• Member Since 12th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Have you any dreams you'd like to sell? (He/Him)


Not everypony can handle the idea of living under a changeling regime.

Some ponies are willing to take risks to avoid that sort of fate. Some try to sneak out of whatever city they're living in that happens to be under Queen Chrysalis' hoof. Some turn to professionals to help smuggle them out of the city.

And sometimes they succeed.

My entry into Perfectly Insane's dialogue only contest.

Knowledge of Equestria at War is useful, but hopefully not necessary.

Huge thanks to FanOfMostEverything for giving this a look-over.

Chapters (1)

The Great and Powerful Trixie is a very respectable marefriend, putting aside some minor issues like theft, failing to read her letters properly and general cheekiness. It's how she ended up with not one, but two wonderful partners, neither of which she'd abandon for the world.

The afterworld is a different kettle of fish. It's a kettle that requires too much prep time and unnecessarily fancy instructions, and going over its proverbial recipes requires sacrifices that honestly aren't worth it. Not that those facts will stop ponies with delusions of sacrificial heroism, of which there are far too many in Equestria.

Good thing The Great and Powerful Trixie is a far more effective mediator. Hearth's Warming Eve might be gloomy without her insightful presence.

Written for AndwhatIseeisme for Jinglemas 2023. Feel free to check out the group if you're interested in participating next year!

Hopefully this fits to your taste. I'll admit things got a bit strange the more an idea calcified in my brain, and if it's not to your liking I can write something else. ^_^;

Chapters (1)

One might think that pairing a focused, future-thinking individual with a laid-back opportunist might balance out situations nicely. Ideally, the one obsessed with the future makes the plans, while the one who lives in the present keeps things steady and grounded.

Unfortunately, while that sort of tactic might work well in business, it's far more problematic in an actual relationship. Doubly so when there's a failure to communicate.

And when a holiday requires keeping secrets from others, well...

Written for Melody Song for Jinglemas 2022. Feel free to check out the group if you're interested in participating next year!

Chapters (1)

The weather's grown cold, and the leaves are starting to fall. But this change in temperature's never quite so bad as long as you have somecreature with you, and at least for now Applejack and Ember have each other.

But all things change. The seasons, most of all. And as the seasons change, all things under the stratosphere must change with them, for better or for worse.

Maybe—just maybe—A weekend in a cabin in the middle of the woods might be enough to change all that. Especially a weekend with a special somecreature. Maybe it could even be enough to bring about a satisfying ending.

There's only one way to find out.

This isn't, literally speaking, my 50th story; it's a couple stories too late for that. But in terms of wanting a story to celebrate a big, round number, well—here it is. This is something I've wanted to write for a while, but struggling with writing in general's gotten in the way; were it not for EFNW being the shot-in-the-arm that it was for getting me excited about writing again, I may never have finished this at all.

But it's something. And, hopefully regardless of how much everyone else likes it, it's something I can feel glad about for having written. Here's to hoping it won't be the last time I can find satisfaction in a story.

All of my thanks to Flashgen and Wanderer D for helping me out with this; It needed quite a lot of help in the end. Thanks to Cyonix for drawing the cover art of this (I know, actually commissioning art, right? I think that might be a first for me.) Thanks to a musician that I've already thanked before, who I'll be annoyingly cryptic about.

And thanks to the many, many other people responsible for making MLP:FiM exist.

Chapters (8)

The School of Friendship takes all kinds of students and deals with all kinds of friendship problems on a daily basis. Some things are easily resolved: A fight between two students over lunch, troubles getting along with someone else during a friendship exercise, that sort of thing. Some times, it's more troubling behavior from more troubling sources; unhappy families, unresolved issues in the like.

And then you run into some students with too much talent, too little self-confidence and an unusual approach to solving problems. Like Dusty Gust.

Fortunately, The School of Friendship takes all kinds of faculty, too. Including guidance counselors whose knack for theatrics is surpassed only by their willingness to work with children, regardless of how atypical their problems might be.

My entry into the Kirin Fans of Cuteness story exchange, and a gift for VoxArachne. I sincerely hope that I got the character right - The wiki only listed her as "Kirin Friendship Student S09E26 Unnamed Kirin #3", so I gave it my own touch, embellished things a little and hoped for the best. In any case, hope you liked it. :twilightsheepish:

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's life is full of colour: of sunrises and sunsets that dance, of skies so blue you can taste them, of prisms that fracture light and fill one's soul with rainbows. Truly, it is a life where she couldn't ask for more.

Why do ponies fear that? It's as if they're scared of beauty. Or maybe scared of her, possibly.

If only they'd let her enlighten them. But maybe today will be a luckier day...

I know I made promises about what my 50th fic would be. Trust me, I do have them in mind and I will finish writing and publish them, for your sakes and mine. I just didn't want to write two romance stories in a row, that's all, and I figured that I could shake things up a little and try something new.

Art commissioned from the ever-wonderful Cyonix!

Thanks to Flashgen for helping me write this. And my sincerest thanks to Hay Tea for making this possible.

Chapters (2)

A mansion in the rain is less than amicable to outsiders. But arguably, the owner of said mansion decides who is and who isn't an outsider.

And even natural socialites could do with selective solitude from time to time.

"Selective" and "complete" aren't the same, though.

Thanks to Flashgen and Wanderer D for their help.

Further thanks to Rebekah Harkness, Taylor Swift, best boy and best girl.

Also to the wise fimfic user who once said:

Absolutely lovely, but now you owe Silverstream a happy fluff fic to make up for all the trauma you've caused.

Enjoy, Jack.

Chapters (1)

Everygriff's got to do their part for Mt. Aris, what with trouble on the horizon; and what can be done, by whoever can do it, should be done. And if Queen Novo needs a face for the country - a perky, cheerful, smiling face to keep the general public happy and enthusiastic enough to soldier on as always, who better to do it than a hippogriff who's reputation abroad was that she could turn the world on with her smile?

Mt. Aris needs a personality to sell. Silverstream fits the bill. It's nothing less than her friends would do for their countries.

And what's a few silly comments compared to the happiness of others? It's no less than her friends could do, right?

All my thanks to WandererD for his help, Equestria at War for being an indirect inspiration - though not a 1:1 for the story's setting - and Best girl for being amazingly cute and lovable.

Sorry for hurting the things I love.

Art does not belong to me, and will be taken down upon request.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Pinkie Pie don't have much in common. That doesn't mean they can't learn from each other, though.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie don't necessarily appreciate what the other one's devoted to. That doesn't mean they can't learn to appreciate them, though.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie don't necessarily have special feelings for each other.

Give it a year, though, and...

Written for the lovely Angel Midnight for Jinglemas 2021. Your prompt convinced me to think about two characters I don't normally think about in a whole new light, and I'm honestly very thankful for that. I suppose teaching me to appreciate something a bit more is your Christmas gift to me, eh?

All of my thanks to Stinium for helping me edit this story.

Art does not belong to me, and will be removed upon request.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy wasn't expecting to find a snow globe in her closet; even if Angel Bunny pointed it out to her, it most certainly didn't come from him. The most obvious candidate is Discord, but if so - why is it there? Who is it for?

And why does the snow globe have a figure of her inside it, dancing amidst the perpetually falling snow?


A very belated Hearth's Warming gift for the ever lovely Nailah. This story was written for Jinglemas 2020; For more information about Jinglemas, check out our group!

All of my thanks to Flashgen for his help.

Chapters (1)