Greetings World. You may call me Nyronus. I write stories, among other things. My hobbies include existential ennui, being Princess Luna, and Saving the World. Feel free to hit me up on Steam to chat!
A proud member of Pony in a Box:
"I am a little pony, but somehow I am gonna pull this weight."
“And the greatest spell you’ll know is how the magic of friendship grows.”
Just your not so average changeling who attempts to write stories.
We writers do not speak. We do not hear. We have no songs. We have no pictures. We only have scripture. From words we bring images. From words we bring emotion. From words we bring life.
Convention Runner, Statistician, and lover of all things Soarburn
I've roasted a wealth of exotic things, All torn to ribbons at the hands of kings. Polished copper how I proudly shone, stealin' the fire of the blazing sun.
Writer, Reader, Teacher, Dad Joke-r, Shitposter
"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."
"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts" - Barack Obama
“Trixie hates to interrupt a good monologue,” said Trixie, interrupting a good monologue, “but maybe we should continue it somewhere not on fire?”
Hey all, I'm billymorph, a semi-professional writer, self-published author and full-time pony fan. If you enjoy my work, please support me on Patreon!
Horseword maintenance and installation specialist. Mareschizo extraordinaire.
TD writes and reviews pony fanfiction, and has a serious RariJack addiction. Send help and/or ponies.
I've moved on from Fimfiction. New works on AO3!
Somedays, I sit, looking at the stars. I muse and wonder. I meditate and reflect. And I find the miracle in a new day of life. Especially since I swallowed so much glass the day before.
Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”
I'm a writer of fluff, kibitzer, and especially interested in canon AU: Equestria Girls, the comics, etc. They are fun to play with.
Author and dramatic reader from YouTube. All your pony are belong to us.
All my favorite colors, my sisters and my brothers... Hate the sig? Report me. Bullies get ignored, no exceptions. You know who you are.
The Force is the Force, of course, of course, and no one can horse with the Force of course--that is of course unless the horse is the Jedi Master, Ed ("Stay away from the Dark Side, Willlburrrr...")!
Thanks, but please don't send me cash "tips." Instead, support this charity: The Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club.
Dubs Rewatcher once described me as "an intense literary analyst". I describe me as "a room of monkeys with typewriters."
When I said I was going to be a Brony for life, I meant it! That didn’t mean one year or two years it meant for life! Also, I'm pretty sociable, PM me if you wish to talk or have any queshtions.
has opinions about tiaras. And diadems. Not coronets, though. Man, those things aren't even trying.