• Member Since 13th Aug, 2021
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I now aspire to write something fantastical. Or should I say... bizarre.


This story is a sequel to SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Twilit Curtain Call

Quick note: This story takes place in an alternate reality where Sunset never left Equestria for power, instead, she left it because she felt everypony was turning against her. She also does this at a later point in time from the original Equestria Girls movie, and this now takes place sixty eight years after Sunset's adventure. In this universe, the girls never got their geodes, and so they don't have super powers. Other than Stands.
With this being the case, Twilight Sparkle had only been to the human world in the previous part, since Sunset never stole her crown.
It has been eleven years since TWI had turned against her friends on their adventure together, set on righting a world on the brink of destruction. It was there that TWI had taken Sunset Shimmer away in hopes of finding a way to heal this world. Shiho Sunfast has been searching for signs of her grandmother and TWI all this time, and she may finally have a lead among the Polynesian islands when a mysterious girl, Subterra Shiver, appears.
Having lost her memory, they will have to work together with new allies to find out where she came from and why TWI wants her so badly. Once again, Shiho would have to embark on another bizarre adventure, in hopes that she can still save her grandmother.

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Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Nugget Run Horizon

Quick note: This story takes place in an alternate reality where Sunset never left Equestria for power, instead, she left it because she felt everypony was turning against her. She also does this at a later point in time from the original Equestria Girls movie, and this now takes place fifty seven years after Sunset's adventure. In this universe, the girls never got their geodes, and so they don't have super powers. Other than Stands.
With this being the case, Twilight Sparkle has never been to the human world, since Sunset never stole her crown.
It's been decades since Sunset Shimmer's family saved the world from total destruction with the help of Stand power. With the world in a steady decline, a group of Stand-using activists calling themselves Die Die Riches have risen up to change the global status quo. Sunset Shimmer's granddaughter, Shiho, must follow the trail of destruction left by Die Die Riches and put a stop to their actions before they destroy the world for good. Aided by the Jojo family, Daring Do, and Twilight Sparkle, Shiho's quest will be one of the most bizarre adventures yet.

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Chapters (35)

This story is a sequel to SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Fantasy Friendship

Quick note: This story takes place in an alternate reality where Sunset never left Equestria for power, instead, she left it because she felt everypony was turning against her. She also does this at a later point in time from the original Equestria Girls movie, and this now takes place thirty years after finishing high school. In this universe, the girls never got their geodes, and so they don't have super powers. Other than Stands.
Summer Shine, the daughter of Sunset Shimmer, or as her friends call her, Sushi, never thought life would become so bizarre. But the day her Stand emerged, everything changed and soon, she and her friends are pulled into a shadowy plot by a sinister group to awaken something that could threaten the lives of everyone living on this planet. Traveling all the way to Germany during a booming Nugget Run, Sushi and her friends must overcome all odds to stop their foes, or witness the extinction of humanity.

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Chapters (40)

Rarity had gone missing years ago and Detective Sweetie Belle believed that she would find her sister again one day, and this day finally looked promising as she finds a clue from a suspicious stranger that would lead her down the maintenance halls of one of Manehattan's subway stations.

With a clue finally in her hands after years of nothing to show for her work, there was no chance she was going to let it slide by. But things might not be as Sweetie Belle had anticipated and she was about to find out her sister's darkest secret, and darker secrets still.

Chapters (3)

Spike, the Hero of Canterlot, the most powerful of all humans, the legendary defender, tolerates no injustice. In his eyes, all crime must be punished, and unluckily enough for those who would commit crimes in Canterlot, Spike is always there to save the day. Join him on an average sunny afternoon as he performs his heroic duty to the city.

In this story, Spike is a human, not a dragon, not a dog, and he is the most important and most powerful character to ever live in the MLP universe.
This story is written just for Nightshroud96, the greatest Spike fan to ever live. I hope you like it, my friend.

Chapters (1)

Quick note: This story takes place in an alternate reality where Sunset never left Equestria for power, instead, she left it because she felt everypony was turning against her. She also does this at a later point in time from the original Equestria Girls movie, and she is a little older than she was in said movie.
After running away from Equestria, Sunset Shimmer, or as her friends had once called her, Sushi, thought she would live out the rest of her life alone with nothing more than homework to bother her from day to day. All that changed when she soon realized bizarre things were happening around her, along with a mysterious stranger named Jostle Joyride, who then brings her into the world of Stands, magical entities of one's fighting spirit, and a plot of world domination from an unknown enemy.

Together with Jojo and a new group of friends, Sunset must stop this new enemy, or risk losing the world she had come to take refuge in. This is the tale of Sushi's Bizarre Adventure.

Cover by Cinders of War.
Check out a spin-off here!
Join the Sushi group here for more Sushi content and some extras!

Chapters (31)