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Site Post » Everfree Northwest Fanfiction Spotlight #36 · 6:50pm Mar 11th, 2016

Fanfiction Spotlight #36
Published 3/5/16

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Report EverfreeNorthwest · 6,062 views · #EverfreeNW

EverfreeNW · 9:50am May 11th, 2017

Hello my friends, I feel that now would be a good time to let you know I will be heading to EverfreeNW this weekend.
But this year, I'm changing things up a bit, the previous 2 years I went, I went as Twilight Sparkle but now I will be going in a new cosplay.
And what's more my younger brother an father will be joining the fun.

So what am I cosplaying as you ask?

Well this year, I'm cosplaying as Jedi Master Sturider Thom from my Story: "Jedi Knight in Equestria"

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My apologies. I Was not able to get a chapter ready by everfree northwest · 9:30pm Aug 11th, 2023

I wasn't able to get it ready. I did say i would try but i just couldn't get it done.
I am here at EverfreeNW hiwever so if you would like to meet me i will be around the convention. I hope to meet a few people this year!


Site Post » Everfree NW Scribblefest 2017! · 2:45am Feb 3rd, 2017

Everfree Northwest, Seattle's premier pony convention is known for having one of—if not the—strongest writing tracks in the MLP fandom. As part of that, we run an online writing contest (now called "Scribblefest") every year. Entry is open to everyone, whether or not you attend the convention.

Like last year, we’re giving out six special awards, each of which comes with a $20 Amazon gift code!

This year’s prompt is: Growing up wild and forever free


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Everfree NW · 12:35pm May 13th, 2016

I realized this morning as I was getting ready for my flight that I never made the announcement here.

As I believe I've said in previous blog posts, I'll be attending Everfree NW this year, continuing the tradition as it were. I'm going to be appearing at several of the panels. Here's my full schedule of where you can find me at different times:

- Friday, 11:30 - 12:30
--- Writing Processes, Tips, and Tricks
- Friday, 12:45 - 1:45
--- Fanfiction Advice and Mixer
- Friday, 5:00 - 6:30

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I'm alive--come to my panel at Everfree Northwest 2022 · 12:55am Aug 7th, 2022

Heyo, I know it's been a while but I promise I'm alive and well :yay:

Come meet me at Everfree Northwest 2022! I will be running a (brand-new) writing workshop panel at EFNW! Add to your schedule or Pinkamena will get you <3 ~~! :pinkiecrazy:

How To Redeem Your Villain
Fri, Aug 26 12:45pm-1:45pm

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This Years Conventions and Scribblefest 2016 · 3:46pm Feb 24th, 2016

First, apologies for being quiet since the completion of Sunset Slayer. Work has been busy as well as tiring, and the muses of writing have been drifting around without settling on any one story for me.

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Going To Everfree NW this week · 4:53pm Aug 8th, 2021

Feels like an eternity since I've been to a con in person, so to say I'm excited for Everfree would be an understatement.

I'll be up there helping my friend vend at her table. You should totally check her stuff out, she has some awesome stuff:

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EverfreeNW! · 11:11pm Jun 21st, 2021

Hey, y'all!

In case you didn't know, EverfreeNW 2021 is officially on. I bring this up now because I shall be attending! I wanted to use this as a kind of feeler to see if anyone would be interested in doing a little meet and greet with their friendly neighborhood author, Azure Notion.

So, if any of you are interested, I'll figure out a time and place so you can drop by and say hello!

Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results