"Sunset, we don't want to upset you..."
"Or hurt you..."
"Or make it seem like we're rejecting you..."
"But we must..."
"Absolutely must ask..."
Sunset was barraged by all members of the family at once, asking if she was of right mind. She was ready for this though. She was even ready for the inevitable long silence that would follow. Or at least that's what she would have expected if Spike (the dragon) wasn't there.
"Seriously?! I alone am not enough proof for you?" The ex-dragon's face was full of semi-surprise. It was clear he had heard this before, but thought they would believe it at least a little bit due to the presence of a talking dog.
First to break the eerie stillness of the room was the younger Twilight, with slightly casual shrug. "It was worth a shot." Noticing the odd looks be given to her by the rest of her family, Twilight was quick to justify herself. "What? The talking dog is pretty hard to deny. Even I'd struggle to find an excuse for that."
Again, way too relaxed for what they had said, the family talked in unison, generally content with the fact that if Twilight believes it, anyone can.
"I ask again," Talking-Spike once again spoke up, having declared himself the director of the current flow of events. "any questions?"
Strangely enough, the family actually struggled to find a valid question, before Shining, previously the most reserved of the group, found one. "Did you say, 'Princess Twilight Sparkle'?"
"Finally." Sunset had been leaning against the nearest wall, inspecting her nails while she waited. "Yes, everyone in this world, or at least Canterlot, has a counterpart in my world of origin. and I suppose you would like to know about your counterparts?" Sunset was met with nods from all, with Spike commenting that he'll update any out dated information.
"So the Twilight Sparkle from my world..." And so, the next hours was filled with an complete information dump, which was accompanied by frantic scribbling, as the scientists in the family took notes, producing 2,528 words of transcript, filled with details of Equestria, particularly the adventures of Twilight Sparkle, the element of magic. It was strangely relaxing for something of such a strange topic, allowing the evening to pass with relative ease.
When all was said and done, everyone concerned was exhausted. With few words exchanged between anyone, they agreed they would sort out this in the morning, and the dragon would go back to Equestria, all the while assuring everyone he wouldn't get run over at all. The fact they wanted to think about this, created doubt in the thoughts of Sunset, who then struggled to sleep as a result, taunting thoughts swirling around in her head.
'Why did I say say all that? They not going to help me anymore.'
'They'll reject you. You're an alien. No place among them. You should just go. No point in staying.'
Her own thoughts continued to plant seeds if doubt throughout her conscious, until the equestrian finally succumbed to her tiredness, drifting into a deep black vision.
Now, Sunset awoke in a dungeon, back as her original species of an unicorn. It was a cold still cube, with only the barred door offering any change from the dullened brown bricks. Noting the lack of any furniture, Sunset recognised this as the cells dedicated to those who have commited great criminal acts, such as direct treason against the crown.
'It was only a matter of time, I suppose. Someone sent for guards to fetch me, and bring me here. Now I'm facing potential banishment for an act of rebellion.'
Silently, the minutes ticked by, only broken at long last by hoofsteps coming down the row of cells, stopping at the door that Sunset was staring at constantly, awaiting news of her inevitable punishment. Instead of opening like the prisoner expected, the door shimmered with a vibrant blue, allowing entry of a tall alicorn. As the light from the entrance died down, Sunset was able to get a good look at the assumed royalty. The pony was a dark blue, with her mane and tail flowing not unlike Celestia's pastel hair, only with the night sky depicted on it instead.
"Hello Sunset." Recieving only a submissive nod in return, the regal pony bent down to reach under Sunset's chin, lifting her head up. "I am Princess Luna. I would introduce myself more, but my time here limited, so let's get to the point." Seeing Sunset's ears fold down, afraid to hear what was next, the princess of the night decided to check some very important information with the unicorn in front of her. "You are aware this is a dream, yes?"
"A drea- wha- wh-?"
"Well now you are, so listen." Sighing, as if in slight frustration, Luna simply sat down in front of Sunset, beginning to say what she needed to say. "I have been aware of your predicament, and despite my best efforts, I have been unable to inform my sister due to various... complications. Princess Twilight is now also aware of your situation, having sent a very panicked letter to Celestia commenting that Spike is missing, you may be in trouble, and she is seven ribbons short for the town decorations, as well as the breakage of a box of baubles. My sister has not seen the letter yet, and when she does she will most likely come over. I am also aware that Spike was in your world, since he sent a message to me to intercept the forementioned letter."
The amber unicorn, blinked several times, processing a new bit of information with each one. "O-okay... You are telling me this because?"
"I wanted to ask your permission to actually tell Celestia, because she will most likely rush over to your world looking for you. And don't think about it for too long. Since I am literally crossing dimensions to speak to you, my power's limited. As you can see, this dream is already disintergrating." Nodding to the wall next to them, Sunset could certainly see that the stone was being replaced by a void.
Sighing, Sunset was certainly reluctant to see Celestia again, but she knew it was going to be inevitable. "Well, go ahead. It's going to happen sooner or later."
With that, Luna dispersed the dreamscape, since it was starting to strain her power, but not before leaving a message. "Please remember that Celestia has..." Her words were drowned out as the crackling energies flowed back into her.
'Celestia's done what?!'
Slowly but surely, Sunset was shocked from her slumber by the rather panicked voice of Twilight Sparkle. Forcing her senses to activate, the buzzing sounds were converted into coherent words. "Sunset!"
"Urrhh. What is it Twilight?" Looking around the room, she noted that Velvet was missing from the recliner, and it was late in the morning. In her dream, she had been able to feel her forehooves, but any hope of that being reflected in real life was demolished as she pushed herself off of the bed, not feeling the covers.
"There's this crazy woman shouting at the house, saying something about her.... son...."
"What? What is it?" Twilight only directed a finger in a general direction past her shoulder. Craning her head around, Sunset found herself facing a wall of fire, seemingly sprouting from her back. "....Oh."
Uh oh, the princess of the sun has unexpectedly arrived in the human world. Time to alert everyone for evacuation.
. . .
OOOOOOOOR I don't have to do that and let them deal with the consequences~.
. . .
Although, maybe they don't deserve to be brutally beaten or close to death by her.
. . .
Then again, I would hide and watch them all get their ass kicked or something~.
. . .
Hmmmmmmmmm what to do.
. . .
Eh, I'll just enjoy some popcorn and drinks to see what happens.
So was that typo at the end deliberate?
You mean the 'sun' bit? Yes, it was. It's pretty hard to miss when in massive writing, you know.
I like that Tia evidently maintains a level of decorum even in hellfire demand mode. Yes they may have her little sun, but entering the home without invitation would be remarkably rude.
im betting its not a typo but more play on words
Technically in the human world you are banished
Eh, it's not official, or that's what I imagine.
I'll fetch the soda.
I'll cook a pizza
I'll get the burgers.
I love the smell of solar flames in the morning that town is going to burn because they have now awakened the sun's wrath
Not surprised they'd ask her that after hearing her story. 😒
I hope they can manage to keep this a secret. 🤞
That ain't good. 😬
How. Did. That. Happen!?!?!? 😨
It's got to be princess celestia without a doubt.