• Member Since 15th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 17th, 2022

Neon Czolgosz

"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts" - Barack Obama


Vamps · 10:30pm Jun 12th, 2018

If you guys like kinky vampire roleplay with delightful OCs, boy have I got a story for you:

Into That Darkness Peering

It's written by my lover, the vastly talented Cynewulf. Go check it out!

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Kitchen's Closed · 8:51pm Jun 8th, 2018

I cannot fucking deal with Anthony Bourdain dying before Henry Kissinger.

The only celebrity death to hit me even half this hard was Terry Pratchett. I don't even know where to fucking begin.

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A Visual Glossary of Brawlers, Part One · 10:07pm May 20th, 2018

I swear I'm not writing this just because some commenters said all the fight jargon was hard to follow, I'd actually planned to do this as a companion piece all along. Honest.

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Writing again, a bit · 10:15pm May 13th, 2018

They say it's better to burn out than it is to rust, but after a year of adapting to a 50 hour/week desk job and barely writing anything because of it, I say "Why not both?"

Do I still have fans on this site? I hope so, because I've got a new story out! It combines three of my passions: teenage dirtbags, mixed martial arts, and prescription stimulant misuse.

It's called Brawlers, read it here!


Scarlet's First Ever Story is Out! · 2:49am Sep 3rd, 2017

So, ScarletWeather, my future wife, is amazing. You all should know this.

For starters, she's my brain. If there has been a coherent arc in any of my stories, a well-crafted bit of characterization, an evil twist, welp, it was probably midwifed if not hatched entirely by Scarlet.

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New Story! · 10:51pm Apr 26th, 2017

So I haven't been around much for two and a bit months, ever since becoming suddenly not-unemployed. Life is still busy as all heck, but i'm slowly carving out more time for writing. I'm working on more of The Quiet Equestrian, but until then, enjoy some delicious humanized smut:

The Cutie Mark Crusaders Are Hot Guys And Diamond Tiara Is Thirsty As Hell

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How To Write Good Part One: Fred Clark's Holy Fury · 5:40pm Feb 5th, 2017

Hello everyone! Welcome to my new and unrequested series on learning about writing. I've blogged about bits of writing before, but here I want to go from the ground up and do something a little bit more comprehensive. I'm not writing a textbook with every aspect of storytelling covered one after another - hell, my own eyes glaze the fuck over when I see guides for newbie writers with headings and subheadings for 'plot' 'characters' 'villains' with a hundred points in alphabetical order, after

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Patreon Questions For My Wonderful Readers · 9:00pm Jan 20th, 2017

Okay so that announcement I mentioned a few days back is that I'm finally getting a gosh-danged patreon. Before I launch the whole thing I want to give you guys a rundown of what I'll be doing, what I plan to offer, and what my plans for expansion are.

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Big Squishy Ideas About The Writing Business · 8:50pm Jan 20th, 2017

First off, when I say the writing business, or simply 'the business,' I mean the actual business of writing stories and getting paid for it. I'm not talking about the bookselling business, the publishing business, the paper business, the wholesaler business or any of those businesses that perch up on high overlooking the scribblers down in the dirt. It doesn't matter if Bloomsday or Waterstones are making record profits if a skilled writer can't catch a break. When I say the writing business,

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One Fortnight Later · 4:40am Jan 18th, 2017

The next Quiet Equestrian chapter is ready, and being scanned by my crack editing team before I post it at 5pm EST tonight, for reals this time. Also I'm gonna have an IMPORTANT CHUCKFINLEY ANNOUNCEMENT coming out alongside it, so stay tuned for that!

Thanks for waiting with me,


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