This is a canon side-story to Sucker for a Cute Face.
When Fluttershy learns that her girlfriend is making poison in the basement, she hurries to intervene!
She never expected to discover that Adagio is a witch.
Written with both the permission and generous assistance of Eyeswirl the Weirded! Takes place some three months after the events of Sucker for a Cute Face. No knowledge of the story is necessary to enjoy this one.
Artwork commissioned from AmazingPuffhair. Check them out on DA!
This might be my favorite line in the story. Looking back, it feels like I spent about a fifth of SFaCF writing various ways to say 'Character was very embarrassed,' and this felt like I was re-reading a bunch of those lines at once.
I really like the character interactions here too; everyone plays off one another beautifully, and little things like Adagio assuring Fluttershy just before she leaves the room and Fluttershy helping Caffeine-Deprivation Zombie Aria with the coffee machine are really sweet.
This was adorable
I'm not keen enough on the style or pairing to read a whole lot of it, I think, but as a oneshot it was great fun. Would love to see you do more siren stories!
Your many methods of describing blushing was one of my favorite elements, so of course I had to try adding a few nods to it. Aside from that, I wanted to put a whole lot of little references in there. I’m quite pleased with how many I managed to squeeze in. I think my only disappointment is how little we got to see of Sonata here, but that’s okay.
Thanks! They’ve certainly grown on me. Maybe someday I will do more. It’s a shame I spent so long paying them so little attention.
I do think you've nailed the style that SFaCF was written in. This was delightful and hilarious.
Impeccable logic.
Fluttershy's internal dialogue was killing me.
I had no idea you could do comedy writing too Paul.
I could see Sonata doing this, but not Aria.
Aria would be far more likely to tease Fluttershy unrelentingly about the things that Adagio might do to her in bed.
Not as she’s depicted in the source material, Sucker for a Cute Face. In that Aria is perpetually embarassed by sexual topics while Adagio and Sonata relentlessly teased her about it. It was adorable.
Huh, I did try to read that one some time ago, but it didn't catch back then. I've meaning to to try again though. Fluttershy and Adagio make for an interesting couple.
Also you seem to have hinted at Rarity and Sonata being an item. Now that I would like to see personally. I am wondering just how Rarity would deal with Sonata's randomness and scatterbrained behavior.
*giggles internally*
Alas, the RarNata ship was only a sideplot of the original. We never got to see any details, although there was plenty of juicy gossip to tease both of them as the story went on.
This is wholly unsanitary and ungodly sexy. Why must you conflict me so?!
I believe that this picture says it all.
The title of this tale could also fit a story of Sweetie Belle being 'stewed' by Rarity as a silly punishment for Sweetie's bad cooking.
I thought of that, actually, which is one reason I considered other titles, but ultimately decided to stick with this one.
Because I wanted to?
Totes adorbs, this get my seal of approval, for all its worth.
And I agree, working with Eyeswirl on any stories was a joy and he will ne my first choice for a partner in crime. Not superheroics though, its not his style... Unless his powers make him fix the buildings I will accidebtally destroy.
My first thought was that Sun-Quill is the non-drowsy version of Moon-Quill, but that probably isn't what you were going for.
In any case, I don't ship it, but this was still some very enjoyable recursive fanfic, fluffier than Adagio's hair. Thank you for it.
Actually, that’s exactly what I was going for.
Also, there is no such thing as “I don’t ship it”. The ships are there, whether you see them or not. This is the intrinsic knowledge of all true Shippers.
Definitely a,worthy and fun addition to the canon <3
These DormaDazzlings sound perfect for a modern life
This has been in my to-read section for a few months and I'm glad I finally got to read it!
Fluffy as usual and I love it
I particularly like Eyeswirl's comment and agree wholeheartedly with JMP. I did have one mental note though that I just simply couldn't unthink:
Are we sure her face was the only place the fire could have been transferred to?
Not what you were expecting?
Actually yeah. Not what I was expecting. As usually, I rushed into a story without reading summary and tags, and was expecting maybe Adagio was turning Sweetie Belle into witch’s brew.
The author voice totally didn’t feel like yours. But it was mentioned in the author note you worked with the original author to make it so the author voice matches his on purpose. Interesting. I wonder if authors find it rather frightening if someone manages to mimic their author voice without any prior interaction.
The biggest thing I wasn’t expecting was the amount of sex (or implications of sex) written by you, Paul. Like, I was kinda a bit under the impression you would veer away from stories with sex in them unless you found out they had a good story to go with them to justify the sex. So I was like... whoa. I just get really surprised when people who seemingly don’t like sex too much write even a smidge about. This is coming from a guy who has prolly about half his favourites list as being smut. Like, if FanOfMostEverything were to write anything remotely smexual, I would be surprised. If PresentPerfect were to... actually, I know his smut writing account, so never mind.
So yeah. You wrote something rather sexual. It’s kind of a big thing for me. Expect me to possibly encourage you to do so more often 👍🏻
Also that thing where they’re both in the cauldron. That is fetish material right there. I dunno what kind of kink that is, but that is totally a kink
The truth of the matter is that I am a pervert. This isn't a secret, I've mentioned it before in blogs and the like, but I prefer not to bring it up unless it is brought up by someone else or happens to relate to the ongoing conversation. When you get down to brass tacks, I'm every bit as lewd as the next guy, if not more so.
Even so, I rarely see a story where sex and plot intertwine. The vast majority of stories involving sex exist purely as fap material, and that's not why I'm here. If I see a story that looks like it will relate to sex as part of an actual story, okay, I'm cool with it. In fact I'll be reviewing a story next week that will have a strong plot while being outright pornographic. I just don't want to fill my blog with stories that are nothing but sex for sex's sake.
I thoroughly enjoy sex-based and/or highly embarrassing humor. Sucker for a Cute Face wasn't built around sex, but it does have a ton of sexual and embarrassing humor (Fluttershy being an easy foil for Adagio in that regard), which is just one part of why I enjoy it so much. Ensuring that this story had a dose of that was neither odd nor awkward for me, only entertainment, and was also in keeping with certain elements of the original story. The only reason this kind of thing doesn't show up more often in my stories is because it's never a big part of the stories themselves.
Yay! Cauldron sex!