• Member Since 31st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 14th, 2015

Door Matt

Who's up for a nice game of Cards? Anyone?


Door Matt's Marvellous Mad May of Madness Month · 9:42pm Apr 22nd, 2015

Evenin' all.

I haven't been jolly active as of late (for a variety of reasons) and I plan to change that in a rather big way. Mostly because I feel slightly guilty that everyone who took the time to follow me is getting diddly squat to show for it.

So then, what's the plan? Introducing: Door Matt's Marvellous Mad May of Madness Month.

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RIP Sir Terry Pratchett · 10:47pm Mar 12th, 2015

I suppose we all knew it was coming...but it's still a kick to the gut.
In my life there's only been one author's style that I've ever truly tried to ape, and it was Terry's. I'll take his passing as a call for me to catch up on his works that I missed, including the majority of Discworld.

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The Most Dangerous Fifteen - And I Am One · 9:40pm Feb 12th, 2015

Hands up if you remember the More Most Dangerous Contest contest that ran about a month ago. None of you? Oh.

Well it got over 90 entries in the end - 19 of which were dedicated to My Little Dashie - and Obs and his cronies judges have whittled those down to fifteen lucky finalists.

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More Most Dangerous Game · 9:50pm Jan 22nd, 2015


I don't know why exactly, but I've always felt more compelled to write for contests than for solitary stories. Whatever the reason, I've had a blast taking part in the latest Writeoffs, and then this thing rolls around.

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Happy Birthmas to Me · 11:06pm Dec 23rd, 2014

Yes, I'm one of those lucky souls who has a late December birthday. Thanks parents!
And I had to work today, the first time I've done so on a birthday before. Thanks boss!
With that, Christmas preparations, internet shortages (love those) and other miscellaneous goings on in the real world, I've had practically no time for horse words. Thanks Obama!

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This Holiday Season · 7:36pm Dec 1st, 2014

Well I've just come back from a rather manic Cyber Monday buying session, and now I feel like updating you random few who read this to what's happening over the next few weeks.

First up - and probably what most of you are waiting on - Cards Against Equiniti II. I gave it a couple weeks for the commotion to die down, and now that it has, this should be appearing by the end of the week! How exciting! It'll be a (Christmas) cracker.

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Wha Teh Fuuuuuhhh? · 3:50pm Nov 20th, 2014

Sooo.....alot has been happening this past week, and those are just three of many, many examples of the effect CAE has had on FimFic.

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Revengence · 11:01pm Nov 15th, 2014


Or rather that cover art has just happened. I haven't written a single actual word yet, but I'll get started next week and see if I can't finish it by the weekend. Probably going to be a long-ish one-shot, just shorter than the first CAE.

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"Cards" Debrief and What's Next · 10:53pm Nov 12th, 2014

Originally I was going to write this when Cards Against Equiniti finally gets dumped out of the feature box, but even after two days of it being finished, it's still there in 4th place. And still I'm getting notifications about it being added to a bookshelf every minute or so. So who the fark knows when it'll die down.

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Door Matt vs The Feature Box #1 · 12:39am Nov 12th, 2014

Well I promised it, and here it is. Door Matt’s first batch of Feature Box Reflections™. Patent pending.

Yes, even though I have a full-time job, a fic or two to update, and a bulging Read Later list, I figured I may as well kill off all remaining free time I have by taking an all too close look at the fics currently stinking up FimFic’s glorious homepage, since as mentioned in my previous post, the two usual authors doing this are taking a break / injured.

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