• Member Since 21st Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday


trying to see how many ways i can hurt applejack, apparently Ko-Fi | Pronouns


My Girlfriend Needs Help :( · 1:33am January 12th

Hey y'all, I know it's been a while since I've been active on here (and I do plan on coming back, don't worry). This is mostly due to being in my last year of college and dealing with burnout and insane schedules, but I've come back to ask for help on behalf of my girlfriend whom I love very much.

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300 Followers!!! · 4:45pm Jul 31st, 2023

Wow!!! I just hit 300 followers a few days ago, and I meant to make a blog post right when it happened but unfortunately, it happened while I was busy, so I couldn’t.

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Where Am I? (no im not dead) · 1:24pm Jan 30th, 2023

I swear, I’m not!

I know uploads have been scarce but you must believe me. I just don’t have time.

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JINGLEMASSSS!!! · 4:35am Nov 9th, 2022

The winds are blowing and a cold front is coming in. You look up and notice the sky is already transitioning into those ever-stunning shades of oranges and reds as the sun dips lower into the sky toward the horizon. A quick glance at your watch confirms what you were wondering; it’s not even five in the afternoon yet. Before you can continue to wonder about the early sunset, a single white flake lands on the tip of your nose and you smile. Ah, you think to yourself. It’s

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Im Making Some Changes · 1:22am Nov 1st, 2022


Yup, I’m making some changes. As in, changes to how I do things around here.

I’ve always tried my best to have a story a month, and I’ve only failed at this once. Or I guess, twice now.

There will be no October story. That’s not to say I haven’t written anything this month. I’ve written almost 17k words for Reins. But I wasn’t able to complete my story for this account. I was real close, too. I just ran out of time.

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The Fall of a Titan (aka i have a new longest story) · 6:57am Oct 16th, 2022

So, for anyone who likes to read cringe stories or laugh at Spitfire voices, you’d know that Under The Light of Dusk was for this whole time my longest story at 63,224 words. That’s a lot for me, I’ve never written that many words in one story, or even close to it. In fact, my second longest (or now third longest i guess) story is In Darkness, sitting at around one-third the length (go read it if you haven’t)! UTLOD is not a great story, but it’s still an important story to me because of that.

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an update that no one really asked for (a life blog) · 2:40am Sep 7th, 2022

Howdy y’all.

So I know nobody asked, but I figure I wanna say something somewhere, and this place doesn’t have a 140-character limit. Might as well put it here.

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okay so im a failure lol · 3:36am Jul 1st, 2022

sorry, something came up. no june story :(

but ill do two july stories to make up for it! i swear on that one, alright?

again, sorry. ill have the first story out first week of july. you can count on it!

applejackofalltrades :(

Report applejackofalltrades · 214 views ·

i swear to god i am not gonna let this streak end... (an update of sorts) · 9:28pm Jun 30th, 2022

I don't know if any of you have noticed (also hi I’m alive!) but since I joined FIMFic, I've been uploading at least one story a month without fail.

It is now the last day of the month and I have no story up. And on pride month?!?! how dare I!

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First Year of College DONE · 1:19pm Apr 24th, 2022

Howdy y’all!

Here to do a life update for anyone who may care. This, of course, will include updates on FimFic related stuff.

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