• Member Since 13th Aug, 2021
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I now aspire to write something fantastical. Or should I say... bizarre.


New Happenings of SuShi · 1:59pm Apr 9th, 2023

Hello everyone, I'd like to do a little advertising here. So recently, I've been working on a collab with a few others right here on FiMFiction, and I'm pleased to say the first chapter has been released of Celli and Lulu's Strange Situation: A Siren's Call. Quite the mouthful, huh? :trollestia:

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Report Jojoleopard · 145 views ·

The Future of Sushi · 9:04am Jan 12th, 2023

Hey hey hey, everyone. With SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Twilit Curtain Call completed, it'll only be a matter of time before I get part 4 up here. But this time, I'll be taking a bit more time to iron out what I want, so it'll be a while before I start posting it. In the meantime, however, I don't want to spoil much, but if you haven't been on the thread, there's a collaboration in the works, so stay tuned for that. But fret not, I'll still be working on part 4 alongside this, but this

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Report Jojoleopard · 232 views ·

Spin-Offs and Stuff · 2:37pm Sep 2nd, 2022

Hey hey hey (In the voice of Yogi Bear), I've just read something that I wanna share with the rest of you and that's the spin-off to our main canon, written by BarelyCoherent, dubbed, Pinkie's Bizarre Adventure: Yellow Dead Cell. I was intrigued by the idea when he had come forward with it and after reading it, I must say, I'm quite pleased with the way he's writing. If you haven't already read it, do

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Back in Business · 1:47pm Aug 31st, 2022

Here we are again, we're back in business! As Sushi part 3 rolls out, do give it a read! If you haven't read the first two parts, I do hope you give them a chance as well. One thing I intend to do this round is to pace myself to Cinders of War. It's become evident that I type a little quickly at times and sometimes I shoot way past his drawing speed and I may have caused him to put in extra time to get the Stand images out faster. This time, I hope to lighten this load and I'll stay myself if

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Report Jojoleopard · 269 views · #Jojo

A Sushi Group! · 1:56am Jul 27th, 2022

Yes, there's some renovations going on on my user page and I would like to say that I'll be moving all the Stand images out. They'll now be in a group which you can find right here at this very spot, which will bring you to our very own SuShi's Bizarre Adventure group! This is where we can compile our Sushi stories and Stand images done by Cinders of War, and perhaps more one day. If you've enjoyed my

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Report Jojoleopard · 217 views · #Joooooooojo

The End of a Second Adventure · 2:17pm Jul 20th, 2022

Well, here we stand today, at the end of Sushi's Bizarre Adventure: Nugget Run Horizon. I hadn't had the power I had when I typed the first story in just three months, but here we are. It has been a great pleasure to have the handful of you constantly giving me your thoughts and even sometimes, suggestions and I want to say that I am very grateful to have these in my writing process. I am still rather new to the writing circle and I will use whatever I get to continue to improve to make my

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Gone Times · 8:58am Jun 6th, 2022

So again, it's been some time since I've updated Sushi part 2. I had forgotten to mention that I was doing a little bit of a-traveling and I have not been around to even type a little, and therefore, I have not updated in a while. Again, I apologize for this and I will be getting right back into it! Thanks all for continuing to read what I have and I highly appreciate all the comments you have been leaving for me. I will continue to do my best in improving my storytelling and thank you for

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Report Jojoleopard · 213 views · #Sushi

Elden Ring is Probably the Best Game Ever · 12:56am Mar 22nd, 2022

So I've been through about a hundred hours on Elden Ring, and I think I can safely say, this is probably the best game I've ever played, which unfortunately means my story will be updated slowly... :twilightoops:

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Report Jojoleopard · 241 views ·

Apologies · 10:45am Mar 4th, 2022

Hey everyone first up, I'd like to apologize for my chapters coming out later and later. Truth be told, I'm rather absorbed by a certain game right now, with certain rings and certain eldens... :raritywink: I haven't been adding much to my story and I apologize for that. I will find some time between this and life to type, so rest assured, the chapters will keep coming, but at a slower rate.

Report Jojoleopard · 135 views ·

Celldweller · 9:08am Feb 6th, 2022

I apologize that I forgot to have the stat chart for Celldweller out, Fuschia had her first moment in the battle with Alestorm.
Without further ado, here is Fuschia Blush's Stand, Celldweller, by Cinders of War!

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