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( ͡❛ ⏥ ͡❛) Dude Not Cool That's My Keyboard! (۶ૈ ᵒ̌ Дᵒ̌)۶ૈ=͟͟͞͞ ⌨BUCKING HORSE APPLES! <(' .' )>O-Dang He Mad (ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ彡( \o°o)\?!
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I'll check it out later once it's Morning 🌄
yo remember the FLight to equestria story? chapter 3 is now done
Nay you Good, I just got confuse what's going on.
As someone who does Volunteer Work and using my own Money to feed the kids and teaching them English.
[Yes, I don't get Paid. I'm doing it for Free. The Children are Thai, Working at Thailand. Time Difference ⏲️ also with bad Sleeping Habits.]
"Life" just love ❤️ to Mess with us, kinda the reason why I haven't Updated my Fics as well.
But it seems you had the Worse Situation to be in, good luck saving your Life Hood and Dealing with Reality and Assholes.
I was hoping to get a Job in the Future so I can actually get paid, Like Real --->Money<---, But NOPE! gotta take care of my Family First and it seems I will never get a Paying Job in the future.
OK I'll Stop Typing Know, since I'm Ranting to much, have a Nice Morning 🌄 over there on whatever Country you are from.
It is still on going. I have just been rather busy with life. You finish your undergrad degree, get scammed for thousands of dollars, fight with your bank to get that money back, and start a new job and let's see how often you update your fics. Life has been hard this year. I am still working on all my stuff, just dealing with my priorities first. I am not trying to be rude, I understand by inactivity with updates could lead to that conclusion. I just want people to understand that my life priority over these fanfics I am working on in my free time (I received a comment or two calling me out for the gap in updates which is why this might seem a bit more harsh than I am intending it to be).
It's not?