• Member Since 17th May, 2013
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Daedalus Aegle

Black Lives Matter. Good things are good, actually. I write about wizards and wizards' apprentices. 90% of prophecy is just pattern recognition.


Sortes Vergiliana · 10:25am August 21st

There is a form of fortune-telling called the Sortes Vergilianae, where you flip to a random line of the Aeneid and read it as your fortune.

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Scenes from an Education · 7:32pm August 16th

I wrote this early last year and it's just been sitting unseen on my computer ever since, which feels like a waste.

From the right honorable Star Swirl the Bearded, Thaum.D., PMD, etc.

To the editor of the Cambridle Impartial Bystander.

Dear Sir and/or Madam,

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Classics Reimagined: The Odyssey · 10:20am July 20th


It's still just one thing after another · 8:00pm July 7th

Two days later, there is no longer any doubt that I caught covid. The good news is that the worst symptoms, the fever and the aches, have receded. But today I realized I have lost my sense of smell. Which, even though I knew that is a symptom of covid, is no less unnerving when it happens. An entire primary sense, one of the major ways us apes gather information about the world around us, is just gone. My frail flesh prison betrays me yet again. Sigh. Get your boosters, kids.

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It's just one thing after another · 9:09am July 5th

I've been properly sick for the last few days, and I'm beginning to fear that after four years of dodging it I may have finally caught covid.

If so, I don't want to go outside and risk spreading it to anyone else. But unfortunately the only tests I have in the house are ancient, and passed their expiration date in January. I just tried one even so, and it immediately showed a positive result. I don't suppose anyone knows how expired an expired test has to be to give a false positive?

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Time ghost · 10:29pm June 6th

MLP:FiM came out 14 years ago.

I first used the internet in 1996.

I don't know exactly when, but sometime soon we will hit the point where MLP has been part of the internet for literally half the time it's existed in my life.

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Just putting this out there · 8:32am June 1st

Do cutie marks fade away when a pony dies, and their magic returns to the aether?

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I doodled a Star Swirl · 8:31pm May 20th

My magic boi:

It is not fine art. But it is art nonetheless. I haven't drawn anything at all in who knows how many years, so this small act of artistic creation is quite a lot to me, and I'm surprisingly proud of it. He's looking up at the stars, as he does.

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Across the generations · 2:27pm May 12th

Something happened earlier this week that got me thinking.

Even though I have all of G4 on my computer and can watch any part of it any time I wish, back on monday on a whim I clicked on the official MLP stream on youtube. I found myself dropped into the middle of Magical Mystery Cure, just before A True True Friend started playing, and I watched through to the end of the episode.

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Pony meme watch: celebrating love · 12:30am March 21st

So in case you don't know I just thought I'd mention that over on tumblr there is an MLP art meme going viral, based on this photo:

There is a huge number of them.

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