A lovely lovely reading · 11:08am Apr 21st, 2024
Hi everyone, I'm appearing again to do some lovely promotion not just for myself but for an up-and-comer audiobook recorder.
Somedays, I sit, looking at the stars. I muse and wonder. I meditate and reflect. And I find the miracle in a new day of life. Especially since I swallowed so much glass the day before.
Hi everyone, I'm appearing again to do some lovely promotion not just for myself but for an up-and-comer audiobook recorder.
Hi, everyone.
I've had a lot of supporters over the years. I've also had a lot of detractors.
It's honestly been great, but I've kind of left the fandom for a long while now. Well, what have I been up to? I got a new job a couple years ago (around the time I left) so that's taken a lot of my time.
It's hard to say that this isn't a historical moment for the entire world, much less just the United States.
Now, I don't get political often. Anyone who knows me would know this. As far as I can, I tend to stay out of political talk, but there is something that I just can't hold my tongue on. I pray, no matter your affiliations, no matter your allegiances, please, allow me to express myself.
So I found a place online that does bespoke tea blends, and being a tea conner-saur, I done do liek them teas very much yeh.
So I decided to do an order, you know, just cuz why not.
But the site also allows you to name your blend of tea.
So clearly I had to.
Base: Green Tea
Botanical notes: Elderflower, Marigold
Herbal notes: Lemon balm, Peppermint
Spice note: Cinnamon
Fruit note: Yuzu Peel
You are now dead.
Annnnnd it's up! Well, it should be in a while, as I just hit the pooty poot button.