The simulation ends.
thank you to The Sleepless Beholder and EileenSaysHi for prereading.
an entry for the Imposing Sovereigns IV contest under Midnight Sparkle/Unorthodoxy
The simulation ends.
thank you to The Sleepless Beholder and EileenSaysHi for prereading.
an entry for the Imposing Sovereigns IV contest under Midnight Sparkle/Unorthodoxy
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This is pretty good.
Even though it's built upon a 'simulation argument' and I don't necessarily like most of's also a pretty good shipfic at the same time.
Twilight basically broke her Universe, became God and made a new universe. Then again, and again, and again... And each New iteration created an iteration of itself where the universe inexplicably didn't collapse and kept going on. Each real and fake at the same time because Quantum Mechanics means paradoxes simply ARE.
Yeah, I wish we had gotten Season 3 too.

Seriously though, the fact that Twilight broke both universes as Midnight Sparkle is dark and wild at the same time. Technically speaking, that makes this tale an AU, but I'd rather not be that guy who does the whole "Well, exactly..." shtick whenever something off comes up.
I love how Twi basically made a simulation of the canon events from the end of Friendship Games to the literal end of the show to give her friends some semblance of a good life. All to make up for breaking two universes for the sake of obtaining knowledge.
Fascinating. I'd argue "Knowledge" would also be a very fitting prompt, but this is certainly an unorthodox approach to rule. Thank goodness for that angel on her shoulder acting as a grand vizier. And this is why you don't interrupt the magical girl's monologue. The mahou shoujo rules of engagement are there for a reason.
Thank you for an unflinching yet hopeful look at the end. Best of luck in the judging.
I'm in public I should not be crying right now
One thing I love about Sci-Twi is that we get to see her for the STEM genius we all know she would be. Not that pony fics don't have her being scientifically smart, but that usually takes a back seat to her knowledge of history and the arcane. Like, I wanna see Twilight explaining quantum physics and doing fun chemistry projects! So I really appreciated how they touched on those subjects here. And it's such an intriguing "what if" too! "What if Twilight Sparkle actually used pattern recognition to realize she was about to get hit with a massive attack and stopped it before that happened?" I feel like this story is a pretty believable guess as to what would happen after that.
I was pretty wary reading this. Wasn't sure how much feelz I wanted this morning. Definitely almost cried. Glad I read this!
On to the next part
Pffft, okay. "Set up expectations. Aaaaand crush them." Fine, author, fine.
Heh, I should have looked at the word count on the chapter list.
Anyway, I liked this! Thanks for writing it.
Did she break both here? I thought it was just her own?
Remember, the mirror portal lets one travel to two universes: The one with ponies and the one with Humans. They're mirrors of each other, but they are still different universes.
...Yes? But what did Twilight do to the one with ponies, here?
This line, for instance:
sounds to me like she didn't do much if any damage to it?
There's a sort of anxiety and dread I feel from reading this that no form of horrorfic or creepypasta can give me. It's just so tragic to think that this is the end of our beloved characters. The 'real' Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle have had their stories long since finished and there's no real way we can bring them back. Sure there's AI, fan animations, fan fiction, and even G5, but what will compare to the pleasant surprise that was G4 MLP and its lifespan?
It's crazy to think that after everything these heroes have done to win the day in their respective story, all end up having to face the final page, the final episode, the final curtain. It's somewhat surreal to see a character preform their final bow because fictional characters are static and unchanging once their story is over. Sure the actor might quit or a show might get cancelled, but it's not like the character themselves is aware why their world is ending and it's so soul crushing to see a world where they don't get to celebrate the fruits of their labor or run off into the sunset like how we imagined them after their story.
This story gives me existential dread in the best way possible.
This reminds me of the story Lyra Logs On, especially with that ending.
- MLP: FiM
- Sad
Welcome to Ponyville, Population One.Good Job!
So basically Twilight did what Strange Supreme did in What If, namely broke both her universe and Equestria, effectively creating an empty void where only she exists thanks to her power, effectively erasing everyone and everything from it, thus in order to try and keep herself sane she created simulations of her friends, essentially something similar to the Matrix to try and live something of a happy existence, all while knowing eventually it'll end and she'll be alone again, thus simply hitting restart and seeing how events play out.
It's tragic really as there's no way she can fix it and the simulations are akin to taking a hit of a drug, sure it'll make her feel better for a while, but the high will eventually wear off and she'll need another fix, to say nothing of the existential dread of knowing eventually the simulation will end, all the memories she's made are in some way meaningless and she's doomed to repeat the cycle forever.
It's a bitter pill to swallow. Suppose my only question is why end it here. Logically if she can keep it going as long as she wants, why not keep it going into adulthood or even old age, why end it there?
Still quite an impressive short story.
Honestly it's more tragic that Sunset and the Equestria Girls never got a truly satisfying ending. But on some level their story doesn't turly end as fanfiction and fanworks will keep them alive for many years to come. It's a sort of One Door Closes another One Opens kind of situation.
Oh, no, she's a Humean.
I'm really glad you told me you posted this! I came in without knowing what to expect, as you're, well, you. Anything could have happened. And while I'm sure anything you wrote would have been good, I get unreasonably excited over philosophy of mind. Very fun, very coherent, very crisis-motivating. All good things.
Genius! No seriously. Sunset was wide open and had no way to defend herself. Midnight did what every self-respecting villain should do when a hero is monologing. Zap them dead (or take back all the magic in Midnight's case and therefore make herself unstoppable).
I also find it kind of upsetting that we never got a serious series finale despite there being so many ideas for one: the EG girls graduating, how magic would continue to increase in the human world, Sunset meeting her human self, etc. Despite fanfics and artists giving these characters life, I hope that one day Hasbro dredges up this series to give it the finale it deserves.
But this story did a wonderful job of capturing the existential dread of these characters not really getting the 'ending' they need it, with a lonely and powerful Sci-Twi having to 'give' them one to cope with her own loneliness.
Really nice story and an interesting concept, with a bittersweet resolution. I liked the way both Twilight and Sunset were written here.
Technically, the holiday special isn't necessarily the ending of EQG. I believe the "Cheer You On" song came out after, and then there are those shorts that were released in other countries before it but weren't officially released in the US on YouTube until after (in those big compilations). Well, those are clearly just different versions of the story Twilight created.
I'm trying not to cry right now..
4 words that changed everything.
You can has review!
Very interesting.