AKA Chrysalis vs The Rolled-up Newspaper of Harmony
AKA How To Unalone Yourself At Hearth’s Warming
Chrysalis has been inexplicably spared the wrath of Discord and the Princesses, although frankly, she'd really rather have preferred the stone! Now burdened with an awful, dreadful, wicked curse that... gah, fills her with love and joy any time she tries to think a vengeful thought! And worse! Now she's been roped into pretending to be Applejack of all ponies on some errand to the middle of nowhere with a filly named Diamond Tiara and some lovely wretched mare named Cherry Jubilee.
Not that she'll fail at all in this. Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.
Plus, it beats getting lost in the woods in winter.
Written for Camaleao for Jinglemas 2023!
Co-written with SoloBrony. Thanks for helping me out, man.