existence in the Infinity War.
What about it?
edit: Nevermind. I see it.
The wording. You said confused and slightly confused expression, which doesn’t make sense.
Sorry I’m a grammar nazi.
I already got it, but it's fine. I need people to point out the mistakes. It's better than just leaving them like that, stupid and nonsensical.
Fair enough.
That should be it, really good story though
Don't worry sunset. I know you'll love this family and even sci twi soon enough with time.
I'd accept it if I were you sunset since you really need it.
Well at least some people are on her side and even fluttershy is too, so that's a good sign. I guess.....
Something tells me it's not gonna go good at all once it comes. 😥
Ok, I take back what I said, seems like principal celestia believes her.
Which is good nevertheless.
Well at least we know she cares.
No they don't, most times hooves aren't the best either. 🙄
Something tells me thet might let you stay longer with time sunset.
I’m getting a little confused on how non-functional her arms are supposed to be.
Huh. I wonder how her nerve damage would translate on the other side of the mirror. Seems like it would be a lot less impactful, since unicorns don’t use there forehooves as often.