• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I'm not a pony, but I sure act like one.


Fluttershy gets more than she asked for when she visits the Library and hears moaning from behind the door. Concerned that Twilight may have developed a problem, Rarity and Rainbow Dash go and investigate.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, you just can't take the chance of telling somepony you care about her. A Twishy story, because there aren't enough of those.

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash is offered a high ranking weather position in Cloudsdale, she must choose whether or not to continue down the path of becoming a Wonderbolt, a possible outcome of accepting the job, or remain in Ponyville and risk letting her dreams slip away for good.

Characters will be added as the story progresses.

Chapters (2)

Immortality doesn't just mean losing every pony close to you. It also means watching the world crumble to dust.

Featured on Equestria Daily June 16th, 2012.

Chapters (1)

No matter how strong the bonds of friendship are, the events of life and the call of dreams can still pull friends apart. Only Twilight remains in Ponyville, and she wonders if she'll ever be able to be happy without her friends living in the same city.

Featured on Equestria Daily April 30, 2012.

Chapters (1)

Thrust into power after her miracle of raising the sun, Celestia deals with the luxuries and responsibilities of being a ruler. After she loses control of her power, resulting in a national tragedy, she begins to wonder just what it means to be a leader with no pony and nothing to answer to.

(Yay, not a story about immortality!)

Chapters (3)

"No matter how strong the bonds of friendship are, we still have our own dreams and goals that we must pursue. I pray that they never tear us apart."

A lot has changed in the 20 years since Twilight arrived in Ponyville. The town is now a small, bustling city, and each member of the mane six is busier than ever. As Twilight works in City Hall, she can't help but wonder when she'll be able to spend time with her friends again.

(Google Docs version: http://tinyurl.com/7co9nb4. Comments are enabled. The Google Docs version also has the original story, which I haven't yet connected to the new introduction I am working on.)

Chapters (2)

The mind is a fickle thing. It can act independent of rhyme or reason and make us feel emotions that have no business existing. In this story, an innocent thought creeps into Pinkie's head, causing her to doubt her self worth. She begins longing for so much more from life.

Chapters (4)

"There's no such thing as a purely happy memory of a lost pony; it will always be laced with a longing that shall never be fulfilled."

Princess Celestia is never seen without a kind, warm smile on her face. Yet, she's over a thousand years old...just over two thousand, to be exact. As an eternal, all powerful ruler, Celestia shows Twilight a secret room and prepares her to deal with inevitable loss. Afterall, as a powerful unicorn, Twilight will also outlive many ponies. She also shares many scenes from her life, to show her faithful pupil exactly what it's like to be her. But why, exactly?

(If you enjoy, please thumbs up and give some brief comments! I'm always looking to improve my writing :) Thanks!)

Chapters (6)