EFNW · 7:44pm May 18th, 2018
I am here, love to meet fellow writers and/or readers. Just look for the big bear of a guy with a black Stetson and a long gotee. Feel free to say hi.
I am here, love to meet fellow writers and/or readers. Just look for the big bear of a guy with a black Stetson and a long gotee. Feel free to say hi.
Welcome to Fire Con
By Bryan Chandler/Super Trampoline
Welcome to fire con
Who knows what's going on
We're all standing outside
Hope that no one has died
Probably a false alarm
Probably no concrete harm
Just lots of wasted time
And this new song of mine
Shout out to Massimo for the lent ukulele
Shout-out to some prankster for shutting down everfree
Shout out to the fire fighters for their quick arrival
Shout out to the staff for ensuring our survival
I'm headed to Everfree Northwest tomorrow morning! I'm so excited to meet everyone who'll be there!
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
Not while I'm flying to Seattle, 'cause I think that would cause some very significant flight delays, not to mention other issues.
Hey all, this is rather last minute, I know, but I got a last minute invite to EFNW this year. Signed copies of Through the Well of Pirene will be available at the book store, and I'll be available for signings or just to chat throughout the convention.
Date: Sunday, May 19 2019
I went to the con on Saturday by light rail. I read math books and arrived for the P@D panel.
In addition to prepping for the panel I'll be joining at the con, the EFNW writing track staff has asked me to contribute a few recommendations for their weekly Fanfic Spotlight posts. (Here's my first recommendation post for them. A great story too, so check it out)
I mean, y'all know that already; I've blogged about it a few times here and there. But in case you just signed on, I'll be at EFNW again this year. Should get there around 8pm Seattle time tonight.
It's true! See?
I'm super honored to have been asked to help with this year's writing contest, SCRIPTfest. At EFNW this year, I helped judge the contest, and I'll work with the winner (FIM Fiction's very own Aquaman) to revise it for reading at the convention. Aquaman wrote a fantastic script, and I can't wait for y'all to see it!
After several busses and trains from Portland, I am in the hotel! My priorities:
1. Use restroom
2. Find business center and print out rest of SoCal Ponytones sheet music since I ran out of ink and time at my Aunt’s house this morning.
3. Try to walk onto staff like I did 2 years ago
4. Start working with Ponytones on parts.
5. Hang out with all y’all!
As always, I’m short and fat and I’ll be wearing a hawaiian shirt, leis, and a Pirate hat. You can reach me at (714) 496-3119.
I'm going to EFNW!
So, yeah... it's been forever, huh? I haven't even finished Clear Skies yet! Well, a quick summary of what's going on.
In the last few weeks, enormous things are going down at my workplace and it's been a total mess. Taken a lot of spoons to handle that. And frankly... the story just slipped my mind. I hope I can get back to the final two chapters the week after next.
Today’s date was 18th May, 2019.
Friday (Yesterday):
I need to log this event in text so I can go back anytime I want.
I skipped classes on Friday (Yesterday), the description for CSE 163’s Friday’s lecture is TBD, I thought it is “TO Be Determined” but it’s not.
I took the bus and light rail. I read my math textbook on light rail, brief read, I just went through the definition of Omega Limit, the book is: <Evolutionary Games Population Dynamics by Karl Sigmund>.
As I typed this, I was several thousand feet above the ground. Please excuse ay missed typos.
First, let me make one thing abundantly clear: I hate traveling. It’s inconvenient, full of all sorts of things that I don’t particularly care for, and horribly expensive.
Everfree Northwest 2021 had approximately 1/6th the attendance of Bronycon 2019.
Thank goodness.
I actually felt like I could breathe at this con (albeit through a mask). I had enough time to spend with people, and by the last day, while I was sad to say goodbye, I felt content with what I had achieved in these 4 magical days. I definitely prefer this low-key atmosphere to the frenetic energy of the Last Bronycon.
*Edit: Looks like I have more than enough folks to help, and that's awesome! Thanks to everyone who sent me a PM!
Good evening, folks! Sorry for the radio silence lately. Just been very busy with real life stuff. BUT, I did manage to crank out a new story - for the EFNW convention's writing contest in fact!
Of course, despite my best laid plans, a fresh idea struck me at the 11th hour, and I've just completed the draft in the last hour or so.
Haven't made a big deal of this since I'm not vending or paneling this year, so there's no guaranteed point of contact, but I'm heading out shortly for Seattle to do EFNW's big 10 anniversary. Hope to see some of you there!
A complicated family health tangle has made it the best decision to cancel my plans to attend EFNW this year. Wish I could go as originally planned. Have extra fun on my behalf.