• Member Since 10th Aug, 2014
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Miller Minus

Cherish the thought.


When Pinkie Pie misses Twilight's Hearth's Warming party to investigate her twitchy tail, Twilight ignores every one of her own defense mechanisms and investigates with her.

Merry Jinglemas, Hyper Star!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has a panic attack. In 7 days, she'll save the world.

With Angel's help, of course.

This story was written in the summer of 2018, so whatever season MLP was on back then, that's when this story takes place.

Cover art by Chib-bee

Chapters (8)

What’s the perfect gift to get the girl of your dreams? Is it a necklace? A mixtape of her favorite songs? A used pull-out couch that gobbles you up the moment you try and pull it out?

No? It isn’t the couch? Well, too bad, because that’s what Gallus got for Silverstream this Hearth’s Warming.

Nice one, Gallus.

Merry jinglemas, Darkblaze15!

Cover Art by Shydale. I did the hat though.

Chapters (1)

King Sombra has been brought back to life once again—only this time, he doesn’t have his horn. Weak without it and withering away day by day, Sombra sets out for the Crystal Empire to find his missing piece, chaperoned by the downtrodden and endlessly kind Troubleshoes Clyde.

They’d better hurry. Twilight Sparkle has caught wind of Sombra’s return, and she’s getting awfully tired of destroying him.

Winner of the M/M Shipping Contest.
Cover Art by aquoquoo.

Chapters (6)

Everygriff in Griffonstone knows that ponies are the most gullible little creatures under the sun, and the citizens of Ponyville might just be the dumbest of them all. On Gallus's first ever visit to the quaint little town, two weeks before school starts, he's eager to see just how much money he can make off of them.

But the ponies of Ponyville may not be as defenseless as they seem.

Cover Art by Kam

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy has sometimes wondered if she’s not as straight as she thinks she is, but between battling evil, saving the world, and caring for lost animals at her sanctuary, she’s never had the time to sit down and figure herself out. But she’s only getting older, and if she ever wants to find somepony to spend the rest of her life with, she’s going to have to find out who she’s actually attracted to first. 

It’s time to undress the citizens of Ponyville with her eyes.

Cover Art by FranShushu
With extreme gratitude to Semillon.

Chapters (1)

War is brewing in the northern reaches of Equestria.

Well, not really. Or at least, let’s hope not. Hearth’s Warming Eve is only a week away, and a war would really murder everypony’s holiday spirit.

Fortunately for Equestria, Princess Celestia has a plan to stop the war before it even gets started, just in time to save the holidays. Unfortunately for Princess Luna, her sister's absence means she has to dress up in a red suit, head over to the local mall, and listen to the children of Canterlot prattle on about their asinine wish-lists.

She'd rather be going to war.

Happy Jinglemas, Level Dasher!

Pre-reading thanks to Semillon, who is sensational, and Mousse, who is marvelous, and also provided the dope-as-hell cover art. Look at it. Looklooklook.

Chapters (1)

Troubleshoes Clyde don't ask for much from Hearth's Warming. He don't need no gifts, no festive meal, not even a group of friends to share stories with. No, he's always been happier all by his lonesome anyways.

All he's ever wanted for Hearth's Warming is a nice warm house to spend it in. And this year is the first year he might not have a house at all.

Lucky for him, he's got a whole year to build himself a brand new one.

This was written for Vivid Syntax as a part of the Jinglemas 2019 story exchange.

Cover Art by SourSpot

Chapters (1)

Silverstream has never been a half-measures kind of girl. So when Gallus returns from a rotten trip to Griffonstone in need of a pick-me-up, she's prepared to do whatever it takes to lift his spirits. And she knows exactly what she must do.

Hijack the Wonderbolts in his honor.

Cover Art by Hioshiru
Thank you to Meridian Prime and semillon for being handsome. And for helping me put this story together.

Chapters (4)

Smolder is not a changeling. But sometimes she feels like one.

Being a dragon can be downright exhausting.

Cover Art by Dashy21
Thank you to Ice Star, Meridian Prime and Pascoite for their help putting this together.

Chapters (2)