• Member Since 4th May, 2013
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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)


Base Ponicon Goal Has Been Reached: The 'Extra Time' Ko-Fi Drive Begins (runs through 1/31/25) · 2:26pm Last Tuesday

The Japan MLP community would like to welcome you to their convention.

Thought y'all might enjoy seeing that.

...I didn't really think I was going to be saying this.

When this started, I wouldn't have told you that I would be putting those words into a blog while it was still July...

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Write Glimmer Chapters, Destroy The World · 2:20pm Last Monday

To date, in July of 2024, I have composed, written, and published three new chapters for Glimmer. While the composition process can take days to months of making notes and mentally working out details during too-long predawn walks, the actual act of writing a chapter -- the physical typing -- requires six to fifteen hours. This is generally done in a single long burst. I start when I can, finish when everything I wanted

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From the Ponicon Ko-Fi drive essays: It's just a theory... an IDIOT Pokémon theory · 4:45pm 6 days ago

As with Galacon and Sicily last year, I've been posting intermittent Japan-related short essays in the chat server. Trying to maintain interest in the convention drive and hoping to bring in a few tips, especially when the base goal is so close. (How close? That'll be at the end of this blog, along with the Ko-Fi link itself.) They've been intermittent as opposed to the Sicily 'nightly' because it's a very, very long fundraising drive and I don't want to overwhelm. Even if we wrap base

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'About last night,' neighbors edition: Dispatches From The Edge Of A Ruined Life · 3:16pm July 16th

Before we start, I need to clear something up in a hurry: I am not in immediate trouble here. And I qualified with 'immediate' because there is a chance of long-term fallout: on the financial end, this starts from 'I need to get a wifi router installed' and ranges into 'I've got to move out of my apartment. Now.' But none of this has struck yet, and there's a chance it may not hit at all. There will be a Ko-Fi link at the end of this blog, in the name of the Ponicon drive. But that's it.

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When the measuring tape goes on the other cup · 3:28pm July 6th

There are ideas which I can't turn into stories. They're too short, not truly MLP-themed or, in the upcoming example, both -- while adding in 'utterly cruel'.

But there are those who have it coming.

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?You Pay?, I'll SUFFER III: Estee (Potentially) Takes On Morbius · 10:50am July 2nd

ETA: The target percentage increase was met. At 6 p.m. EDT on July 4th, we Morb.

The last time I made this sort of announcement, it was noted that I was apparently trying to slide into Tokyo on a trail of my own blood. This may not be a completely viable strategy. For starters, this moron would follow me in. Licking up the blood.

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Medical billing update: the first two emergency room bills are in · 6:28pm June 26th

...I know. I said 'first two'. So before we get to the numbers, I have to explain how this works.

Earlier today, I got a text message from not the emergency department, but University Radiology: an imaging service which does a lot of work in the state. I've dealt with them before, as my mother went through a lot of scans. And they were sending me a bill -- for $370.

...I haven't been in their offices for several years.

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Medical update: Hi, I'm Estee, And I'm An Idiot · 7:03pm June 19th

...well, if that title doesn't bring in some blog views...


Give me a few minutes. In terms of describing my own perceived stupidity, this is gonna be a rough one.

The urologist appointment was yesterday at 9:45 a.m. I got there Way Too Early. It's hard to gauge the distance-to-walking-speed factor, especially when I'm still physically recovering from a week without true meals.

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'About Saturday night...': personal medical update, financial status & the state of any potential June story postings · 9:47pm June 17th

This is going to be a very long blog, I think. It has a lot to cover. It's going to ramble -- I'll probably miss some things and if questions are posted in the comments, I'll answer what I can -- it'll have a lot of embedded guilt, and it contains nearly 100% of my worries about whether I can get through the rest of this month on the writing side. But I have to explain what happened, what's still to come, and... make sure everyone is okay with what might wind up taking place. In terms of

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Galacon charity donation help needed: is ANYONE going to Galacon this year? · 7:29pm June 17th

I know. This isn't what you were waiting to read about. I'm aware that I have to write a very long blog updating my medical situation today, and I'm going to do that next. But I didn't want this new problem to get lost in the shuffle or buried in the verbiage of the main post. So it's getting a separate entry.

Let me explain the situation.

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