Randomly found a 4-years-old reading of my 7-years-old fanfic · 8:47pm Aug 22nd, 2020
(Coincidentally soon after I changed my username on fimfiction; it was "Grassy Tale" earlier.)
Totally unexpected. This was actually one of the lazier low-effort fics I did, but I'm glad that Agent0Fluffy liked it.
Details may come in a sequel… but it also involves one-eyed toads.
No problemo!
Btw, I wondered: how did the conference call look like from the POV of Twilight and Pinkie?
Did they use small crystal balls, or magic mirrors, or something else to communicate with human computers?
Did Twilight patent a MMtHCTP? XD
(Magic Mirror to Human Computer Transfer Protocol)
Thanks for the fave on The Conference Call!
...okay, that's enough sugar for today.
For Pinkie it would be an okay amount, but for me, I think I am getting diabetes now.