
Conventions » Ciderfest's Scattered Pages Wrap-up! · 11:30pm Nov 25th, 2023

Aside from contests and invitations to do things, I believe all of us here in Fimfic should get to hear about awesome things created by our community of writers.

It was not so long ago that Vivid Syntax reached out to me about a project he was working on. I admit, he wasn't the first to ask (that dubious honor goes to Nyronus) for me to work with them on it, but this time it was a request to reach out to all of you to see if you wanted to participate in something new and daring.

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Report Wanderer D · 7,109 views ·

Conventions » Ponyville Ciderfest: Last Call for Writers, Editors, and Actors · 2:58am Jun 30th, 2023

Ponyville Ciderfest: Last Call for Writers, Editors, and Actors

The words are flowing at Ponyville Ciderfest! This year’s convention theme is all about writing, and we’re celebrating with a ton of amazing events, including an interactive storytelling experience!

We’ve already got over sixty active creators and one-hundred stories as part of this project. We’d love to include everyone, but since we need to start finalizing so we can move onto the next stage:

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Report Wanderer D · 11,935 views ·

Conventions » Twilight's Book Nook at Everfree Northwest! · 2:03pm Mar 12th, 2023

D This Is Not A Contest Blog, What Is Happening!?

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Report Wanderer D · 8,022 views ·

Conventions » Scribblefest 2018 Winner's announcement! · 8:19pm Apr 22nd, 2018

After much deliberation, reading, rereading, and judging we finally have our winners for the Everfree Northwest Scribblefest 2018!

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Report EverfreeNorthwest · 5,614 views ·

Conventions » Announcing EFNW Scribblefest 2017 Winners! · 2:45am Apr 20th, 2017

After much deliberation, reading, rereading, and judging we finally have our winners for the Everfree Northwest Scribblefest 2017!

I want to first congratulate all of you who submitted your hard written stories! We had a field of 36 contestants, and that’s amazing! Thank you so much for all your hard work that you do! Now, without further ado, our finalist and their respective categories!

Twilight Sparkle Award
Ebon Quill with “Slouching Towards Canterlot”

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Conventions » Everfree NW Scribblefest 2017! · 2:45am Feb 3rd, 2017

Everfree Northwest, Seattle's premier pony convention is known for having one of—if not the—strongest writing tracks in the MLP fandom. As part of that, we run an online writing contest (now called "Scribblefest") every year. Entry is open to everyone, whether or not you attend the convention.

Like last year, we’re giving out six special awards, each of which comes with a $20 Amazon gift code!

This year’s prompt is: Growing up wild and forever free


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Conventions » Everfree Northwest presents Scribblefest 2016! · 1:13am Feb 2nd, 2016

EDIT: Contest is now closed! Thank you to all the entrants. We'll begin judging tomorrow, and will soon list all the entries so you can read through them as well. Stay tuned!

Everfree Northwest presents Scribblefest 2016!

Art by Dark Flame

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Conventions » Pick the Community Choice Award for the EFNW 2015 Pre-Con Contest · 8:57pm Apr 4th, 2015

EDIT: Contest voting is now closed! Thank you all for participating and, hopefully, having a good time. Remember, if you haven't already, go leave comments and feedback for the stories you read. Authors love that sort of thing! We'll have an announcement of winners later this week.

Good day folks,

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Report EverfreeNorthwest · 5,428 views ·

Conventions » EFNW 2015 Pre-Con Contest, Everfree Northwest's Weekly fic Recommendations #26 · 7:20am Mar 2nd, 2015

Table of Contents
EFNW 2015 Pre-Con Contest
Everfree Northwest's Weekly fic Recommendations #26

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Report EverfreeNorthwest · 3,092 views ·

Conventions » G.M. Berrow at BABSCon, Everfree Northwest's Weekly fic Recommendations #20 · 1:42pm Jan 24th, 2015

Table of Contents
G.M. Berrow at BABSCon
Everfree Northwest's Weekly fic Recommendations #20

G.M. Berrow at BABSCon
Hit the Books With G.M. Berrow at BABSCon! "Can you get enough of the very best in pony-based literature? We thought not…’cuz neither can we! There’s a very good reason Hasbro chose the amazing G.M. Berrow to write the official My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic novels, and it’s because she’s just plain awesome.

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Report EverfreeNorthwest · 3,047 views ·