• Member Since 16th May, 2013
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Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"



This story is a sequel to Lessons in Generosity

A month ago, Scootaloo made the mistake of suggesting generosity was nothing more than looking rich and throwing things at less fortunate ponies. Rarity set her straight, and Scoots has a much better appreciation for the concept.

But when she asks Rainbow Dash about it, she's treated to a view of Rarity she didn't expect. Rarity's done thing in the past that don't mesh with the generous lifestyle she introduced Scootaloo to. Does that mean everything Rarity showed her was a lie? Is Rarity just a greedy, envious, corrupt fraud?

Scootaloo has to know more.

The Generosity Series
Chronological from Top to Bottom:
Lessons in Generosity
Study of Generosity
Friend of Generosity
Allure of Generosity
Heir of Generosity?
Triangle of Generosity

My second entry into and 2nd Place winner of the Barcast's Make Rarity Not Garbage contest.

I didn't intend to write a second entry for the contest, but after releasing the first I realized there were things missing. Lessons didn't explain what it is that I love about Rarity, and was flawed in terms of the needs of the contest. Study aims to expand upon what was established in the first story.

Cover art by ArtyPaints.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 31 )

:moustache::scootangel: How'd this happen?
:rainbowlaugh: Lame O's, you two look like the dragon twins!
:unsuresweetie::applecry: ?????
:raritycry: Rainbow Dash! I'll have you know that is my finest work!
:pinkiehappy: close....real close.
:moustache: Spiked!

What the hay? Did nopony have a positive outlook regarding that mare?

Well hay, you asked for lemon Skittles; are you surprised that nopony gave you cherry or grape?

But I do want to hear that story

Oh, this was seriously nice. I loved it. A simple yet poignant message. We are more than the sum of our faults. And why must you keep teasing a ScootaSpike story we'll never get you bastard!

Nicely done. :twilightsmile:

But you don’t wanna hear that story.


Oh I do, I really do:trollestia:

Very, very true. When you look for the worst in someone, how can you see the best?

I think this is a well done sequel to the original. Well done.

Once again Rarity has things set up just right that you think she didn't do anything at all.

I don't know why it's taken me so long to comment on this story. Or the previous story, for that matter.

I loved this story. I had some problems with the previous story, mostly with the fact that I didn't think that the show supported the idea of Rarity putting together a complicated scheme to help a bunch of people to some end. Of course, the "It Isn't the Mane Thing About You" episode came out just after you wrote that story, and it completely justifies your portrayal of Rarity. It can't be helped that my opinion of your story went up after that episode came out.

The interesting thing is that even if that episode hadn't come out, this sequel would still have improved my feelings about Lessons in Generosity. That's because this story pretty much lists every common problem people have with Rarity, and then goes on to show why those criticisms aren't necessarily correct. You basically pointed to the times that Rarity has looked her worst in the show, and explained why that still doesn't make her a bad pony. It perfectly accomplishes the goal of the "Make Rarity Not Garbage" contest. I might be biased, as I've always been a fan of Rarity, but this story would absolutely get my vote for that contest.


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So glad you enjoyed! But we'll just have to wait and see how it fares against the other contest entries.

... Okay, I do in fact want the 'Rarity totally punked Scoot and Spike into a date' story. It sounds like a treasure :scootangel:

As much a story about the importance of nuance and the dangers of sampling bias as it is a celebration of Rarity. Lovely stuff, and excellently voiced. Thank you for it, and best of luck in the judging.

That kid's got a future in journalism.

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I have some ideas...

I... I do want that story, actually.

I reviewed this story as part of Read It Later Reviews #82.

My review can be found here.

Don’t you dare smile.

To late.

Of course, it was about that time that Spike showed up to do Rarity a favor and saw me in that awesomestupid dress, and I got all embarrassed by it, and he just kept staring, and a much-too-happy Rarity with a I-totally-planned-this-and-I’m-not-even-remotely-sorry smile told us she had a dinner reservation but would have to cancel because of work and oh, why don’t we go instead, on her, but it was a nicer place and Spike needed a suit and she grabbed one that was suspiciously just within hoof's reach and…


For the record, I really like this first person story style you've been doing. It's really well done.

Another great story!:twilightsmile:
On to the next!:moustache:

“It sounds to me like you’ve been either misinterpreting the stories or, perhaps, been told all the wrong ones.”

Yeah, it was really good when a certain somepony finally went about 'setting the record straight'. Rarity is flawed, but so are the rest of the Mane 6. It doesn't mean she doesn't have her good points too. :raritywink:

Wow, this was really good.

Like with everyone else, I found this a notable improvement on its predecessor - even discounting how this filled the criteria of the contest it was written for much better then the first story, it just had a better through line and escalating structure of conflict, even if the tension wasn't high, given the reader already knows Rarity.
Doesn't rob it of much impact, though - I found the moment in the boutique where it all hit Scootaloo, and she apologised to an unknowing Rarity for her assumptions, quite moving, short as it was.

It really is hard to say much about one-shots sometimes (I have a terrible habit of lurking as it is), but I honestly find very little to fault here - it's a superbly effective tale of nuance and false assumptions from a few biased samples, woven through solid characterisations and an interesting narrator voice - which, incidentally, handles the 1st-person POV such that I often forgot it was not just tight 3rd-person POV. Nice humour woven around the recollection of various show moments.

If I had an issue, it wasn't one that thankfully intruded on the story much - the previous story's basis of Scootaloo's crush on Spike still just feels… there to push forward a story that otherwise is totally its own thing. And of course the sequel hints at the end of this one, though funny… they didn't quite agree with me. I dunno, I'm such a non-shipping person that I judge any of them purely on its own merit, and in these two stories, whenever that element comes up, it pauses the story's main thrust dead in its tracks. Maybe the next one-shot will delve into it in a way that betters these too.

Small thing in the end. I found this really solid, and I'm really glad I read it! It's inspiring, reminding us all just why Rarity is such an endearing and admirable character. Few better tributes possible to Fashion Horse, I say!

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This is easily my favorite of the Generosity series, with Allure being the second. Scootaloo might be Best Filly, but I honestly didn't expect to have this much fun writing from her perspective. And since the story was about Rarity, who I love oh-so much, it was the pretty much the perfect combo for my tastes.

But what I like most is how it all sort of... clicked. This is one of those stories that came together entirely on its own based on little but ideas spawned from its predecessor. Those are always the most fun to write.

Always great when a story just falls into place in the author's head and screams to be written, isn't it? Especially when the ideas just coalasce into a cohesive whole. Relatively stress-free, making for an experience that's as much to physically write as it is to read and recollect on later. I can absolutely see this being your favourite of the six. Despite having only read two of them myself, I'd be surprised - pleasantly - if something topped it.

Rarity truly is a special character. When I found the show I blitzed through the then-seven seasons in two months, so I can't pinpoint accurately the moment where her character clicked with me. But she is, in many ways, both the most consistently characterised and most consistently funny character of the Mane 7. Does this make her, objectively, Best Pony? My personal Applejack and Spike bias notwithstanding, probably!
Oh, Scootaloo is pretty great too. Obviously.

“Well, alright, but only because it amuses the apple juice outta me."

Okay, Applejack? Never use that term again

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...don't you know apple juice is inevitable around Rarity?

I'm so sorry, I couldn't help it.

Well, just consider the color of apple juice.

I'm not sorry at all. Stop looking at me like that.

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