Inconsistently making my favorite ponies miserable since 2011
home of rodeo applejack | official reins blog
Greetings World. You may call me Nyronus. I write stories, among other things. My hobbies include existential ennui, being Princess Luna, and Saving the World. Feel free to hit me up on Steam to chat!
PRONOUNCED: sem ee yawn || they/them || any character i ever write, ever, is 18+ unless explicitly stated otherwise
"Burninating the countryside... burninating the peasants... burninating all the peoples... and their thatched-roof COTTAGES! THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGES!! And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIGHT!!!"
All my favorite colors, my sisters and my brothers... Hate the sig? Report me. Bullies get ignored, no exceptions. You know who you are.
Author of the Commander Hurricane series (A Song of Storms), co-founder of the Price of Loyalty universe, and overall world building fanatic. Join my discord!
Names GMD, I make stories about horses meeting monkeys. Like Saiyan of All for instance. :D
A man who doesn't write half of his stories half as often as he should like, and writes less than half of them half as well as they deserve.
Struggling to edit and write, and starting to read.
There are only three real monsters: Dracula, Blackula, and Son of Kong.
Formerly Fimfiction Drama, and now under new management. Found juicy drama? Know of an event not yet covered? Let us know!
The sexiest man you've ever met.
Are you ready, kids? Also a thingy so my pizza funds don't run out anytime soon.
Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they
coffee. desk. beat on repeat. and then i bang my head against the keyboard a lot, like don music from the muppets.
Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”
Be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES! ~ Abraham Lincoln
Benman belongs to a class of bipedal ape notable for its use of tools and clothing, highly adept at symbolic communication such as language and art.
Applejack will always love you 'cos that's jes' how she is, sugarcube <3
2% of FimFiction read, only 98% to go! I've been gone for a long time, but still show up every now and then.
Hunter, fisher, father, son, husband, rescue Greyhound owner, and occasional fanfic writer.
How did you find your way here? Nobody here but us ghosts.