• Member Since 15th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Hello, my name is Sam, I'm 19 and I live in the United Kingdom. I've finished College and trying to find a job so please respected if I can't keep track with my stories.

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  • 127 weeks
    I feel like no one likes my stories because it's not what they want.

    Greetings everyone, I'm writing this because I feel like you'll don't really care about the hard work I put into making my stories. Like I have plans for my stories that I feel like are great, but then I get so many dislikes, before the story can get off the ground. But then you'll rather read my Pokemon crossover stories because its something you'll prefer, rather than read something with action, like Ultraman Scorn, or Cyber Agents, you'll rather read Twilight catch pokemon. It's like I write

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    8 comments · 396 views
  • 148 weeks
    The lack of Chapters

    Hi Friends,

    The reason I've not been uploading anything in a while, is because I'm back at College. When I come home from College, I don't have the mental energy to type any chapters as I feel so tired. So I'll be putting all my stories on pause, but don't worry, I'll try to put up new chapters for them when I can.

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  • 208 weeks
    Me in my stories

    Let me make one thing clear.

    Every time I make a story where I appear in, they're based on myself but they aren't me. For example Ultraman Sam Sam is one version of me (as a teen) while Sam in his new home in Equestria is another version of me (as a child).

    Future stories will involve me in other ways too like another adoption story of me getting adopted by Sunset Shimmer however I'll actually be my Fnaf World OC you've seen in my His new home in Equestria poster.

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    0 comments · 359 views

I feel like no one likes my stories because it's not what they want. · 10:07pm Feb 18th, 2022

Greetings everyone, I'm writing this because I feel like you'll don't really care about the hard work I put into making my stories. Like I have plans for my stories that I feel like are great, but then I get so many dislikes, before the story can get off the ground. But then you'll rather read my Pokemon crossover stories because its something you'll prefer, rather than read something with action, like Ultraman Scorn, or Cyber Agents, you'll rather read Twilight catch pokemon. It's like I write

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Report SuperSamYoshi · 396 views ·
Comments ( 3111 )
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*sighs and raises arms in defense* You know what, I'm not gonna argue anymore.

When did arguments ever get anywhere in life. It didn't work for me in real life, so I'm not gonna argue anymore. Therefore I wash my hands from this and move on.

Comment posted by Postwarmonkey50 deleted Aug 18th, 2023

No, it had nothing to do with his opinion. It was him making an absolute statement that everyone hated Rainbow during the second film which is objectively false since I don't. He's the one who doesn't seem to be able to handle other's opinions since he acted like people who disagree with him on that don't exist.

Now to address your nonsense, you disingenuous jerk.

But the moment when he read my "Shine like the Day and Night" story, he insulted every chapter I wrote.

Nope, I never even commented on every chapter. Those I didn't had any issues were chapters I liked. Thanks for lying about me to someone else.

When one reads a chapter, then they should comment, instead he only read one paragraph and he insulted it.

Nope. I do read through every chapter before posting my comments. I don't just read one paragraph like you claim. My comments had me quoting several paragraphs with my thoughts. You know this. I know you think you can lie about it and change history just because I removed the comments preventing me from proving it. Stop lying and rewriting history to suit your purpose, you disingenuous jerk.

I would've finished half a year ago if he didn't constantly criticized and insulted my story and made me redo them.

I am sorry for my super brainwashing mind control, or me magically reaching through my computer to point a gun at your head to force you to do that, or whatever nonsense way you think I forced you. You made that decision on your own! Hell, I was even kind enough to offer an out twice by asking if you are ok with it. You assured me you were ok with it. I still have the pms to prove it. Take accountability for your poor decisions and learn to man up about how you really feel, you big baby, instead of blaming them on others.

And like i'd take advice from a guy who writes harem stories that's already been done to death.

Stories you admitted you liked at the beginning of this rant. If you are going to be disingenuous at least not have proof of you being so in your own comment. If you liked my stories that are done to death as you put it and think they are a reason not to take me seriously for advice, what does that say about your tastes of stories. Nice self own buddy.

oh you don't know the half what you said

Quite the combination of baddies.

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