• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


With enough momentum, pigs fly just fine.


Nightmare Moon has been banished to the moon for a thousand years. However, while she may be imprisoned, she’s not entirely powerless. Bodily, she is grounded. But her essence can still wander, and she’s found that the dreamscape is a wonderful place to occupy her time.

Chapters (3)

This is a collection of short stories, incomplete ideas, cut content, and other riffraff unsuitable to stand on their own. More to come as I find old files and fresh cares to give.

Chapters (6)

The southernmost reaches of the world are quartered off by a grand desert. It wasn't always like this.

A writing exercise and homage to Lost Cities, by Cold in Gardez.

Chapters (1)

One day, a young colt found a briefcase. This colt’s name was Button Mash, the briefcase contained a big red button, and the world and all who inhabited it were cursed to damnation.

Chapters (2)

The Crystal Empire had returned after an eternity in limbo and with it, its dark king escaped his tomb of ice. Equestria sent its most capable ponies to defend and secure the Crystal Empire, they fought admirably, but they ultimately failed to safekeep the heart of the empire. The Dyads fell, King Sombra retained his throne, and darkness blemishes the northern skies once again.

Equestria is now in the midst of recuperating, preparing itself for a large-scale siege to take back the empire and free it from King Sombra’s influence. However, the dark king will not rest until Equestria is no longer a threat. He is not above doing whatever it takes to prevent Harmony from spreading into the Crystal Empire, and he has the perfect tool to carry out his whim.

A spiritual crossover with Star Wars, based on the cover image by NCMares. Written for Equestria Daily’s Friend-Off Revival. And for Halloween, I guess.

Chapters (5)

A strange, lonely creature that's always on the move drifts into a village one day. It wants nothing more than to find somewhere warm to settle, but such places are hard to come by. However, it is hopeful, despite all the dangers inherent to this village.

8th place winner in the Equestria Daily Outside Insight summer contest.

Chapters (1)

The first thing Time could remember was his brother, Disregard. Because Disregard couldn't remember anything before Time and Time had no recollection of what things were like before then, they came to the conclusion that Disregard must have been the oldest. They were both satisfied with this, and then they left to go and watch the world grow.

As things progressed, they became distanced, but they still try to keep in touch. Sometimes, they wonder what it'd be like if they weren't themselves.

Originally written for Obselescence's The Most Dangerous Game writing contest.

Chapters (1)

Derpy is delivering the mail when she encounters a small problem, and she's determined to figure out what it is.

Third place winner in the "One Little Mistake" minific write-off

Chapters (1)

Your mind has tricked you. You've allowed yourself to become a shadow of who you really are. In this monotonous world that's been shaped around you, the only thing you know for certain is nothing. You are failure incarnate, but there is hope. Listen to your heart, listen to my words, and I can help you learn the truths you've so blissfully ignored.

Chapters (1)

When I was little, I came to understand the true meaning about a particular trait of mine. I don’t like to talk about it much because I’m just not much of a talkative pony. Or, well, I’m not anymore, but that’s beside the point. It’s just something I find difficult to talk about, much less explain, because unlike what I see, it’s not all black and white. It’s not like anyone could truly understand my condition anyway.

Well, except for maybe her.

Chapters (1)