Sugar Belle, Sweetie Belle, and Bon Bon don't know what's worse: the fact that their mail always gets mixed up or how annoying they find each other..
Inspired by Sweetie Belle's characterization in Forever Filly, my never-ending and passionate love of LyraBon in all its forms, the main plot device of The Break Up Break Down, and Sugar Belle's voice. RIP MarbleMac.
So close to that E rating, until that last section sent it over the line, ugh. I will get there one day...
I wonder how long it would take Bon Bon to realize that Derpy/Ditzy Doo aka Bright Eyes knows her real name
She's counting on it, and pretty much only orders things that are potentially weird or embarrassing through that name, which only makes her dread these exchanges more
This was pretty darn funny and enjoyable for three characters standing around and talking. You did a good job making the dialogue, characterizations, and inner monologues be engaging even though there was no real action of any kind. I enjoyed it!
Wow that was something lol but very interesting but Sweetie Belle sounds pretty smart in this story but anyway so they're just basically kind of complaining about the mail ponies for delivering the wrong package again this was a pretty interaction with these three ponies
I honestly found this funny. I really enjoyed the saddle bit at the end. Sweetie Belle knows more than she let's on.
I actually had something like that when I was in high school but it broke up when we split for college.
God damn, I don't know how I found myself reading this but I am glad I did. Good ole sweetie falling back on what she knows and chairs the meeting.
If you ever read Norris the pony's coffee this could turn into a series...
I had to pull up YT to hear sugars voice and boy you ain't wrong.
I see what you mean! It would be a good chance to see other ponies that have nothing in common but similar names interact. I definitely got a surprising amount of mileage out of what connections and possible conflicts there were.
To be fair, this all started because Big Mac addressed a package with a rebus. The issue here isn't Best Pony, it's either Ponyville's literacy rate or its familiarity with how post offices work. The best mailmare in the world can't help much when your letter's supposed to go to "The guy at the place. You'll know him when you see him."
That said, brilliant triangle of mutual scorn. Especially the background Rarijack drama and Sweetie lording her far greater experience in such matters over Sugar Belle. (Also, at this point, it's probably better if Bonbon picks up her own, ahem, props rather than have them delivered.) And I do love how Sweetie's still pursuing dramaturgy. Great stuff all around.
You start to get the idea that she's doing it on purpose because she assumes that they should hang out with one another.
In the description:
"they find each other.."
Was that supposed to be a period or an ellipsis?
Short but fun. :)
...Interesting. Why specifically order that sort of thing under that name, then?
In my headcanon there's both a super-legible mail addressing system that works identically to human postal systems, and a more small-town, illegible tradition using rebuses. It's common for small businesses to use both in order to enhance the more personal feel of their relationship with their mail catalog customers. That Best Pony ends up relying on the rebuses and making mistakes is just something the whole town loves her even more for.
But then she'd have to go all the way to Manehattan, and then she'd feel guilty for not visiting her dad in Bronclyn while she's there, but she can't visit him if she's only going up to Manehattan to pick up such things because that'd be kinda weird, and
I admit my headcanon characterization of Sweetie Belle kinda got flattened to "child prodigy dramaturge" due to that one line in Forever Filly, but that's the most interesting part of her character that doesn't use the word "Rarity" anyway
If she switches all her orders for personal things to the Bon Bon name, she loses her loyalty discounts! And she hoped she could intercept the package at the post office before it got on the last leg but it arrived earlier than she expected.
Or IDK, there's plenty of reasons you could make up on the spot just like that one
I reached the saddle part and I internally died of embarrassment
Bruh. It's "Apple Bloom". And you once invoked your canon cop badge on me! You'll definitely have your canon cop badge taken for this.
More seriously, this was a fun little comedic romp. I love how Lyra and Sugar Belle have this rivalry going on, while Sweetie is just happy to be there. (And possibly trying to get them to be friends.) I was dying laughing at the reveal of Lyra's package. Personal and private performance, indeed. Giggity. Also love your background RariJack, which I'm guessing makes this story canonical to your other ones. Can't have enough in-story continuity, IMO. It just makes things so fun!
Noooooo just two weeks away from canon cop retirement! It was an honest mistake, I was so young all the way back then in 2020!
And yeah, breaking-up-and-getting-back-together-with-the-intensity-of-a-spinning-neutron-star-RariJack is baked deep into my canon at this point. Which is a shame because I am a super huge fan of RariJack Daily, and in my mind all of those adorable little scenes are canonical. But sometimes in life even true love isn't enough...
(After all, canonical older AppleDash has to happen somehow.)
Compromise mark: when you don't know whether to go on.
Heh. :)
...Did I miss your reply here originally? Granted, it's been a while, and maybe I just forgot about it, but I really don't remember it. Hm. Maybe it was one of those times FIMFiction doesn't give a notification for some mysterious reason, but still, sorry about that, if I did miss it.
Anyway, thanks, though. :)
"Dude! We're getting the band back together!"
sweety is much better than them. it's a pity society doesn't make everyone understand this
Wow, that's funny and entertaining for three characters standing around talking. It's classy because you did a great job of making the dialogues, characterizations, and internal monologues engaging and interesting. I still wonder how long it takes Bon Bon to realize that Ditzy Doo knows his real name. I really love funny fan stories, but I've already reread them on the regular internet. So when I'm bored, I sometimes visit the Dark Web Portal at to keep up to date. I hope you will not abandon your creativity and please us more often.
That was a good story.
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