
  • sex: from the human perspective, zero sex occurs or is referred to in this text. however, i am tagging it because i am not a cultural chauvinist.
  • violence: well you see, when a hopefully-actually teenaged pony in the shape of a human teenager and a thousand-year-old Siren in the shape of a human teenager in a way that's hopefully not weird hate each other very much...
  • profanity: one (1) use of the fuckword


Aria Blaze really wants Sunset to know how much she hates her.


an entry into the Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary Shipping Contest and the Sunset Shimmer X Aria Blaze Competition.

if submissions published instantly, it would still have been Pride Month somewhere in Kiribati when this was published. so happy Pride Month!

my entries this year from thematically lightest to darkest are as follows:

Chapters (1)


Cheese Sandwich wakes up to the heat death of the universe.


thank you to publiq for the "jhanashvas" pun!

if submissions published instantly, it would still have been Pride Month somewhere in Kiribati when this was published. so happy Pride Month!

my entries this year from thematically lightest to darkest are as follows:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Beneath


Chiffon Swirl just got here. Pear Butter is upset.


if submissions published instantly, it would still have been Pride Month somewhere in Kiribati when this was published. so happy Pride Month!

my entries this year from thematically lightest to darkest are as follows:

Chapters (1)


Feather Bangs meets with the three swooning mares. It's their first date, kinda.


the names of Swoon Song, Fond Feather, and Dear Darling for the three swooning mares were not invented by me, but rather taken from Derpibooru tags. trust me, if it were up to me i would have picked better names!


if submissions published instantly, it would still have been Pride Month somewhere in Kiribati when this was published. so happy Pride Month!

my entries this year from thematically lightest to darkest are as follows:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to p-value


This morning was supposed to be a goodbye.


an entry to the Dialogue-Only Contest!

story meant to be read independently of the prequel.

thank you to Shaslan and Crack-Fic Casey for prereading!


profanity: one (1) use of the fuckword

Chapters (1)


This story was written for the Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest, but was cut down due to wordcount limits. I am currently working on a full-length expanded version of the story that will be the definitive edition, which I will link here when it goes up in a week or so. If you can be patient, please read that one instead! Or read this one and then read that one when it goes up.


It was supposed to be an easy way back home. Jump into the quicksand pit, go through the portal to Equestria beneath it, get to Twilight's Castle's Basement, go through the Magic Mirror, and before she knew it, Sunset and all of her friends and everyone they rescued from that sinking cruise ship would find themselves on the manicured green lawns of Canterlot High.

Instead, they wake up scattered around the quicksand pit, still on the desert tropical island they were trying to escape. Only there isn't a portal to Equestria anymore. And none of them can get a cell phone signal.

And then Bon Bon's phone lights up.


It turns out that Bon Bon was a secret agent for a secret spy organization this whole time. And they just told her that the world has ended, and no rescue is coming for them. Ever.


Note that this is rated T, that is, while things implied by the red tags will happen the story will not linger on them in graphic detail when they are depicted.

Spoil at your own risk!:

Overall: Gore, death, gory death, limb dismemberment, guns, being shot by guns, being killed by guns, suicide by gun, suicidal ideation but it's only one time, starvation, questions about the nature of humanity, questions about the relationship between humans and the animals they raise and slaughter, existential horror, body horror, existential horror arising from body horror, relationships in all sorts of combinations even including cis-hetero, one of those is Rarity x Ragamuffin, pregnancy so sexhaving is implied to have happened but is not depicted, one of those is Rarity x Ragamuffin, almost everyone in the world dying but it's not depicted and all offscreen so it's okay, gaslighting, gatekeeping, girlbossing

Chapter 1: Surprise death and gore. "Spring Breakdown" plot inconsistency lampshading.
Chapter 2: Death and gore, possibly of a child. Rainbow Dash no longer having a leg.
Chapter 3: Suicidal ideation. Implied offscreen apocalypse where everyone died.
Chapter 4: Discussion of corpse disposal. Discussion of cannibalism. Discussion of how many calories a human body has.
Chapter 5: Implied but not depicted gore. Funerals and grieving.
Chapter 6: No actual content warning here so this is just to pad out the spoiler bar.
Chapter 7: Physical effects of the early stages of starvation depicted. An animal in chronic pain depicted.
Chapter 8: Talk of creating tulpas and I guess that's called tulpomancy?
Chapter 9: Suicide mentioned as having happened. Contemplating the consequences of philosophical solipsism, the nature of happiness
Chapter 10: Underage drinking, pregnancy announcement, planning estrogen extraction from pregnant woman urine
Chapter 11: Gore. Death. A skull getting blown half-off which is pretty gory.
Chapter 12: Gore. Death. Suicide. Sucking chest wound, a body being riddled with bullets, suicide by shooting self in head.
Chapter 13: Death. Suicide. A mother shooting her daughter and then herself.
Chapter 14: Gore, by PTSD flashbacks to the events of the previous three chapters.
Chapter 15: Childbirth! I mean I tried to describe the events without going into vivid description even though it's a perfectly natural and glorious event.
Chapter 16: Unsettling implications of what the characters are saying but nothing graphic or anything
Chapter 17: A reveal that recontextualizes the previous events of the story with horrific implications. Nothing graphic tho
Chapter 18: Continuation of the above, plus physical violence and swearing.


an entry into Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest and the Sunset x Villain “Monster-Shipping” Competition. originally a May Pairings entry, but withdrawn due to going over the length limit

thank you to Crack-Fic Kai, Shrink Laureate, and Drider for prereading Chapters 1-6!

thank you to FanOfMostEverything for commenting so quickly on chapters when they were posted and thus being an inadvertent post-publication prereader for later tweaks.

Chapters (18)


The simulation ends.


thank you to The Sleepless Beholder and EileenSaysHi for prereading.

an entry for the Imposing Sovereigns IV contest under Midnight Sparkle/Unorthodoxy

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Trepidation


Trixie's trip through the portal results in what she feared.


happy literal last minutes of Pride Month!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Bedrock


Chiffon Swirl is confused. Pear Butter was just here.


happy literal last minutes of Pride Month!

Chapters (1)